In Search of Gog- Magog - Part 2 Iran's Prophetic Rise To Power
In Search of Gog-Magog
Part 2
Iran's Prophetic Rise To Power
Now Coming Into Fulfillment?
By R.A. Coombes
The major mainstream news media outlets have for the most part, totally overlooked the most important news developments of the past couple of months, namely the linkage between Iran and North Korea in nuclear warhead and delivery capability development. There have been various reports since late July and early August of 2003 linking Iran and North Korea as virtual 'teammates' in a joint effort to expand their nuclear programs and reach the ultimate payoff, development and production of their own nuclear warheads.
Remember President Bush's famous speech in which he coined the phrase "Axis of Evil" and applied it to Iraq, Iran and North Korea? Bush went on to conquer the Babylon equation of that triumvirate leaving the other two triplets to ponder future American moves against themselves. The two remaining "evil regimes" have not been sitting on their hands but your media coverage's lack of focus leads America and the world to think nothing much else is going on.
So what is happening with the other two-thirds of the "Axis of Evil" now that its third partner in the triumvirate is under US occupation? North Korea and Iran are cooperating in a multitude of ways to develop a nuclear capability that will deter the U.S. from going to war with either nation for fear of unleashing a costly and unacceptably costly nuclear retaliation. Not only are these two nations looking to develop the nuclear warheads but the means to deliver them at various places on earth. At the moment, Iran is on the verge of having a missile capable of reach most of Europe and much of Russia as well as Israel and most of Africa. Iran's next step would be ICBM capability that would reach all of the world including every inch of the United States. Such an ICBM capability is not expected to be possible for Iran or North Korea for at least several years.
Now this becomes significant prophetically because Jeremiah 51: 27-28 which states:
"Lift up a signal in the land (gevlai shel meschiach = banner of Messiah) Blow a trumpet amongst the nations (another Messianic timing reference) Consecrate the nations against her, Summon against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz Appoint a marshal against her, Bring up the horses like bristly locusts Consecrate the nations against her, The kings of the Medes, Their governors and all their prefects and every land of their dominion.
Now that passage is a part of the overall description by Jeremiah of the judgment on Mystery Babylon. Of course, chapters 50 and 51 deal with this judgment but until recently it seemed that the texts were describing only the devastation upon Babylon. However, upon closer inspection of the two chapters we find that the chapters have "shifting" contexts. While the overall context is about Babylon's destruction, we do find that there are sub-contexts running in and out of the main focused thread. Those sub-contexts are all centered on Israel. Some of the violent descriptions given then are actually grammatically linked contextually not to Babylon per se, but rather to Israel and destruction that befalls her also at the same time Babylon is being judged? Why? Because of Babylon's treacherous betrayal. Note that Babylon is or was a friend of Israel before an abrupt betrayal.
The insertion of 4 named antagonists comes at a contextual point referencing Israel. In fact, the insertion point strongly suggests that these 4 kingdoms (or nations or the areas now encompassed by what were once 4 kingdoms) are attacking and creating the destruction upon Israel so that we're not just reading about the Babylon destruction.
This means that Jeremiah 51:27-28 is describing an area of what was then 4 kingdoms (around the Caspian Sea region) that will in the future attack either Israel or Babylon. Now what is interesting is that the region mentioned encompasses the following nations. Iraq, Iran, portions of Turkey and possibly portions of Afghanistan or the old Soviet Union republics.
Now interestingly enough, if these 4 kingdoms mentioned include what is now Iraq, then how can Iraq be invading and conquering Mystery Babylon if Iraq is already Mystery Babylon?
The primary kingdom in this group though is Iran, or the Medes plus of course the three other kingdoms. Keep in mind that the Medes territory even in ancient times included a huge chunk of what is now modern-day Iraq, long before the Medes ever conquered Babylon.
What we know is this:
North Korea is reportedly involved in talks to share long range missiles with Iran. Such new missiles could threaten most of Europe with a 3,700 mile range. The two nations are also reportedly planning to work together to create nuclear warheads for those missiles.
According to the plan, North Korea will export Taepodong missile components to be assembled in Iran and will send missile experts to pass on technical knowledge. Both nations will combine scientific teams to develop a joint nuclear warhead for the missiles.
Meanwhile with all of this going on the world has had its attention diverted from developments in the Middle East involving Iran and its nuclear partner, North Korea. Recent diversions include a heat-wave in Europe and the electricity grid in North America. Hurricane Isabel, Iraq and many more unrelated issues. Those diversions however do not diminish the serious situation developing in Iran with its ongoing nuclear weapons program.
Iran insists that it is not developing nuclear weapons but new facts are continually emerging which indicate that Iran is indeed moving fast to develop nuclear weapons that can be delivered by long-range missiles. Iran wants to have the capability to visit nuclear devastation upon Israel as well as much of Europe, parts of Asia and virtually all of the Middle East.
No doubt, if allowed, Iran will also seek to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States. If Iran should acquire ICBMs capable of reaching America with nuclear warheads, then it is possible that Iran might well be able to fulfill the Babylon prophecies of Isaiah 13:17 and Jeremiah 51:27-28. Those verses mention a wide area of what is now Iran as well as portions of Iraq and also other areas near the Caspian Sea which might also inflict damage upon Mystery Babylon's homeland.
The Jeremiah chapter 51 description of destruction, I believe pertains to those 4 nations listed as doing damage to Babylon's military stationed in that region and perhaps in or around Israel functioning as a protective barrier for Israel. We do note that the passage indicates that Babylon commits some kind of treachery leaving Israel to receive damage apparently from those 4 nations in some sort of war, perhaps as part of the Gog-Magog War as described in Ezekiel 38, 39. We're not certain of this aspect, but we remain open to such a possibility. Therefore we view these developments with Iran's nuclear program as very significant, prophetically.
Let's review the latest Iranian nuclear developments that we here at A-O have been made aware of by recent intelligence reports circulating around the internet.
North Korea & Iran Team Up As Nuclear Twins?
North Korea is reportedly involved in talks to share long range missiles with Iran. Such new missiles could threaten most of Europe with a 3,700 mile range. The two nations are also reportedly planning to work together to create nuclear war-heads for those missiles.
According to the plan, North Korea will export Taepodong missile components to be assembled in Iran and will send missile experts to pass on technical knowledge. Both nations will combine scientific teams to develop a joint nuclear warhead capable of being used on missiles for both nations interchangeably.
We've seen such reports coming from various sources including here, here and more here.
There are other reports providing further linkage between the two nations and other shadowy groups (such as Al Qaeda) including this story from a San Francisco paper. This story raises the specter of Iran and North Korea supplying nuclear materials, technology as well as other high technology to terrorists around the world. Click here to read that story.
Further late reports indicate North Korea’s missile export program threat grows even greater now. See the link here.
New Estimates Say Iran Goes Nuclear by 2005
There are sources in the IAEA indicating that Iran will be able to make a nuclear bomb by 2005. Click here for that report.
A confidential French government report in May that concluded Iran is "surprisingly close to having enriched uranium or plutonium for a bomb." The paper said the French report warned other governments to exercise "the most serious vigilance in their exports to Iran and Iranian front companies."
One newspaper report also indicated that Iran has concealed several weapons research laboratories and evidence of their past activities from UN inspectors.
Such as this one pictured above.
There are reports now indicating that Iran has been found to have weapons-grade uranium at one of its nuclear facilities. See this link to Fox news for that report.,2933,95705,00.html
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections and economic sanctions have tried to rein in Iran's weapons program. Clearly it hasn't been enough. Knowledgeable observers say a bomb may be only two to three years away for Iran.
The Israelis also reportedly believe this assessment also:
There have been some "intel" reports suggesting that President Bush and Ariel Sharon have had some recent and extended discussions over this very assessment and debates over how to react to such developments. Israel wants Iran's capability destroyed before final acquisition. Bush's team is a bit hesitant to bite off more than it can chew considering its involvement already with Iraq and Afghanistan and a possible shooting war on the Korean Peninsula. The U.S. seems to be pondering things a bit longer than the Israeli leadership would like.
Okay, so Iran is working on a nuclear weapon. How is it going to get a nuclear weapon from point "A" to point "B"? Consider the next round of recent news stories.
Iran Long-Range Missile Deployed Threatens Israel & Russia
Iran has deployed the new Shihab-3 long-range missile with the Islamic shock troops for the first time according to the "intel" group -
In fact, Iran has just demonstrated that new military tool by parading the Shihab-3 missile during a memorial to its dead during the 1980s war against Iraq. Visit here for more media coverage of this event.
The deployment represents a major step forward for Iran's projection of power. Why? Iran previously had only short-range missiles much like Saddam Hussein's 180-mile range Scuds. It has a reported range of 930 miles. It is believed to be capable of carrying a 2,200-pound warhead. The missile is a variational design from the infamous North Korean Nodong missile. The missile is capable of hitting Israel, Iraq, Turkey, Russia and parts of southern Europe.
Additionally, the UN’s international nuclear inspections team has been stiff-armed by Iran as it attempts to inspect the Iranian nuclear program to ensure that Iran is not creating nuclear weapons. The UN in response issued an ultimatum to Iran to prove by October 31st, 2003 that it is not developing nuclear weapons. For more
For more visit this link:
Iran & Terrorism
Iran has been accused of being the mastermind behind many terrorist groups in and around the Holy Land of Israel. They have financially aided and provided physical, financial and military assistance to terrorist groups opposing Israel and have reportedly stationed elite military advisors to assist in terror campaigns. In addition to this, Iran is reportedly been aiding and abetting Al Qaida on the sly.
The latest revelation on this front includes the reports that Iran is holding key upper level Al Qaida leaders but refusing to surrender them to the US and other nations for prosecution. See this link for more on this story.
Iran’s involvement in terrorism would tend to corroborate the Jeremiah 51: 27-28 passages that seem to indicate perhaps a terrorist connection will be involved in a future military campaign against Israel that will coincide with the first judgment upon America, the Mystery Babylon. So with all of this being said, what does it all mean prophetically?
We believe that this places Iran as a looming "player" in Middle East geopolitical military chess- board. We think it looms large in the Biblical prophetic sense because Iran (also known in Biblical Prophecy as Persia and sometimes as Medo-Persia or as the "Medes") is mentioned in both Jeremiah 51:27-28 as well as Isaiah 13:17.
Jeremiah 51:27-28
"Lift up a signal in the land (gevlai shel meschiach = banner of Messiah) Blow a trumpet amongst the nations (another Messianic timing reference) Consecrate the nations against her, Summon against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz Appoint a marshal against her, Bring up the horses like bristly locusts Consecrate the nations against her, The kings of the Medes, Their governors and all their prefects and every land of their dominion.
Isaiah 13:17
Behold, I am going to stir up the Medes against them, who will not value silver or take pleasure in Gold.
Iran (i.e. Medes, Persia, etc) will apparently be playing a major role in the activities taking place at the time Mystery Babylon is judged. It is perhaps a "key" player in major devastation caused to Israel at the time of Mystery Babylon's first and fiery destruction.
This step-up in Iranian military power underscores Biblical Prophecy's projection of Iran as a KEY player in end-times military activity against Israel and in the Middle East. It may also be that Iran is part of the divine judgment on Mystery Babylon's forces that are protecting Israel in the Middle East while angelic forces bring divine wrath and fiery judgment upon the homeland of Mystery Babylon-USA.
Russian experts familiar with the Iranian program indicate that Iran will have a total of 20 of the new Shihab-3 missiles deployed within the next two years. That would be plenty of warhead firepower to inflict heavy devastation upons Israel if using any small "weapons of mass destruction" such as small, tactical nuclear warheads.
Iran is also reportedly hurrying production of two new types of missiles, the Shihab-4 and Shihab-5 which will have intercontinental range capable of even hitting perhaps part of or all of the United States. If so, then it becomes a slight possibility that the Biblical prophecy of Mystery Babylon's destruction might also be sourced by Iran as well as by Supernatural Divine angelic activity. Remember that we mentioned earlier the passage of Jeremiah 51:27. That verse tells us that the 4 tribes mentioned had areas in what is now Iran. Also remember that the term "Medes" refers to the area of Media which encompassed parts of Iran and Iraq.
Prophetic Contradictions?
Now, notice something here in the prophetic texts. Those 4 nations/kingdoms describe portions of areas of what is now present-day Iraq. Now remember that there are various "prophecy scholars" or "experts" who claim that Iraq is Mystery Babylon of the future. IF, Iraq is the "Mystery" Babylon being described in Jeremiah 50 & 51 (and also Isaiah 13) then why do the texts indicate that (according to the Iraq=Mystery Babylon theorists) a big chunk of what is now modern-day Iraq is involved in destroying Iraq/Mystery Babylon as well as Israel?
Now this seems to be certainly posing a problem. Scripture cannot contradict scripture but here we have what seems to be a contradiction, and it would be a contradiction if indeed, the theory that Iraq is Mystery Babylon were true. However, the theory that Iraq is Mystery Babylon becomes contradictory in light of the Jeremiah 51:27-28 pas- sage because those kingdoms encompass much of, if not all of what is now present day Iraq. So how could Iraq be destroying itself? There is no indication of a Civil War from the scriptural texts. Here in Jeremiah we then indeed have a contradiction based upon the Iraq is Babylon theory. However, no such contradiction is present if Mystery Babylon is some nation other than Iraq.
Now that passage is a part of the overall description by Jeremiah of the judgment on Mystery Babylon. Of course, chapters 50 and 51 deal with this judgment but until recently it seemed that the texts were describing only the devastation upon Babylon. However, upon closer inspection of the two chapters we find that the chapters do have "shifting" contexts. While the overall context is about Babylon's destruction, we do find that there are sub-contexts running in and out of the main focused thread. Those sub-contexts are all centered on Israel. Some of the violent descriptions given then are actually grammatically linked contextually not to Babylon per se, but rather to Israel and destruction that befalls her also at the same time Babylon is being judged? Why? Because of Babylon's treacherous betrayal. Note that Babylon is or was a friend of Israel before an abrupt betrayal.
Contradiction #1
The insertion of 4 named antagonists comes at a contextual point referencing Israel. In fact, the insertion point strongly suggests that these 4 kingdoms (or nations or the areas now encompassed by what were once 4 kingdoms) are attacking and creating the destruction upon Israel so that we're not just reading about the Babylon destruction.
This means that Jeremiah 51:27-28 is describing an area of what was then 4 kingdoms (around the Caspian Sea region) that will in the future attack either Israel or Babylon. Now what is interesting is that the region mentioned encompasses the following nations. Iraq, Iran, portions of Turkey and possibly portions of Afghanistan or the old Soviet Union republics.
Now interestingly enough, if these 4 kingdoms mentioned include what is now huge portions of modern-day Iraq, then we ask again: "How can Iraq be invading and conquering Mystery Babylon if Iraq is already Mystery Babylon?"
The primary kingdom in this group though is Iran, or the Medes plus of course the three other kingdoms. Keep in mind that the Medes territory even in ancient times included a huge chunk of what is now modern-day Iraq, long before the Medes ever conquered Babylon.
So how do we consider this? We contend that there is a massive contradiction in scripture IFFFF Iraq is Mystery Babylon. IF, however, some other nation like America is Mystery Babylon, then the scriptures are not contradictory. In fact, IF as we assert, America is Mystery Babylon with troops in Iraq, then everything begins to come into focus and make sense. We can understand how Iran and nearby nations would attack America, The Babylon troops stationed in Iraq plus perhaps attacking Israel also. This would come at about the same time as God's angelic forces launch a fiery, Divine judgment upon America's home soil.
This would mean that there is no contradiction of Iran & other allies in the Caspian Sea region attacking US military troops in Iraq. However, if Iraq were the Babylon of Jeremiah 50 & 51 and Isaiah 13, then those nations comprise most of Iraq already. The ancient site of Babylon remains a nearly buried archaeological site. How could the nations (that comprised then what is much of today's modern Iraq) then be described by the Prophets as conducting the judgment upon merely modern-day uninhabitable area? In other words, the 4 nations of Jeremiah's prophecy comprised then in Jeremiah's day, much of what is now, today modern Iraq plus a lot more land even now of course. Still, there is a complete geographical contradiction of terms here in the prophecies if Jeremiah were referring to ancient Babylon and her empire.
That is not the only contradiction.
Contradiction #2 - Messianic Prophecies
In particular, we would realize that the prophecies of a Mystery Babylon ending up as an ocean seabed, under the water's surface (see Jeremiah 51:42, 55, 64 & Revelation 18:21) would be applicable to a USA as Mystery Babylon and not a contradiction of Messianic prophecy. However, if Iraq were Mystery Babylon, then those above verses would indeed be a contradiction with the Messianic passages of Genesis 5:8; Deuteronomy 1:7 & 11:24 plus Joshua 1:4. We then can only logically conclude that with America's homeland going under the sea, the original ancient Babylon homeland and the Euphrates would NOT be a seabed and thus we have no contradiction with either prophecy.
Also note that this is not the only scriptural contradiction to the theory that Iraq is Mystery Babylon. Remember that the Messianic prophecies indicate that Messiah's kingdom will stretch to the Euphrates River and encompass the area of ancient Babylon? (See Genesis 15:8, Deut. 1:7; 11:24; Joshua 1:4) Well, IF Messiah's Kingdom boundaries stretch out to include ancient Babylon and the Euphrates River then we have another apparent contradiction! How so?
The Mystery Babylon prophecies indicate that Mystery Babylon will never be inhabited again. (See Isaiah 13:19-22; Jeremiah 50:13, 40; 51: 29, 37, 43, 44; Revelation 18:21-24) The Mystery Babylon empire is devastated and never to be lived in again, and will indeed sink under the waves, (see Jeremiah 51:42, 55, 64 and Revelation 18:21) then how can the Messianic prophecies be referencing a land that is now a sea-bed?
So we have two MAJOR contradictions in prophetic scripture if Iraq is Mystery Babylon, but we have NO major contradictions in prophetic scripture if America is Mystery Babylon.
So how does this all play out then regarding Iran at the present moment?
What we know is this:
North Korea is reportedly involved in talks to share long range missiles with Iran. Such new missiles could threaten most of Europe with a 3,700 mile range. The two nations are also reportedly planning to work together to create nuclear warheads for those missiles.
According to the plan, North Korea will export Taepodong missile components to be assembled in Iran and will send missile experts to pass on technical know ledge. Both nations will combine scientific teams to develop a joint nuclear warhead for the missiles.
Iran is rapidly rising to a position of power that will enable Iran to fulfill the written prophecies regarding the judgment upon Mystery Babylon and perhaps the Gog-Magog war. Therefore, we think that prophecy watchers would do well to keep an eye on Iran's development as a regional power.
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The Alpha-Omega Report
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