Statement Of Faith
The Alpha-Omega Report
Doctrinal Statement
There is a God, who created the universe, earth and the human race.
The Creator-God has communicated in writing with the human race in a series of communiqués, which are now referred to as the Bible. This communication is without error in its content as to conveying the exact meaning of the mind of God. It conveys exactly and precisely what He meant for all of humanity to know. There is no other Divine communication in writing available to humanity other than the Bible. While God also has in the past related to humanity through the special office of "prophet," this office was done away with after the canon of the scriptures were completed, and thus fulfilling First Corinthians 13:8. Today, there is no "office" of prophet and there are NO prophets of God receiving extra-biblical revelations of prophecy. God does speak to us individually through the Holy Spirit as well as His written word but He has no individual(s) to whom He has given extra-biblical prophecies pertaining to the future that are applicable to the whole church for purposes of instituting new doctrines or for purposes of further prophetic revelation. The entire written Word of God is sufficient and complete. We need nothing else but to understand it alone. He has already given to us in writing everything that the Church needs to know about the future. Now we must "rely" (faith) on what was written and rely upon His Grace.
The Creator-God is eternal and is triune… One God but in three persons… God, the Father…Son…Holy Spirit…one God.
The Creator-God is:
1. Absolute Purity/Righteous/Without imperfection
and cannot act in any way but a purely perfect way.
2. Holy, and cannot associate with Unholy- i.e. imperfection
3. Omniscient (all knowing)
4. Omnipotent (all powerful)
5. Omnipresent (transcendent over time and space)
6. Love
7. Just, completely devoted to Perfect Justice.
The Creator-God who became God-man is full deity and is one God…in the 2nd person of the Godhead of one God. The God-man is known as Jesus Christ… Yeshua ha Meschiach, who being all God and all man became such at a special Divine conception and virgin birth. The God-Man known as Jesus Christ lived a perfect, pure, sinless life. He voluntarily became a substitute sacrifice for any human being willing to accept His actions as a free gift. There can be no strings attached to this gift. As with any free gift, it must be accepted in order to take possession of the gift. This is true of the action of Jesus Christ. He voluntarily died on a cross as a substitute for any and all personal sins. His death resulted in the removal of sins for all that rely on His actions for their behalf. His Resurrection from death is the signal to us that God was satisfied with the process and accepted it and has marked the account of any person who relies on the action… marks the account as paid in full…and the Resurrection affirms that. This Jesus Christ, God-Man returned to the Godhead 40 days after his death and resurrection. He sits at the right part of the throne and will return to claim planet Earth as his rightful kingdom and will establish a 1,000 year monarchical reign from Jerusalem after rescuing Israel, and after having removed the Assembly of Believers and transforming them into pure, perfect righteous beings who are now… adopted as Sons of God.
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the triune Godhead. He is that part of God that interacts and indwells in those who rely on God to have resolved the separation problems between God and man.
Humanity is flawed, imperfect, and incapable of pleasing or satisfying the Creator-God of the Universe. Humanity can do nothing to 'earn' favor with God and can do nothing to please God apart from accepting the terms of Salvation by faith alone apart from any human efforts either at the time of salvation or anytime thereafter. Humanity in its current state has been condemned to eternal separation.
The only means of rectifying the imperfections of a human being with God is through the substitutionary atoning work of God-Man’s cross-work death and resurrection, which is enabled when man relies on this action as a free gift. This process involves a once and for all action as stated in the letter to the Ephesians, chapter 2, and verse 8…"for by grace are you (forever being continually) saved through faith (reliance) and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, Verse 9… Not of works (efforts on your part)…otherwise anyone could boast."
The entire salvation process is through the actions and work of the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, alone and not by any human effort. A human being can do nothing to please God, apart from the reliance upon God’s actions and promises to act. This then, rules out church membership, water-baptism actions, communion, or any other physical human activity (as wonderful as they may be). No human action removes or solves the sin barrier problem nor does human activity maintain a standing with God. Maintenance of a relationship with God still as always rests solely with the cross-work of Jesus Christ.
The believer is commanded to "grow in grace." This means to study the written scriptures and to know and become like Christ or to "have his mind." (Philippians 2:5) This does not mean that a believer will no longer sin prior to receiving a resurrection body. It does mean that the believer needs to learn Godlike behavior and become as accustomed as possibly to acting in a Godlike manner, not for purposes of pleasing God, but become as prepared as possible for future assignments in the Heavenly realms after the rapture or resurrection.