Babylon-America's Coming Destruction 2-8-13

Babylon-America's Coming Destruction
Will Terrorism & Iran Play a Role in America's Demise?
American Christians May Face "Tribulation" Before the Rapture
Editor's Note: This is an addendum to the 2-volume work entitled: "America, The Babylon: America's Destiny Foretold in Biblical Prophecy."
General Introduction
The recent news revelation that Iran has a highly developed biological and chemical weapons program may well shed light on the Biblical Prophecies concerning the coming destruction of Babylon, the Great - which we identify as being The United States of America aka "Babylon-America."
According to an article published by WorldNetDaily, Iran has a very secret biological weapons program that has remained unknown to the general population and mainstream news media. It is reported to be a highly advanced program developed in part by Russian scientists working with Iranian counterparts.
We should also note that military and anti-terror experts along with the U.S. State Department claim that Iran also has an extensive involvement with Islamic terror networks as well as an in-house network of sleeper-cell agents secreted into the United States over the past 30 years. The combination of these two elements may well explain the Babylon-America prophecies as described by Jeremiah 51. This article will examine this possibility and put it into the overall context of Babylon-America's coming destruction.
The Biblical prophecies concerning a super-power nation of the end-times referenced as Babylon or Babylon, the Great are found in the writings of 2 Old Testament Prophets, Isaiah and Jeremiah, plus the New Testament's last book, “The Apocalypse (Revelation) of John.” There are also minor mentions by some of the minor prophets, but there are no real details for us to consider.
Isaiah gives us the first mention of a latter-day super-power named Babylon in chapters 13, 14 and 47 plus a brief mention in chapter 21. Isaiah 13 and 14 give us scant details and is more of an outline. Yet, Isaiah did briefly mention that the “Medes” aka modern-day Iran would have some sort of role in the destruction of the last of the super-power nations code-named as Babylon in the prophecies.
Jeremiah gives us two full chapters (50 & 51) pertaining to this end-times Babylon super-power including extensive details describing the nation and describing her destruction. One could say that Jeremiah fills in the details, missing from Isaiah's “outline” account.
Isaiah, chapter 47 gives us a metaphor of Babylon in describing a fallen angel that functions as a protector and manipulator for the Satan's program pertaining to Babylon and its planned destiny as the base of operations for the Antichrist. This fallen angel takes the form of a female deity, known in original Babylon as the goddess Inanna, aka Ishtar and later known as the goddess Libertas of Rome. The end-times Babylon is manipulated by her, spiritually, culturally and geo-politically. This is part of the “mystery” of Babylon, the Great.
We know this “woman” aka “whore” and “mother of the harlots” is the angelic deity Ishtar because of Revelation 17:5 and the usage of the phrase “Mother of the Harlots.” It is an exclusive phrase that Babylonian worshipers of Ishtar used as a title of great honor. In fact, Ishtar herself was quoted as using the phrase and the term “harlot” or 'whore' and even the term “Great Whore” to describe herself, according to ancient Babylonian texts recovered by archaeologists from the Royal Library of Babylon. Ishtar's religion was called a “mystery religion.” Revelation 17: 5 refers to this by using the term “mystery.”
We also find that the term “harlot” and “whore” were interchangeable terms for a “holy, sinless priestess” serving Ishtar. An Ishtar Temple “harlot” or “whore” was held in high esteem and in great honor. Why? Their role was essentially that of being a priestess.
An Ishtar priestess had the 'honorable' role of providing purification from sin be engaging in “holy sex” with a worshiper. Yes, one could be purified from sin by engaging in a religious rite of sexual intercourse. In the act of sexual intercourse, the spirit of the Goddess would possess the body of the priestess (harlot). The priestess-harlot would become “one with the Goddess” by virtue of the bodily possession by the spirit of the Goddess. Then according to the “mystery doctrine” in Ishtar theology, the priestess/harlot's physical union with the worshiper would combine so that the priestess/harlot, the worshiper and the Goddess would become as one, purifying the worshiper of sin.
The worshiper could be a man or woman as the mystery doctrines of Ishtar also promoted the idea of same-sex purification. Some of the “harlots” or “priestesses” were in fact, male. In fact, apparently some of the priests and priestess-harlots would become transgendered, meaning a woman priestess-harlot might transform into a male priest-harlot and a male priest may transform into a female priestess-harlot. In other words, there was an Ishtar “mystery doctrine” of gender-bending.
Now for a worshiper who had just finished his purification rite with a priestess-harlot, the worshiper on his way out towards the temple exit, walk past a collection box and contribute a gold or silver coin(s) considered an offering of thanksgiving to the goddess and her temple priestesses. This is how “prostitution” came into existence. Sex for money was originally a means to attain salvation and as such was an abomination before the face of the Creator-God of the Universe.
Not only did the priestesses of Ishtar perform this religious sexual ritual but the Ishtar Temple created the concept of money by minting gold and silver coins as well as a fractional reserve banking system, lending money at interest. The Temple became the life-blood of merchants, not only in Babylon but worldwide also. Traveling merchants (importers/exporters) found it advantageous to use the Temple's money as a means of conducting their own transactions. The Kings found it advantageous to use the Temple's banking system to purchase and maintain a military. Furthermore, international merchants would make periodic visits to an Ishtar temple.
The Apostle John's description of the Great Whore of Babylon in Revelation chapter 17 also notes that the merchants of the world as well as the Kings of the earth are have relations with this “Great Whore” in the chapter. This is simply further verification that the identity of the woman in chapter 17 is indeed the chief Babylonian Goddess known as Ishtar.
The Kings would also engage in a special “mystery” ritual called “The Sacred Marriage Rite.” The king would come to the Ishtar temple on New Year's Eve to engage in “holy sex” with the chief high priestess also known as a harlot/whore. The purpose was to please/pleasure the goddess so that she would honor the king by providing fertility for the crops for the coming year. Failure to sexually perform to the satisfaction of the goddess would result in the King's death and a horrible crop for the coming year.
In John's Revelation, he notes the interactions between the Great Whore or Mother of Harlots and the Kings and merchants who commit fornication with her. This is all part of the attempt by John to show the identity of the woman as being the Babylonian goddess, Ishtar. Today we know that the writings of the Babylonians describe Ishtar and their other deities were beings who had come down from the heavens. They were called the “Anunnaki.” The Babylonian's descriptions and name are a match for the Genesis 6, pre-Flood account as the “benai hahelohim” aka “sons of God, whom we know today were the angelic beings who left their first estate and came down to mate with humans as per Genesis chapter 6 and Jude's account (as also the Book of Enoch).
From this background we conclude that the “woman” of Revelation 17 is not the church gone apostate. It is not an apostate Israel. Instead, the woman of Revelation 17 is a fallen angel who brought to humanity a false religion with a false and an abominable idea of salvation.
In the New Testament, the Disciple John's vision pertaining to a future Babylon super-power is described in Revelation chapters 17 and 18, with a brief mention in chapter 14 and 16. John's account in chapter 17 introduces us to the protecting fallen angel-guardian of Babylon. It also introduces us to the moment the Antichrist first comes to power. It is the same moment that the woman and Babylon are destroyed by fire. In ch 17:12-14 there are 10 horns (world leaders) who meet for one hour and conclude with a vote to give power to the Antichrist (Beast).
In verse 16 we read where the woman/Ishtar is destroyed by fire. Verse 18 tells us that the woman and the mega-city or “super-power” Babylon are indelibly linked together as one and the same, much like George Washington is indelibly linked to America by virtue of naming the capital city Washington. People, especially news media, sometimes refer to the United States as Washington, just as they do with the capital cities of other nations. For example: Moscow is often used in place of Russia. The same applies to London for Britain and Paris for France. This type of usage was also used in the first century A.D. John uses this and notes it as such in chapter 17, verse 18 only in this context the linkage is to the woman/angel.
Some critics argue that Babylon is a city, not a nation. They base this upon John's description of Babylon using the term “city.” However John uses the Greek term “hey polis hey megala” which means more than a mere city. It is a Greek compound word that should be translated as “super-power.” It would often refer to a nation by way of describing the capital city of a super power nation. Much like Washington stands for America, or Moscow stands for Russia.
Most non-Greek critics are not persuaded by the original Greek argument we've cited. However, most critics also fail to recognize that John's visions simply provide extra information not found in Jeremiah or Isaiah's revelations about Babylon. In fact most skeptics are unaware of the related prophecies of Jeremiah which specifically tell us that Babylon, the Great and the judgment is upon the entire nation/empire and not merely the city.
Jeremiah explicitly states that the Babylon is a nation not merely a singular city or merely the capital. Jeremiah uses the terms “cities” (plural) and “land.”
Jeremiah 50: 32 “and I will kindle a fire in his cities”
Jeremiah 51:43 “Her cities are a desolation...”
Jeremiah 50: 1, 3, 8 12, 16, 18, 21, 22, 25, 28, 34, 38, 45.
Jeremiah 51: 2, 4, 5, 27, 28, 29 43, 46, 47, 52, 54,
Jeremiah 51:43 … “a dry land and a wilderness, a land where no man dwelleth...”
Other indications that the future Babylon and its destruction is not merely a single city can be found in Jeremiah 50: 12 – speaking of Babylon as being “the hindermost of the nations.”
The term “hindermost” is the Hebrew word “achariyth” (#319) and should be more appropriately translated as “last” … so that Jeremiah's phrase would better read as Babylon being “the last of the nations.” Also the verse tells us that Babylon has a “mother.” This means the end times Babylon had a 'mother-nation' from which it was birthed. This is unlike ancient Babylon which has no mother.
Yet one other indication that Babylon is more than a city can be found in Jeremiah's description of farming. Jeremiah 50, verse 16 “cut off the sower from Babylon and him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest...” This phrase indicates the farms and farmland will be judged and burned with fire, because when was the last time you saw wheat combines harvesting crops in any major city? Did you ever hear of wheat combines in Vatican City or Rome or New York City or London or Jerusalem or Washington, D.C.?
So that we can conclude that Babylon is indeed a super-power nation in the end times. Babylon had a mother nation that birthed her, which would rule out identity theories that try to claim Babylon is a rebuilt ancient Babylon of Iraq as well as Rome or the Catholic Church or another recently floated around theory that Jerusalem is Babylon.
Babylon is identified with the protection of a fallen angel which was originally assigned to ancient Babylon and worshiped as the goddess Ishtar, the Mother of the Harlots.
This author concludes that Babylon, the Great – the end-times super-power nation is none other than the United States of America. This is proven beyond what I believe is a shadow of doubt by my two-volume work entitled: “America, The Babylon: America's Destiny Foretold In Biblical Prophecy. These two volumes comprise 600+ pages of extensive textual analysis from the original Hebrew and Greek texts plus heavy, empirical documentation from authoritative sources such as The U.S. Library of Congress with official government documents, documents by America's founding fathers, archaeological evidence from Babylon and the Royal Library of the Kings of Babylon, university websites, websites of scholars and researchers on geo-politics, the US Parks Department, The Office of the Architect of the District of Columbia, art historians as well as political researchers. What unfolds in these two volumes is jaw-dropping information that most prophecy writers and eschatologists have never uncovered or understood.
What follows in this publication rests on the basis that the United States of America is Babylon, the Great or what I prefer to call “Babylon-America.”
This publication will examine the scriptural texts describing what happens to Babylon-America as it comes under Divine Judgment and the relationship of the judgment to references of Iran and terrorists. This will narrowly focus on Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51, especially chapter 51, with some references back to Revelation chapters 17 and 18. It is in these areas that we find the most amount of descriptive material pertaining to unfolding developments of the judgments and specifically to Iran's role in Babylon-America's demise.
Before we begin our examination of the descriptions of judgment in Jeremiah, it should be noted that this author asserts and maintains that there are two different Divine judgments to unfold on Babylon-America at two different points in the prophetic timeline. Jeremiah's description also suggests that additional judgment unfolds on Babylon-America just before the first judgment. This additional judgment is carried out by the nation of what is present-day modern Iran. How long it takes for the Iranian action is unknown. There could be a time gap of mere minutes, hours or a few days or weeks just prior to the super-natural Divine Judgment number one that engulfs Babylon-America. I think it will likely be only a very short time between Iran's actions and God's Divine Judgment.
God's 2 Divine Judgments
on Babylon-America
Judgment #1. A Fire Judgment lasting just one hour of one day.
Revelation 18: 8 “in one day...so shall she be utterly burned with fire...”
18:9 …”see the smoke of her burning...”
18:10 ...”for in one hour has thy judgment come....”
18:17 ...” For in one hour so great riches is come to nought”...
18:18 ...”the smoke of her burning...”
18:19 … “for in one hour is she made desolate...”
So, John tells us that a fire judgment utterly desolates Babylon-America in one hour of one day.
Jeremiah doesn't pin it down to just one hour. He describes it though as simply a day of judgment.
Jeremiah 50:27 ...”for their day is come...”
Jeremiah 50:30 ...”in that day...”
Jeremiah 50:31 … “for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee.”
Jeremiah 51:2 … “for in the day of trouble...”
Isaiah mentions the idea of a one day judgment in Isaiah 47: 9 ...”but these things two things shall come to thee in a moment, in one day...”
So we have a “fire judgment” that takes place in one hour of one day. But when is that day? How does this event fit into God's prophetic time line for other prophetic developments?
The answer can be found in Revelation 17:12-14 where we find the Antichrist coming into power.
Yes, we see the Antichrist mentioned earlier in Revelation chapter 13 and many think chapter 13 describes the point where the Beast or Antichrist comes to power. Yes, this is true, but Revelation 17:12-14 gives us the details and circumstances surrounding his rise to power. In other words, the structure of book of Revelation is not perfectly linear in time. See Revelation 17: 12-13.
Verse 12 … “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
Verse 13...” these have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.”
So, we must acknowledge that Revelation 17:12-13 is describing the moment and the circumstances under which the Antichrist (Beast) ascends to power and thus the start of the Tribulation period. The circumstances involve a "committee" of 10 leaders who meet for a one-hour time period and conclude the meeting with a unanimous vote to extend ruling authority to the Antichrist. This is the same one hour time period in which Babylon, the Great, aka Babylon-America is destroyed by fire as described in Revelation chapter 18.
Now with all of this in mind, let us now turn to Jeremiah's descriptive account of events that unfold in Babylon-America just before that one-hour fire judgment. We'll start first with Jeremiah, chapter 50
JEREMIAH Chapter 50
Jeremiah chapter 50 begins with identifying a future super-power nation which is referred to as Babylon, the land of the Chaldeans.
The question we need to ask in verse 1 is: "Who were the Chaldeans?"
The answer is not as simple as it might seem, when we dig deep into archaeological records and anthropological data dating back as far as 2,500 B.C.
The most common by history books as an answer to our question about the Chaldeans is that Chaldeans were a group of peasants that lived in the swampy marshlands at the mouths of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers as those rivers emptied into the Persian Gulf. Yes, indeed, that river delta area was called Chaldea and the inhabitants Chaldeans or "Khaldi." However, the term chaldean is not dealing so much with a tribe or race as it is a group of people with a certain religious philosophy and outlook.
The Chaldeans initially were migrants that roamed south and western Asia as far back as 2,000 or further back perhaps to 2,500 B.C. according to some anthropologists and archaeologists. There is evidence that the Khaldi or Khaldee aka Kasdee were initially migrants that roamed the lands of Asia Minor, including Turkey and Armenia. There is the distinct possibility that
the Chaldeans were at one point called the Hittites or lived in the land of the Hittites just prior to the rise of the Hittite empire. They eventually migrated south along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers into Assyria and Babylonia.
The Chaldean's claim to fame was their advanced knowledge of astronomy, astrology, sorcery, withcraft, divination and the occult sciences. In this regard, they were what often called "Magi." Today, some believe their theology and occult was picked up by the Knights' Templar during the crusades and eventually found a home in the secretive group known as Freemasonry, which is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and is the organization which provides cover for the Illuminati and assists with promoting the New World Order (NWO) - the foundation for the coming kingdom of the Antichrist.
So is it possible that Jeremiah 50:1 and the reference to the land of the Chaldeans is the land of occultist rebels intent on bringing on the NWO's global government and the Antichrist to power? We think it is very possible, but at the least, a reference to occult forces within the land called Babylon.
Now, as a reader of this article, you should raise the following question: "Why is this not a reference to fulfilled prophecies of an historical event in the past that happened to historical Babylon?"
Because in verse 2, we find key Hebrew Messianic idioms:
"Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard. Publish and conceal not. Say Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded ..."
The very first part of verse 2 references key elements involved in the Coming of the Messiah. It pertains to an elaborate Jewish system of communication using observation towers, watchmen and signal flags that stretched along Israel's borders and throughout Israel itself. Because the Messianic prophecies speak of the Messiah being greeted by the elders of each of the 12 tribes, the Jews realized that in order to make that prophecy work in 700 B.C. or any other point of time in the ancient world, then Israel must have some sort of elaborate communication system by which to signal to the elders that the Messiah was approaching Israel. The elders would then immediately drop any activity and race to Jerusalem to meet and escort the Messiah through the Messianic Gate and into the city of Jerusalem.
In typical Hebrew conversations concerning the times of the Coming of the Messiah, the Jews would use Hebrew idioms to reference back to what we just described in the previous paragraph. Some of the idioms were abbreviated, such as "set up a 'standard.'" That phrase by the way refers to the specially designated flag of the Messiah. The word for standard means, a banner or ensign or sign or signal flag. The phrase itself referred to the Messianic prophecies and meant that the coming of the Messiah was the context for what was to follow in a writing.
In the case of Jeremiah, chapter 50 verse 2 is telling us that it will be describing a Babylon that exists in the time frame of the future, at the Coming of the Messiah to save Israel from imminent destruction.
Also of note in verse 2 is the phrase: "Bel is confounded." The term "confounded" is the hiphil stem of "yabesh" (#3001) and the root meaning was "to dry up." In the Hiphil stem, it more explicitly means "to be ashamed, embarrased." So verse 2 is telling us that Baal (aka Bel) is embarrased about the destruction of Babylon, his operating base on Earth. Why? Because
Babylon was to be the foundation for a one-world government ruled by the Beast/Antichrist himself. Baal's (Satan) plans have been for his Antichrist's kingdom have been dealt a severe and embarrassing blow by the hand of God. It points to God's sovereignty reigning supreme despite Satan's claims to the contrary and raises doubts among creation that Satan can pull off an overthrow of the Creator-God of the Universe.
Wow, verse 2 really packed a punch of meanings didn't it? Yet so often, we as readers of scripture fail to grasp all of the meaning that is packed into the original language for many verses in scripture. English language translations simply cannot supply all of the meaning, all of the nuances that reside within the original language text of scripture and still be in a readable, English format.
Oh and by the way, the rest of verse 2 speaks of Merodach. This is another term for Baal and refers to the planet Mars, associated with Baal. The idea of broken in pieces is a reference to idol statues of Baal/Mars/Merodach. Did you know there is a huge statue of Baal/Mars that stands at the entrance to the US Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.? Also, atop the US Capitol Dome stands a statue named “Goddess of Freedom.” It is an artist's rendering of the Roman goddess Libertas (aka Freedom) which the Roman's adopted from Babylon's Ishtar religion. Libertas was a “prostitute” religion according to Roman historian Cicero, who lost his house to a construction project to build a temple for Libertas.
One other note concerning Washington, D.C., and Ishtar that should be made. One art historian has written a very lengthy, scholarly work showing that Washington, D.C., is an open-air temple dedicated to worshiping the Goddess Ishtar/Venus on a 24-hour, 7-day a week basis. The author cites dozens upon dozens of factual points proving his argument.
What's more, the Statue of Libery in New York City's harbor is another artistic rendering of Ishtar, the Mother of the Harlots. In my 2-volume work “America, The Babylon” we provide extensive documentation for all of these claims and many, many more claims.
Now back to our text. The rest of Jeremiah 50, verse 2 talks about all of the statue art works being broken in pieces at the destruction of Babylon-America.
Verse 3 -
"For out of the North there cometh up a nation against her which shall make her land desolate."
Myself, along with one of the world's top Hebrew scholars (Dr. Michael Heiser) believes this verse is poorly translated and misses the intended meaning of the original Hebrew text.
The term "North" is the Hebrew word "tsaw-phown." (#6828) The term itself can reference the north as a direction, but it also has obscure meanings as a reference to the area in the sky in the direction towards God and His throne. As such it can refer to the northern heavens which Rabbinic tradition states is the direction towards the abode of God and His throne.
It can also be a metaphor indicating an invasion force. For Israel, her enemies always attacked from the North. It was too impractical to invade Israel from the west and the Mediterranean Sea. The inhospitable desert in Jordan made it impossible for large armies to attack Israel from the east. It was also too difficult to invade from the south. Therefore, enemies attacking Israel would come in from the North (except Egypt). Thus the phrase "from out of the north" would simply imply an invasion of some sort, but not necessarily incorporating the idea of an actual invasion from the north, when not being applied to Israel. It does not necessarily mean an invasion from the north. It can simply mean an attack.
The next term for analysis is the word "nation." The Hebrew term is "go-ee" (#1471). While the word can refer to a nation, it can also refer to a group of people or of the entire Gentile population or Gentiles in general. It can also mean a "troop" or soldiers in a military sense.
In considering how to interpret this passage, we need to understand that Isaiah 13 verses 2 and 3 use obscure Hebrew idioms and metaphors to describe the invaders of Babylon who destroy Babylon. Isaiah uses idioms that refer to the Passover meal indicating that the invaders of Babylon are coming straight from the throne of God, from His right hand. They are perfect and sinless beings. They are exceedingly powerful. Later on, Isaiah tells us the destruction of Babylon will be just like Sodom and Gomorrah. (See Isaiah 13:19).
All of this leads me to believe that the same angelic forces that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah will also destroy Babylon-America. With this in mind, I believe Jeremiah 50:3 is also a reference to these angelic beings. It is the only interpretation that makes sense and is in harmony with Isaiah's prophecies. (See Volume 1 of "America, the Babylon" for more on Isaiah 13).
Note that the rest of Jeremiah 50, verse 3 describes the result of the destruction. Babylon-America will be uninhabited. Survivors will depart and that includes animals as well as humans.
Verses 4 through 8 speak of the Jews residing in Babylon-America.
In verse 4, it begins with another Hebrew Messianic Idiom indicating when this section of words will transpire. "In those days, and in that time"...This again indicates that what transpires occurs at the time just before the Messiah returns. Verses 4 through 8 describe the Jewish situation prior to the destruction and the call is issued for the Jews to flee Babylon and go to Israel.
In verse 9 we see once again two key terms that we discussed in verse 3.
"For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country..."
The word "assembly" is the Hebrew word "qahal" (kaw-hawl) (#6951). It means an organized group for war or invasion or of a religious nature. The term "nations" is the same word found in verse 3 "go-ee". (#1471) While it can mean "nation" it can also mean a troop or group of fighters. The double repetition here suggests more than a handful of individuals but not necessarily. It could mean several small groups of organized fighters.
The term "from the north" is the same word as in verse 3 "tsaw-phone" (#6828) with the same obscure meaning as we noted earlier. It precedes the Hebrew word translated as "country" (#776) which is "erets."
Now this term has a variety of potential meanings dependent upon usage/context. It can mean the whole earth, or Planet Earth. It can mean land such as a country or territory or a district, region or even "Sheol" - where the dead reside temporarily while awaiting the judgment day. It can also mean from the ends of the earth or beyond the ends of the earth. According to scholars the term can also mean "orbiting" or circling Planet earth as in a position not in heaven but not on earth, either. Again, all of this dependent upon usage and context.
What we have is a group or groups of fighters from the following possibilities:
1. all corners of the earth
2. the heavens
3. the throne of God
The context of the location of these fighters which Jeremiah presents in verses 3 and 9 are unclear. However, Isaiah chapter 13 and verses 1 through 5 indicates these fighters are probably non-human or super-human and come straight from the throne of God. How so? Let's go ahead and examine the passage.
Isaiah 13: 1-5.
Vs 1. The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see.
Vs 2. Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles.
Vs 3. I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, [even] them that rejoice in my highness.
Vs 4. The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the Lordof hosts mustereth the host of the battle.
Vs 5. They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, [even] the Lord, and the weapons of His indignation, to destroy the whole land.
Verse 1 indicates the following verses in chapter 13 pertain to an oracle or revelation of the future about Babylon according to Isaiah.
Verse 2 tells us the timing of the events about to be described. Note the verse uses abbreviated Hebrew Messianic idioms to indicate that the events to be described will occur at the time of the coming of the Messiah. The Messianic idiom "Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain" is the key idiom. The abbreviated Messianic idiom, "gates of the nobles" further confirms and concludes the first abbreviated Messianic idiom found at the start of the verse. Chapter 13 describes events to unfold in the short time just before the coming of the Messiah or in other words, The Day of the Lord.
Verse 3 tells us that God has commanded His "sanctified ones." This is the Hebrew word "qadash (#6942). It means holy, sanctified (sinless) and consecrated ones. In this first phrase God has given a divine order/command to his holy, sinless consecrated ones.
The next phrase in verse 3 is "I have also called my mighty ones for my anger."
The Hebrew term for "I have also called" is the word "qara" (# 7121) to be called, summoned, appointed, or commissioned.
The term "my mighty ones" is the Hebrew term "gibbowr" (#1368) meaning an exceedingly strong soldier. As in a hero. It can also be used of commanders.
The final term we examine is "anger." It is the Hebrew term "aph" (#639). It means, literally - nose. It can also mean anger.
The actualy phrase harkens to the point during the passover meal where one segment of the meal involves taking the sweet-smelling, savory herbs on the plate and bringing them up to the nose to smell them. In the passover ritual, this is a teaching tool to let the participant know that just as the herbs are pleasing and acceptable, so is God pleased and accepts us as being sinless.
This verse indicates that God's mighty ones or his hero-soldiers or commanders are sinless.
So this second phrase in the verse repeats a key element found in the first phrase of the verse, namely "sinless" warriors.
Verse 3 is telling us that God has commanded his perfect, exceedingly strong (super-human) sinless warriors to be the ones to carry out the divine decree of judgment upon a future super-nation existing at the time of the coming of Messiah. It is given the name of Babylon.
Verse 4 is a metaphor describing God's invading forces. They make a lot of noise like a throng of people in the mountains, like or as if they are a great people or as if they are like a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together. In other words, God's forces are "like" but in reality are not a lot of humans nor the armies of the nations of the earth. They are instead as they are described in verse 3. Sinless, super-human agents who appear before God's throne.
Now in verse 5, we have terminology similar to that found in Jeremiah.
Verse 5 says "they come from a far country."
We need to look at the Hebrew term for "far." It is the Hebrew word "mer-khak" (#4801) and it means "from a distant place" or "far" or "far off"
The Hebrew term for "country" is our Hebrew word "erets" (#776) which we saw in Jeremiah's passages, only here we have a great context for its meaning which is more than simply "earth" and not a 'nation'. Why? See the next phrase.
"from the end of heaven" --
"From the end" is the word "qatseh" (#7097) and it means from an end or extremity, or border, outskirts.
"heaven" is the Hebrew term "shamayim" (#8064) and it means heaven, heavens, Heaven as the abode of God.
So, verse 5 indicates that the attackers come from a far, distance, the abode of or the throne of God.
Isaiah tells us in no uncertain terms that the ones destroying Babylon are sinless ones. They are also very strong and powerful. I think it is safe to conclude that the text is referring to angels of the Lord. This then should set the context for Jeremiah's passages that vaguely refer to the attackers and where they come from. I simply do not see Jeremiah's description conflicting with Isaiah's clear references to angelic forces. Indeed the attackers described by Jeremiah are, in reality, the angelic beings who are located in the heavens with the Lord as described by Isaiah.
Let us continue with our review of Jeremiah 50.
In verse 11, Babylon is described as "destroyers of my heritage." The insinuation is that Babylon prospered at Israel's expense.
Verse 12 tells us that this nation had a 'mother.' Ancient Babylon had no mother-nation from which it was formed, but the United States had "Mother England."
Verse 13 tells us the extended result of the coming judgment of destruction. Babylon-America shall be uninhabited, wholly desolate. Those that pass by Babylon (sailing) shall be astonished and shall hiss at all her "plagues."
Now the term "plagues" should arouse some curiosity as to its meaning. We will examine that term later in this article.
God's Instructions to the Attackers
V.17 - Assyria & ancient Babylon responsible for diaspora of the Jews for all time.
v. 18 - God's decree of judgment on future Babylon & Ishtar the fallen angel-guardian of Babylon
v.19 - God announces He will bring the Jews back to their land
v. 20 - In the last days - at the time of the coming of Messiah...Israel will be found guiltless by reason of a pardon.
v.21- 23 God's further instructions to the attackers
v.24 - 25 God's participation in the judgment
v.26 - 30 God's instructions again to the attackers and the results
v. 31- 46 God re-issues His judgment decree
v. 41 - The attackers described again
v.43 - Babylon's "king" responds to news of the attack
Chapter Outline Breakdown
vs. 1 - God announces a destroying wind against Babylon
vs. 2 - Fanners/winnowers shall fan Babylon and empty her land. They [fanners] will be in a "circuit round about."
Fanners #2114 Defined: #2114 zuwr zoor a primitive root; to turn aside (especially for lodging); hence to be a foreigner, strange, profane; specifically (active participle) to commit adultery:--(come from) another (man, place), fanner, go away, (e-)strange
Fan #2219 Defined: #2219 zarah zaw-raw' a primitive root (Compare 2114); to toss about; by implication, to diffuse, winnow:--cast away, compass, disperse, fan, scatter (away), spread, strew, winnow.
The term Cabfyb #5439 - circuit round about, places round about. This term suggests the fanners are part of a circuit or a "network"
This verse may well be suggesting that 'fanners' is a reference to terrorists residing within Babylon prior to the first judgment, the fire judgment. The term fanners strongly suggests this and the Hebrew word Cabfyb only adds to this conclusion. Whatever the fanners are, it would seem that they operate in a circuit/network in unison or in coordination. There is no indication that the “fanners” are soldiers wearing uniforms. There is no indication as to their weaponry.
Results of the Fanners/fanning
Verse 3 uses the term "archer" Does this suggest the 'archer' is a fanner or is the archer not connected with verse 2. Not really. What the verse states is that judgment will come upon the archers and those in armor and against the young men. In simple terms, the verse is describing soldiers of Babylon. All will be killed. The verse never states who does this nor does it state the immediate cause of death.
Verse 4 continues to describe the death of those who venture out into the streets. Their bodies are pierced/riddled with wounds that are fatal. Here again, we have nothing to indicate what pierced or riddled their bodies. There is no mention of arrows, swords or knives being used to bring about the pierced/riddled bodily injuries.
What we do know is that the “fanners” bring about the scattering of Babylon's population and the emptying of the land of inhabitants.
vs 5 - reason - Babylon sins against Israel & God
vs 6. Jews Told to Flee
vs 7 Babylon leads revolt against God
vs 8 - 9 Suddenly Babylon is fallen, healing is attempted but the attempt failed. FLEE
vs 10 Jews to Flee to Israel
vs 11 God prepares Iran (Medes) "spirit of the kings of the Medes" for the vengeance of the Lord & Temple.
Verse 11 begins with an obscure and abbreviated Messianic idiom - “make bright the arrows.”
The Hebrew term “barar” (#1305). It is in the Hiphil verb stem and in the imperative mood, meaning it is a command. In the Hiphil stem, the term means “to purify, cleanse, polish or make bright.” The second Hebrew term in this Messianic idiom is the Hebrew word “chets” (pronounced “khats”) (#2671) Gesenius' Hebrew-English lexicon tells us that when used in the context of God the term can refer to “lightnings. Thus the phrase “make bright the lightnings” could be an alternate rendering, although in the sense of a Messianic idiom used to indicate the description involves events surrounding the coming of the Messiah.
We see this again conveyed in the next phrase of the verse “gather the shields” where another Messianic timing point is referenced. The Hebrew word translated by the KJV as “gather” is the Hebrew word “malay” (#4390) in the Qal tense meaning “to consecrate.” So the shields should be 'consecrated' as part of “Messianic” preparations in advance of the Messiah's coming.
The next portion of Verse 11, may seem a little confusing to some readers.
The phrase, The Lord has “raised up” = “uwr” (#5782) = the word means “to act in an aroused manner, to awaken, to stir up, to incite.”
“Uwr” is from the root word carrying the idea of opening the eyes. So the phrase could be rendered: “The Lord has opened the eyes and incited...”
The next word is the Hebrew word “ruwach” (#7307) and can be translated either as “wind” or as “spirit.” It is used in other situations with the combination of the word “holy” (kodesh) as in the “Holy Spirit.” In verse 11 the term more than likely means the “spirit” and then proceeds to define the spirit's connection is with the Kings of the Medes.
So the phrase most likely should be translated as: The Lord (Jehovah) has raised up or incited or opened the eyes of the Spirit of the Kings of the Medes. This relates to Isaiah 13:17
What is the “Spirit” of the Kings of the Medes? The Kings of Media (Medes) were actually tribal chieftans who shared power with a powerful priesthood known as the Magi. The Magi were leaders of the cult of Zoroastrianism. Today, this priesthood class would be comparable to the Islamic Ayatollah's of Iran. I suspect this phrase is a reference to the Lord arousing the Iranian Ayatollahs to perform His purpose, namely assisting in the destruction of Babylon-America. See also verse 27 and 28 of this chapter for more details.
The rest of verse 11 is very clear cut in interpretation. It indicates God's purpose is to destroy Babylon-America in revenge for activities against God, God's people and His temple.
Verse 12. The verse starts with another abbreviated Hebrew Messianic idiom - “Set up a standard.” Here again we have areference to the Messianic banner or standard indicating that what follows is what happens at the time of the coming of Messiah.
vss 13- 19, 20-26 the divine decree by the Creator God and His glory & His judgment.
Verse 14. God says Babylon will be filled with men and the assertion carries the emphasis and connotation of quantity as expressed by the metaphor of “caterpillars” as expressed by the KJV. However, the Hebrew term is “yekeq” (#3218) and it can mean caterpillar or young locust dependent upon spelling and context. When the word is in the context of eating, the term is referencing a caterpillar. This is found three times in the Hebrew text. Six other times, the context is not of eating but rather in context of development or quantity in which case the term is translated as “young locust.”
The verse concludes with the statement that the men numbering like a plague of young locusts will lift up a testifying shout.
This description strongly suggests these men are Muslim, as Muslim terrorists commonly use the the Arabic phrase “Allahu ahkbar” - meaning “Allah is great.” It's often used as a shout of victory.
This verse would strongly suggest a linkage with the “fanners” of verse 2.
vss 27-28 IRAN announced to be an instrument of destruction.
Verse 27 begins with 2 abbreviated Messianic idioms indicating that the description is for the Messianic times. The verse then goes on to introduce the names of 3 tribes who will be involved in the destruction of Babylon. These 3 tribal names are: Ararat, Minni and Ashchenaz.
Some commentators erroneously claims these three names are references to Turkey (Ararat), the Balkan regions of Europe or Armenia or the old Yugoslavia (Minni) and finally the term Ashchenaz is attributed to being Germany. All three such designations are wrong.
The three names are references to tribes located in the northern regions of what is today known as Iran. They are not separate nations. They were three territories that made up a major portion of the Median (Medes) Empire in the 5th and 6th centuries B.C. So, verse 27 describes the northern portion of modern-day Iran. If there's any doubt, Verse 28 reaffirms this identification as it goes ahead and identifies the Median empire (Medes).
Verse 27 describes the Medes as “bristling caterpillars” carrying the idea of eating or consuming.
Verse 28 in the KJV mentions the term “nations” but that Hebrew term does not necessarily mean nations. It can refer to a group of gentiles without a reference to various nations. It can simply mean a group of intelligent beings. The group can be organized, as in a “troop” or simply as an unorganized group. In verse 28, the term is tied into the identity of the Kings of the Medes (i.e. Tribal leaders. In the Median Empire, the Tribal chieftans shared power with the religious leaders of the Median Empire – Zoroastrianism. In today's terminology, the phrase most likely refers to the religious leadership aspects of the Medes, or in this case – Iranian Ayatollahs.
vss 29 - 33 General description of God's judgment to come. There is nothing specific that relates to actions by the Medes or other human beings.
Verse 29 - “the land will tremble” = “ra-ash” (# 7493) means to quake or to shake. So the land will shake or quake. The next word in the KJV is “sorrow” = “chuwl” (# 2342). The Hebrew definition is not so much sorrow as it is activity related to the previous word(s). In this case the “ra-ash” or quaking/shaking. “Chuwl” is in the Qal stem so the meaning can range from: “dancing” to “twisting, writhing, whirl.” Considering the context is of the land experiencing an earthquake the word “chuwl” is giving us an extra understanding for the extent of the shaking of the earth. So the land will quake/shake and twist/writhe. How extensive or how intensive will the shaking/quaking and twisting become? There's no way to put a magnitude number to this, but it will apparently be significant but whether it will be a simply moderate earthquake or a major quake with serious damage is not specified although the verse states the land will become desolate and uninhabited. How much of the desolation of the land is due to the earthquake is not clear.
Verse 33 – The daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor, the time to thresh her, yet a little while, and the time of her harvest shall come. This verse strongly suggests a linkage back to verse 2 and the “fanners.”
vss 34-36 - Remembering Babylons sin against the Jews
vss 37-41 Results of destruction
vs 42 -- Divine Supernatural judgment - Judgment #2 Sea has come up upon Bbylon..covered with the multitude of the waves.
vss 43 - 44 More results of destruction
vs 45 Jews commanded to flee
vss 46 - conditions just prior to judgment -- rumor - rumors, violence in the land, ruler against ruler
vss 47 - 48 further description of results of Babylon's judgment
vs 49 reason for judgment - Babylon's treachery against Israel
vs 50 - 51survivers told to flee - to Jerusalem
vss 52 God focuses on Babylon's Idols
vs 53 - 54 Babylon has outer-space defenses - but of no use
vs 55 - Babylon's water judgment
vs 56 - spoiler - singular - spoiler -( violent devastator) the spoiler has come upon her ... effects on Babylon
vss 57- Babylon's leaders will be made drunk and to sleep in death
vs 58 - Babylon's defenses destroyed
vs 59 - 64 - Jeremiah's message of authentication in written form.
vs 64 - Babylon will sink just like the book thrown into the Euphrates River and will never rise again
The purpose of this article was to analyze the Jeremiah prophecies to better understand the role of the “fanners” mentioned in Jeremiah 51, verse 2 as well as the role played by the Medes or Iranians.
In our deeper search for clues as to these two focal points we have very little new light to shed on these two issues.
It seems that the “fanner” activity precedes the fire judgment. This is also probably true of the Iranian/Medes involvement. The Iranian/Medes involvement may or may not involve the Babylonian homeland or the continental United States. We have no clear cut description that can be conclusively assigned to activity by the Iranians within the continental USA. The involvement of the fanners, however, definitely involves the homeland of Babylon-America or “conus.”
There is a hint within the text that “plagues” are inflicted within Babylon-America. This is shown by the use of the term in Jeremiah 50:13.
“Because of the wrath of the LORD it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate: every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues.”
The Hebrew term for “plagues” is the word “makkah” (# 4347). It does NOT necessarily mean a disease or diseases. It can also mean: “A blow, a stripe, beating, scourging, wound, slaughter, defeat or conquest as well as plague.”
The term “makkah” is found 48 times in the KJV Old Testament in 46 verses. It is not always translated as “plagues.”
The actual KJV term “plagues” is found only 22 times in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament the KJV uses it 10 times. It is found 12 times in the New Testament of which 10 are used in the Book of Revelation and of those 10, 2 are found in Revelation 18, verse 4 and 8.
Verse 4. “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
Verse 8. “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong [is] the Lord God who judgeth her.”
The Greek term is “plege” - pronounced as “play-gay” (#4127). The definition is a blow, a strike, a wound, heavy affliction, plague. It does NOT necessarily mean a disease although that is a possibility.
So we have only a hint of disease being a part of Babylon's judgment. We have no distinct understanding of any specific actions taken by the “fanners” in Jeremiah 51:2.
It is theoretically possible that the fanner's activities involve the spread of biological weapons but there is nothing definitive in the original text for us to arrive at a conclusion that the fanners are spreading disease.
The identity of the fanners also remains murky. There is a distinct possibility that the fanners are connected to the Iranians or Medes but there is nothing that gives us any certainty of such a conclusion.
We can conclude that the fanners are most likely foreign born terrorists temporarily residing within the borders of Babylon-America.
Knowing what we know about the Iranian biological weapons program and Iran's terrorist network there is a realistic possibility of a biological attack within the contiguous 48 states of America. Some experts believe this would be the easiest way for Iran to attack and do the most damage and do so without necessarily leaving any “fingerprints” with which to blame that nation. However, the prophetic texts cannot confirm with any certainty any such activity.
As we concluded in “America, The Babylon” we are still left to conclude that the “Medes” or Iranians most likely attack Babylon-America's military bases scattered around the Middle East, although the possibility remains that Iranian or Hezbollah terrorists conduct terror operations within the continental USA. Such operations could be bombings or the use of guns in a sort of guerrilla campaign.
Should military activity break out in the Mideast between Israel and Iran, we would not be surprised to Iranian terror activity in the American homeland. Such activity would likely occur just after the Rapture of the Church and just before God's angelic forces inflict a one-hour fire judgment of total destruction upon America. However, we cannot be positive that such terror activity would follow after the Rapture. It is a distinct possibility that an Iranian-led terror campaign might unfold just before the Rapture and the subsequent angelic attack on the 50 states of America.
What we conclude for advice for all believers is to be on a heightened state of alert in service to Him, making the most of the time left to witness for Him to unbelievers.
It is especially important for believers in America to realize that just before the Rapture, believers in America could be subjected to a tremendous outburst of terrorism, much of which may be directed by Muslim terrorists against Christians and Churches in America.
As we look forward into 2013, 2014 and 2015, we note that many Mideast experts expect some sort of military activity between Iran and western nations including Israel in the near future. Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu has laid down a red line for Iran's nuclear program that many expect to be crossed by the spring or summer of 2013. Thus some expect military action and a possible regional war or even a world war in 2013. It may well include terrorist activity within America's homeland as America is vulnerable to terrorism thanks to a porous southern border with Mexico.
Whether such activity takes place in 2013 through 2015 remains to be seen, but we do note that there are significant solar and lunar eclipses on Jewish feast days beginning in 2014 through the spring of 2015, which suggests major prophetic developments could unfold, including war(s) as early as 2013.
With all of this in mind, we encourage Christian believers to become well educated and grounded in the knowledge of Biblical Prophecy. Church pastors, particularly in America should be focusing their Biblical studies programs with Biblical Prophecy in mind. If your church is not providing in-depth Biblical Prophecy studies and information, I strongly suggest you consider changing churches and finding a “teaching church” that provides for classes on Biblical Prophecy. After all, our Lord commanded all believers to know Prophecy and be awake (not asleep) and ready for His Return.
See Related Study Materials Below:
Mystery Babylon Debate Handbook
Mystery Babylon: Myths & Errors of Interpretation
Archived Biblical Studies Articles
From The Alpha-Omega Report website
“Mystery” Babylon & the Rapture of the Church
Christ Commands Us To Learn & Know Bible Prophecy
Exposing Heretical Teaching That Rejects Studying Bible Prophecy
Refuting Mark Hitchcock's Babylon Identity Reasoning That Babylon Must Be Iraq
Why the Book of Revelation is not Completely in Chronological Order
General Introduction
The recent news revelation that Iran has a highly developed biological and chemical weapons program may well shed light on the Biblical Prophecies concerning the coming destruction of Babylon, the Great - which we identify as being The United States of America aka "Babylon-America."
According to an article published by WorldNetDaily, Iran has a very secret biological weapons program that has remained unknown to the general population and mainstream news media. It is reported to be a highly advanced program developed in part by Russian scientists working with Iranian counterparts.
We should also note that military and anti-terror experts along with the U.S. State Department claim that Iran also has an extensive involvement with Islamic terror networks as well as an in-house network of sleeper-cell agents secreted into the United States over the past 30 years. The combination of these two elements may well explain the Babylon-America prophecies as described by Jeremiah 51. This article will examine this possibility and put it into the overall context of Babylon-America's coming destruction.
The Biblical prophecies concerning a super-power nation of the end-times referenced as Babylon or Babylon, the Great are found in the writings of 2 Old Testament Prophets, Isaiah and Jeremiah, plus the New Testament's last book, “The Apocalypse (Revelation) of John.” There are also minor mentions by some of the minor prophets, but there are no real details for us to consider.
Isaiah gives us the first mention of a latter-day super-power named Babylon in chapters 13, 14 and 47 plus a brief mention in chapter 21. Isaiah 13 and 14 give us scant details and is more of an outline. Yet, Isaiah did briefly mention that the “Medes” aka modern-day Iran would have some sort of role in the destruction of the last of the super-power nations code-named as Babylon in the prophecies.
Jeremiah gives us two full chapters (50 & 51) pertaining to this end-times Babylon super-power including extensive details describing the nation and describing her destruction. One could say that Jeremiah fills in the details, missing from Isaiah's “outline” account.
Isaiah, chapter 47 gives us a metaphor of Babylon in describing a fallen angel that functions as a protector and manipulator for the Satan's program pertaining to Babylon and its planned destiny as the base of operations for the Antichrist. This fallen angel takes the form of a female deity, known in original Babylon as the goddess Inanna, aka Ishtar and later known as the goddess Libertas of Rome. The end-times Babylon is manipulated by her, spiritually, culturally and geo-politically. This is part of the “mystery” of Babylon, the Great.
We know this “woman” aka “whore” and “mother of the harlots” is the angelic deity Ishtar because of Revelation 17:5 and the usage of the phrase “Mother of the Harlots.” It is an exclusive phrase that Babylonian worshipers of Ishtar used as a title of great honor. In fact, Ishtar herself was quoted as using the phrase and the term “harlot” or 'whore' and even the term “Great Whore” to describe herself, according to ancient Babylonian texts recovered by archaeologists from the Royal Library of Babylon. Ishtar's religion was called a “mystery religion.” Revelation 17: 5 refers to this by using the term “mystery.”
We also find that the term “harlot” and “whore” were interchangeable terms for a “holy, sinless priestess” serving Ishtar. An Ishtar Temple “harlot” or “whore” was held in high esteem and in great honor. Why? Their role was essentially that of being a priestess.
An Ishtar priestess had the 'honorable' role of providing purification from sin be engaging in “holy sex” with a worshiper. Yes, one could be purified from sin by engaging in a religious rite of sexual intercourse. In the act of sexual intercourse, the spirit of the Goddess would possess the body of the priestess (harlot). The priestess-harlot would become “one with the Goddess” by virtue of the bodily possession by the spirit of the Goddess. Then according to the “mystery doctrine” in Ishtar theology, the priestess/harlot's physical union with the worshiper would combine so that the priestess/harlot, the worshiper and the Goddess would become as one, purifying the worshiper of sin.
The worshiper could be a man or woman as the mystery doctrines of Ishtar also promoted the idea of same-sex purification. Some of the “harlots” or “priestesses” were in fact, male. In fact, apparently some of the priests and priestess-harlots would become transgendered, meaning a woman priestess-harlot might transform into a male priest-harlot and a male priest may transform into a female priestess-harlot. In other words, there was an Ishtar “mystery doctrine” of gender-bending.
Now for a worshiper who had just finished his purification rite with a priestess-harlot, the worshiper on his way out towards the temple exit, walk past a collection box and contribute a gold or silver coin(s) considered an offering of thanksgiving to the goddess and her temple priestesses. This is how “prostitution” came into existence. Sex for money was originally a means to attain salvation and as such was an abomination before the face of the Creator-God of the Universe.
Not only did the priestesses of Ishtar perform this religious sexual ritual but the Ishtar Temple created the concept of money by minting gold and silver coins as well as a fractional reserve banking system, lending money at interest. The Temple became the life-blood of merchants, not only in Babylon but worldwide also. Traveling merchants (importers/exporters) found it advantageous to use the Temple's money as a means of conducting their own transactions. The Kings found it advantageous to use the Temple's banking system to purchase and maintain a military. Furthermore, international merchants would make periodic visits to an Ishtar temple.
The Apostle John's description of the Great Whore of Babylon in Revelation chapter 17 also notes that the merchants of the world as well as the Kings of the earth are have relations with this “Great Whore” in the chapter. This is simply further verification that the identity of the woman in chapter 17 is indeed the chief Babylonian Goddess known as Ishtar.
The Kings would also engage in a special “mystery” ritual called “The Sacred Marriage Rite.” The king would come to the Ishtar temple on New Year's Eve to engage in “holy sex” with the chief high priestess also known as a harlot/whore. The purpose was to please/pleasure the goddess so that she would honor the king by providing fertility for the crops for the coming year. Failure to sexually perform to the satisfaction of the goddess would result in the King's death and a horrible crop for the coming year.
In John's Revelation, he notes the interactions between the Great Whore or Mother of Harlots and the Kings and merchants who commit fornication with her. This is all part of the attempt by John to show the identity of the woman as being the Babylonian goddess, Ishtar. Today we know that the writings of the Babylonians describe Ishtar and their other deities were beings who had come down from the heavens. They were called the “Anunnaki.” The Babylonian's descriptions and name are a match for the Genesis 6, pre-Flood account as the “benai hahelohim” aka “sons of God, whom we know today were the angelic beings who left their first estate and came down to mate with humans as per Genesis chapter 6 and Jude's account (as also the Book of Enoch).
From this background we conclude that the “woman” of Revelation 17 is not the church gone apostate. It is not an apostate Israel. Instead, the woman of Revelation 17 is a fallen angel who brought to humanity a false religion with a false and an abominable idea of salvation.
In the New Testament, the Disciple John's vision pertaining to a future Babylon super-power is described in Revelation chapters 17 and 18, with a brief mention in chapter 14 and 16. John's account in chapter 17 introduces us to the protecting fallen angel-guardian of Babylon. It also introduces us to the moment the Antichrist first comes to power. It is the same moment that the woman and Babylon are destroyed by fire. In ch 17:12-14 there are 10 horns (world leaders) who meet for one hour and conclude with a vote to give power to the Antichrist (Beast).
In verse 16 we read where the woman/Ishtar is destroyed by fire. Verse 18 tells us that the woman and the mega-city or “super-power” Babylon are indelibly linked together as one and the same, much like George Washington is indelibly linked to America by virtue of naming the capital city Washington. People, especially news media, sometimes refer to the United States as Washington, just as they do with the capital cities of other nations. For example: Moscow is often used in place of Russia. The same applies to London for Britain and Paris for France. This type of usage was also used in the first century A.D. John uses this and notes it as such in chapter 17, verse 18 only in this context the linkage is to the woman/angel.
Some critics argue that Babylon is a city, not a nation. They base this upon John's description of Babylon using the term “city.” However John uses the Greek term “hey polis hey megala” which means more than a mere city. It is a Greek compound word that should be translated as “super-power.” It would often refer to a nation by way of describing the capital city of a super power nation. Much like Washington stands for America, or Moscow stands for Russia.
Most non-Greek critics are not persuaded by the original Greek argument we've cited. However, most critics also fail to recognize that John's visions simply provide extra information not found in Jeremiah or Isaiah's revelations about Babylon. In fact most skeptics are unaware of the related prophecies of Jeremiah which specifically tell us that Babylon, the Great and the judgment is upon the entire nation/empire and not merely the city.
Jeremiah explicitly states that the Babylon is a nation not merely a singular city or merely the capital. Jeremiah uses the terms “cities” (plural) and “land.”
Jeremiah 50: 32 “and I will kindle a fire in his cities”
Jeremiah 51:43 “Her cities are a desolation...”
Jeremiah 50: 1, 3, 8 12, 16, 18, 21, 22, 25, 28, 34, 38, 45.
Jeremiah 51: 2, 4, 5, 27, 28, 29 43, 46, 47, 52, 54,
Jeremiah 51:43 … “a dry land and a wilderness, a land where no man dwelleth...”
Other indications that the future Babylon and its destruction is not merely a single city can be found in Jeremiah 50: 12 – speaking of Babylon as being “the hindermost of the nations.”
The term “hindermost” is the Hebrew word “achariyth” (#319) and should be more appropriately translated as “last” … so that Jeremiah's phrase would better read as Babylon being “the last of the nations.” Also the verse tells us that Babylon has a “mother.” This means the end times Babylon had a 'mother-nation' from which it was birthed. This is unlike ancient Babylon which has no mother.
Yet one other indication that Babylon is more than a city can be found in Jeremiah's description of farming. Jeremiah 50, verse 16 “cut off the sower from Babylon and him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest...” This phrase indicates the farms and farmland will be judged and burned with fire, because when was the last time you saw wheat combines harvesting crops in any major city? Did you ever hear of wheat combines in Vatican City or Rome or New York City or London or Jerusalem or Washington, D.C.?
So that we can conclude that Babylon is indeed a super-power nation in the end times. Babylon had a mother nation that birthed her, which would rule out identity theories that try to claim Babylon is a rebuilt ancient Babylon of Iraq as well as Rome or the Catholic Church or another recently floated around theory that Jerusalem is Babylon.
Babylon is identified with the protection of a fallen angel which was originally assigned to ancient Babylon and worshiped as the goddess Ishtar, the Mother of the Harlots.
This author concludes that Babylon, the Great – the end-times super-power nation is none other than the United States of America. This is proven beyond what I believe is a shadow of doubt by my two-volume work entitled: “America, The Babylon: America's Destiny Foretold In Biblical Prophecy. These two volumes comprise 600+ pages of extensive textual analysis from the original Hebrew and Greek texts plus heavy, empirical documentation from authoritative sources such as The U.S. Library of Congress with official government documents, documents by America's founding fathers, archaeological evidence from Babylon and the Royal Library of the Kings of Babylon, university websites, websites of scholars and researchers on geo-politics, the US Parks Department, The Office of the Architect of the District of Columbia, art historians as well as political researchers. What unfolds in these two volumes is jaw-dropping information that most prophecy writers and eschatologists have never uncovered or understood.
What follows in this publication rests on the basis that the United States of America is Babylon, the Great or what I prefer to call “Babylon-America.”
This publication will examine the scriptural texts describing what happens to Babylon-America as it comes under Divine Judgment and the relationship of the judgment to references of Iran and terrorists. This will narrowly focus on Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51, especially chapter 51, with some references back to Revelation chapters 17 and 18. It is in these areas that we find the most amount of descriptive material pertaining to unfolding developments of the judgments and specifically to Iran's role in Babylon-America's demise.
Before we begin our examination of the descriptions of judgment in Jeremiah, it should be noted that this author asserts and maintains that there are two different Divine judgments to unfold on Babylon-America at two different points in the prophetic timeline. Jeremiah's description also suggests that additional judgment unfolds on Babylon-America just before the first judgment. This additional judgment is carried out by the nation of what is present-day modern Iran. How long it takes for the Iranian action is unknown. There could be a time gap of mere minutes, hours or a few days or weeks just prior to the super-natural Divine Judgment number one that engulfs Babylon-America. I think it will likely be only a very short time between Iran's actions and God's Divine Judgment.
God's 2 Divine Judgments on Babylon-America.
Judgment #1. A Fire Judgment lasting just one hour of one day.
See Revelation 18: 8 “in one day...so shall she be utterly burned with fire...”
18:9 …”see the smoke of her burning...”
18:10 ...”for in one hour has thy judgment come....”
18:17 ...” For in one hour so great riches is come to nought”...
18:18 ...”the smoke of her burning...”
18:19 … “for in one hour is she made desolate...”
So, John tells us that a fire judgment utterly desolates Babylon-America in one hour of one day.
Jeremiah doesn't pin it down to just one hour. He describes it though as simply a day of judgment.
Jeremiah 50:27 ...”for their day is come...”
Jeremiah 50:30 ...”in that day...”
Jeremiah 50:31 … “for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee.”
Jeremiah 51:2 … “for in the day of trouble...”
Isaiah mentions the idea of a one day judgment in Isaiah 47: 9 ...”but these things two things shall come to thee in a moment, in one day...”
So we have a “fire judgment” that takes place in one hour of one day. But when is that day? How does this event fit into God's prophetic time line for other prophetic developments?
The answer can be found in Revelation 17:12-14 where we find the Antichrist coming into power.
Yes, we see the Antichrist mentioned earlier in Revelation chapter 13 and many think chapter 13 describes the point where the Beast or Antichrist comes to power. Yes, this is true, but Revelation 17:12-14 gives us the details and circumstances surrounding his rise to power. In other words, the structure of book of Revelation is not perfectly linear in time. See Revelation 17: 12-13.
Verse 12 … “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
Verse 13...” these have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.”
So, we must acknowledge that Revelation 17:12-13 is describing the moment and the circumstances under which the Antichrist (Beast) ascends to power and thus the start of the Tribulation period. The circumstances involve a "committee" of 10 leaders
who meet for a one-hour time period and conclude the meeting with a unanimous vote to extend ruling authority to the Antichrist. This is the same one hour time period in which Babylon, the Great, aka Babylon-America is destroyed by fire as described in Revelation chapter 18.
Now with all of this in mind, let us now turn to Jeremiah's descriptive account of events that unfold in Babylon-America just before that one-hour fire judgment. We'll start first with Jeremiah, chapter 50
JEREMIAH Chapter 50
Jeremiah chapter 50 begins with identifying a future super-power nation which is referred to as Babylon, the land of the Chaldeans.
The question we need to ask in verse 1 is: "Who were the Chaldeans?"
The answer is not as simple as it might seem, when we dig deep into archaeological records and anthropological data dating back as far as 2,500 B.C.
The most common by history books as an answer to our question about the Chaldeans is that Chaldeans were a group of peasants that lived in the swampy marshlands at the mouths of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers as those rivers emptied into the Persian Gulf. Yes, indeed, that river delta area was called Chaldea and the inhabitants Chaldeans or "Khaldi." However, the term chaldean is not dealing so much with a tribe or race as it is a group of people with a certain religious philosophy and outlook.
The Chaldeans initially were migrants that roamed south and western Asia as far back as 2,000 or further back perhaps to 2,500 B.C. according to some anthropologists and archaeologists. There is evidence that the Khaldi or Khaldee aka Kasdee were initially migrants that roamed the lands of Asia Minor, including Turkey and Armenia. There is the distinct possibility that
the Chaldeans were at one point called the Hittites or lived in the land of the Hittites just prior to the rise of the Hittite empire. They eventually migrated south along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers into Assyria and Babylonia.
The Chaldean's claim to fame was their advanced knowledge of astronomy, astrology, sorcery, withcraft, divination and the occult sciences. In this regard, they were what often called "Magi." Today, some believe their theology and occult was picked up by the Knights' Templar during the crusades and eventually found a home in the secretive group known as Freemasonry, which is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and is the organization which provides cover for the Illuminati and assists with promoting the New World Order (NWO) - the foundation for the coming kingdom of the Antichrist.
So is it possible that Jeremiah 50:1 and the reference to the land of the Chaldeans is the land of occultist rebels intent on bringing on the NWO's global government and the Antichrist to power? We think it is very possible, but at the least, a reference to occult forces within the land called Babylon.
Now, as a reader of this article, you should raise the following question: "Why is this not a reference to fulfilled prophecies of an historical event in the past that happened to historical Babylon?"
Because in verse 2, we find key Hebrew Messianic idioms:
"Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard. Publish and conceal not. Say Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded ..."
The very first part of verse 2 references key elements involved in the Coming of the Messiah. It pertains to an elaborate Jewish system of communication using observation towers, watchmen and signal flags that stretched along Israel's borders and throughout Israel itself. Because the Messianic prophecies speak of the Messiah being greeted by the elders of each of the 12 tribes, the Jews realized that in order to make that prophecy work in 700 B.C. or any other point of time in the ancient world, then Israel must have some sort of elaborate communication system by which to signal to the elders that the Messiah was approaching Israel. The elders would then immediately drop any activity and race to Jerusalem to meet and escort the Messiah through the Messianic Gate and into the city of Jerusalem.
In typical Hebrew conversations concerning the times of the Coming of the Messiah, the Jews would use Hebrew idioms to reference back to what we just described in the previous paragraph. Some of the idioms were abbreviated, such as "set up a 'standard.'" That phrase by the way refers to the specially designated flag of the Messiah. The word for standard means, a banner or ensign or sign or signal flag. The phrase itself referred to the Messianic prophecies and meant that the coming of the Messiah was the context for what was to follow in a writing.
In the case of Jeremiah, chapter 50 verse 2 is telling us that it will be describing a Babylon that exists in the time frame of the future, at the Coming of the Messiah to save Israel from imminent destruction.
Also of note in verse 2 is the phrase: "Bel is confounded." The term "confounded" is the hiphil stem of "yabesh" (#3001) and the root meaning was "to dry up." In the Hiphil stem, it more explicitly means "to be ashamed, embarrased." So verse 2 is telling us that Baal (aka Bel) is embarrased about the destruction of Babylon, his operating base on Earth. Why? Because
Babylon was to be the foundation for a one-world government ruled by the Beast/Antichrist himself. Baal's (Satan) plans have been for his Antichrist's kingdom have been dealt a severe and embarrassing blow by the hand of God. It points to God's sovereignty reigning supreme despite Satan's claims to the contrary and raises doubts among creation that Satan can pull off an overthrow of the Creator-God of the Universe.
Wow, verse 2 really packed a punch of meanings didn't it? Yet so often, we as readers of scripture fail to grasp all of the meaning that is packed into the original language for many verses in scripture. English language translations simply cannot supply all of the meaning, all of the nuances that reside within the original language text of scripture and still be in a readable, English format.
Oh and by the way, the rest of verse 2 speaks of Merodach. This is another term for Baal and refers to the planet Mars, associated with Baal. The idea of broken in pieces is a reference to idol statues of Baal/Mars/Merodach. Did you know there is a huge statue of Baal/Mars that stands at the entrance to the US Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.? Also, atop the US Capitol Dome stands a statue named “Goddess of Freedom.” It is an artist's rendering of the Roman goddess Libertas (aka Freedom) which the Roman's adopted from Babylon's Ishtar religion. Libertas was a “prostitute” religion according to Roman historian Cicero, who lost his house to a construction project to build a temple for Libertas.
One other note concerning Washington, D.C., and Ishtar that should be made. One art historian has written a very lengthy, scholarly work showing that Washington, D.C., is an open-air temple dedicated to worshiping the Goddess Ishtar/Venus on a 24-hour, 7-day a week basis. The author cites dozens upon dozens of factual points proving his argument.
What's more, the Statue of Libery in New York City's harbor is another artistic rendering of Ishtar, the Mother of the Harlots. In my 2-volume work “America, The Babylon” we provide extensive documentation for all of these claims and many, many more claims.
Now back to our text. The rest of Jeremiah 50, verse 2 talks about all of the statue art works being broken in pieces at the destruction of Babylon-America.
Verse 3 -
"For out of the North there cometh up a nation against her which shall make her land desolate."
Myself, along with one of the world's top Hebrew scholars (Dr. Michael Heiser) believes this verse is poorly translated and misses the intended meaning of the original Hebrew text.
The term "North" is the Hebrew word "tsaw-phown." (#6828) The term itself can reference the north as a direction, but it also has obscure meanings as a reference to the area in the sky in the direction towards God and His throne. As such it can refer to the northern heavens which Rabbinic tradition states is the direction towards the abode of God and His throne.
It can also be a metaphor indicating an invasion force. For Israel, her enemies always attacked from the North. It was too impractical to invade Israel from the west and the Mediterranean Sea. The inhospitable desert in Jordan made it impossible for large armies to attack Israel from the east. It was also too difficult to invade from the south. Therefore, enemies attacking Israel would come in from the North (except Egypt). Thus the phrase "from out of the north" would simply imply an invasion of some sort, but not necessarily incorporating the idea of an actual invasion from the north, when not being applied to Israel. It does not necessarily mean an invasion from the north. It can simply mean an attack.
The next term for analysis is the word "nation." The Hebrew term is "go-ee" (#1471). While the word can refer to a nation, it can also refer to a group of people or of the entire Gentile population or Gentiles in general. It can also mean a "troop" or soldiers in a military sense.
In considering how to interpret this passage, we need to understand that Isaiah 13 verses 2 and 3 use obscure Hebrew idioms and metaphors to describe the invaders of Babylon who destroy Babylon. Isaiah uses idioms that refer to the Passover meal indicating that the invaders of Babylon are coming straight from the throne of God, from His right hand. They are perfect and sinless beings. They are exceedingly powerful. Later on, Isaiah tells us the destruction of Babylon will be just like Sodom and Gomorrah. (See Isaiah 13:19).
All of this leads me to believe that the same angelic forces that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah will also destroy Babylon-America. With this in mind, I believe Jeremiah 50:3 is also a reference to these angelic beings. It is the only interpretation that makes sense and is in harmony with Isaiah's prophecies. (See Volume 1 of "America, the Babylon" for more on Isaiah 13).
Note that the rest of Jeremiah 50, verse 3 describes the result of the destruction. Babylon-America will be uninhabited. Survivors will depart and that includes animals as well as humans.
Verses 4 through 8 speak of the Jews residing in Babylon-America.
In verse 4, it begins with another Hebrew Messianic Idiom indicating when this section of words will transpire. "In those days, and in that time"...This again indicates that what transpires occurs at the time just before the Messiah returns. Verses 4 through 8 describe the Jewish situation prior to the destruction and the call is issued for the Jews to flee Babylon and go to Israel.
In verse 9 we see once again two key terms that we discussed in verse 3.
"For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country..."
The word "assembly" is the Hebrew word "qahal" (kaw-hawl) (#6951). It means an organized group for war or invasion or of a religious nature. The term "nations" is the same word found in verse 3 "go-ee". (#1471) While it can mean "nation" it can also mean a troop or group of fighters. The double repetition here suggests more than a handful of individuals but not necessarily. It could mean several small groups of organized fighters.
The term "from the north" is the same word as in verse 3 "tsaw-phone" (#6828) with the same obscure meaning as we noted earlier. It precedes the Hebrew word translated as "country" (#776) which is "erets."
Now this term has a variety of potential meanings dependent upon usage/context. It can mean the whole earth, or Planet Earth. It can mean land such as a country or territory or a district, region or even "Sheol" - where the dead reside temporarily while awaiting the judgment day. It can also mean from the ends of the earth or beyond the ends of the earth. According to scholars the term can also mean "orbiting" or circling Planet earth as in a position not in heaven but not on earth, either. Again, all of this dependent upon usage and context.
What we have is a group or groups of fighters from the following possibilities:
1. all corners of the earth
2. the heavens
3. the throne of God
The context of the location of these fighters which Jeremiah presents in verses 3 and 9 are unclear. However, Isaiah chapter 13 and verses 1 through 5 indicates these fighters are probably non-human or super-human and come straight from the throne of God. How so? Let's go ahead and examine the passage.
Isaiah 13: 1-5.
Vs 1. The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see.
Vs 2. Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles.
Vs 3. I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, [even] them that rejoice in my highness.
Vs 4. The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the Lordof hosts mustereth the host of the battle.
Vs 5. They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, [even] the Lord, and the weapons of His indignation, to destroy the whole land.
Verse 1 indicates the following verses in chapter 13 pertain to an oracle or revelation of the future about Babylon according to Isaiah.
Verse 2 tells us the timing of the events about to be described. Note the verse uses abbreviated Hebrew Messianic idioms to indicate that the events to be described will occur at the time of the coming of the Messiah. The Messianic idiom "Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain" is the key idiom. The abbreviated Messianic idiom, "gates of the nobles" further confirms and concludes the first abbreviated Messianic idiom found at the start of the verse. Chapter 13 describes events to unfold in the short time just before the coming of the Messiah or in other words, The Day of the Lord.
Verse 3 tells us that God has commanded His "sanctified ones." This is the Hebrew word "qadash (#6942). It means holy, sanctified (sinless) and consecrated ones. In this first phrase God has given a divine order/command to his holy, sinless consecrated ones.
The next phrase in verse 3 is "I have also called my mighty ones for my anger."
The Hebrew term for "I have also called" is the word "qara" (# 7121) to be called, summoned, appointed, or commissioned.
The term "my mighty ones" is the Hebrew term "gibbowr" (#1368) meaning an exceedingly strong soldier. As in a hero. It can also be used of commanders.
The final term we examine is "anger." It is the Hebrew term "aph" (#639). It means, literally - nose. It can also mean anger.
The actualy phrase harkens to the point during the passover meal where one segment of the meal involves taking the sweet-smelling, savory herbs on the plate and bringing them up to the nose to smell them. In the passover ritual, this is a teaching
tool to let the participant know that just as the herbs are pleasing and acceptable, so is God pleased and accepts us as being sinless.
This verse indicates that God's mighty ones or his hero-soldiers or commanders are sinless.
So this second phrase in the verse repeats a key element found in the first phrase of the verse, namely "sinless" warriors.
Verse 3 is telling us that God has commanded his perfect, exceedingly strong (super-human) sinless warriors to be the ones
to carry out the divine decree of judgment upon a future super-nation existing at the time of the coming of Messiah. It is given the name of Babylon.
Verse 4 is a metaphor describing God's invading forces. They make a lot of noise like a throng of people in the mountains, like or as if they are a great people or as if they are like a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together.
In other words, God's forces are "like" but in reality are not a lot of humans nor the armies of the nations of the earth. They are instead as they are described in verse 3. Sinless, super-human agents who appear before God's throne.
Now in verse 5, we have terminology similar to that found in Jeremiah.
Verse 5 says "they come from a far country."
We need to look at the Hebrew term for "far." It is the Hebrew word "mer-khak" (#4801) and it means "from a distant place."
or "far" or "far off"
The Hebrew term for "country" is our Hebrew word "erets" (#776) which we saw in Jeremiah's passages, only here we have a great context for its meaning which is more than simply "earth" and not a 'nation'. Why? See the next phrase.
"from the end of heaven" --
"From the end" is the word "qatseh" (#7097) and it means from an end or extremity, or border, outskirts.
"heaven" is the Hebrew term "shamayim" (#8064) and it means heaven, heavens, Heaven as the abode of God.
So, verse 5 indicates that the attackers come from a far, distance, the abode of or the throne of God.
Isaiah tells us in no uncertain terms that the ones destroying Babylon are sinless ones. They are also very strong and powerful. I think it is safe to conclude that the text is referring to angels of the Lord. This then should set the context for Jeremiah's passages that vaguely refer to the attackers and where they come from. I simply do not see Jeremiah's description conflicting with Isaiah's clear references to angelic forces. Indeed the attackers described by Jeremiah are, in reality, the angelic beings who are located in the heavens with the Lord as described by Isaiah.
Let us continue with our review of Jeremiah 50.
In verse 11, Babylon is described as "destroyers of my heritage." The insinuation is that Babylon prospered at Israel's expense.
Verse 12 tells us that this nation had a 'mother.' Ancient Babylon had no mother-nation from which it was formed, but the United States had "Mother England."
Verse 13 tells us the extended result of the coming judgment of destruction. Babylon-America shall be uninhabited, wholly desolate. Those that pass by Babylon (sailing) shall be astonished and shall hiss at all her "plagues."
Now the term "plagues" should arouse some curiosity as to its meaning.
God's Instructions to the Attackers
V.17 - Assyria & ancient Babylon responsible for diaspora of the Jews for all time.
v. 18 - God's decree of judgment on future Babylon & Ishtar the fallen angel-guardian of Babylon
v.19 - God announces He will bring the Jews back to their land
v. 20 - In the last days - at the time of the coming of Messiah...Israel will be found guiltless by reason of a pardon.
v.21- 23 God's further instructions to the attackers
v.24 - 25 God's participation in the judgment
v.26 - 30 God's instructions again to the attackers and the results
v. 31- 46 God re-issues His judgment decree
v. 41 - The attackers described again
v.43 - Babylon's "king" responds to news of the attack
Chapter Outline Breakdown
vss 1 - God announces a destroying wind against Babylon
vs. 2 - Fanners/winnowers shall fan Babylon and empty her land. They [fanners] will be in a "circuit round about."
Fanners #2114 Defined: #2114 zuwr zoor a primitive root; to turn aside (especially for lodging); hence to be a foreigner, strange, profane; specifically (active participle) to commit adultery:--(come from) another (man, place), fanner, go away, (e-)strange
Fan #2219 Defined: #2219 zarah zaw-raw' a primitive root (Compare 2114); to toss about; by implication, to diffuse, winnow:--cast away, compass, disperse, fan, scatter (away), spread, strew, winnow.
The term Cabfyb #5439 - circuit round about, places round about. This term suggests the fanners are part of a circuit or a "network"
This verse may well be suggesting that 'fanners' is a reference to terrorists residing within Babylon prior to the first judgment, the fire judgment. The term fanners strongly suggests this and the Hebrew word Cabfyb only adds to this conclusion. Whatever the fanners are, it would seem that they operate in a circuit/network in unison or in coordination. There is no indication that the “fanners” are soldiers wearing uniforms. There is no indication as to their weaponry.
Results of the Fanners/fanning.
Verse 3 uses the term "archer" Does this suggest the 'archer' is a fanner or is the archer not connected with verse 2. Not really. What the verse states is that judgment will come upon the archers and those in armor and against the young men. In simple terms, the verse is describing soldiers of Babylon. All will be killed. The verse never states who does this nor does it state the immediate cause of death.
Verse 4 continues to describe the death of those who venture out into the streets. Their bodies are pierced/riddled with wounds that are fatal. Here again, we have nothing to indicate what pierced or riddled their bodies. There is no mention of arrows, swords or knives being used to bring about the pierced/riddled bodily injuries.
What we do know is that the “fanners” bring about the scattering of Babylon's population and the emptying of the land of inhabitants.
vs 5 - reason - Babylon sins against Israel & God
vs 6. Jews Told to Flee
vs 7 Babylon leads revolt against God
vs 8 - 9 Suddenly Babylon is fallen, healing is attempted but the attempt failed. FLEE
vs 10 Jews to Flee to Israel
vs 11 God prepares Iran (Medes) "spirit of the kings of the Medes" for the vengeance of the Lord & Temple.
Verse 11 begins with an obscure and abbreviated Messianic idiom - “make bright the arrows.”
The Hebrew term “barar” (#1305). It is in the Hiphil verb stem and in the imperative mood, meaning it is a command. In the Hiphil stem, the term means “to purify, cleanse, polish or make bright.” The second Hebrew term in this Messianic idiom is the Hebrew word “chets” (pronounced “khats”) (#2671) Gesenius' Hebrew-English lexicon tells us that when used in the context of God the term can refer to “lightnings. Thus the phrase “make bright the lightnings” could be an alternate rendering, although in the sense of a Messianic idiom used to indicate the description involves events surrounding the coming of the Messiah.
We see this again conveyed in the next phrase of the verse “gather the shields” where another Messianic timing point is referenced. The Hebrew word translated by the KJV as “gather” is the Hebrew word “malay” (#4390) in the Qal tense meaning “to consecrate.” So the shields should be 'consecrated' as part of “Messianic” preparations in advance of the Messiah's coming.
The next portion of Verse 11, may seem a little confusing to some readers.
The phrase, The Lord has “raised up” = “uwr” (#5782) = the word means “to act in an aroused manner, to awaken, to stir up, to incite.”
“Uwr” is from the root word carrying the idea of opening the eyes. So the phrase could be rendered: “The Lord has opened the eyes and incited...”
The next word is the Hebrew word “ruwach” (#7307) and can be translated either as “wind” or as “spirit.” It is used in other situations with the combination of the word “holy” (kodesh) as in the “Holy Spirit.” In verse 11 the term more than likely means the “spirit” and then proceeds to define the spirit's connection is with the Kings of the Medes.
So the phrase most likely should be translated as: The Lord (Jehovah) has raised up or incited or opened the eyes of the Spirit of the Kings of the Medes. This relates to Isaiah 13:17
What is the “Spirit” of the Kings of the Medes? The Kings of Media (Medes) were actually tribal chieftans who shared power with a powerful priesthood known as the Magi. The Magi were leaders of the cult of Zoroastrianism. Today, this priesthood class would be comparable to the Islamic Ayatollah's of Iran. I suspect this phrase is a reference to the Lord arousing the Iranian Ayatollahs to perform His purpose, namely assisting in the destruction of Babylon-America. See also verse 27 and 28 of this chapter for more details.
The rest of verse 11 is very clear cut in interpretation. It indicates God's purpose is to destroy Babylon-America in revenge for activities against God, God's people and His temple.
Verse 12. The verse starts with another abbreviated Hebrew Messianic idiom - “Set up a standard.” Here again we have areference to the Messianic banner or standard indicating that what follows is what happens at the time of the coming of Messiah.
vss 13- 19, 20-26 the divine decree by the Creator God and His glory & His judgment.
Verse 14. God says Babylon will be filled with men and the assertion carries the emphasis and connotation of quantity as expressed by the metaphor of “caterpillars” as expressed by the KJV. However, the Hebrew term is “yekeq” (#3218) and it can mean caterpillar or young locust dependent upon spelling and context. When the word is in the context of eating, the term is referencing a caterpillar. This is found three times in the Hebrew text. Six other times, the context is not of eating but rather in context of development or quantity in which case the term is transated as “young locust.”
The verse concludes with the statement that the men numbering like a plague of young locusts will lift up a testifying shout.
This description strongly suggests these men are Muslim, as Muslim terrorists commonly use the the Arabic phrase “Allahu ahkbar” - meaning “Allah is great.” It's often used as a shout of victory.
This verse would strongly suggest a linkage with the “fanners” of verse 2.
vss 27-28 IRAN announced to be an instrument of destruction.
Verse 27 begins with 2 abbreviated Messianic idioms indicating that the description is for the Messianic times. The verse then goes on to introduce the names of 3 tribes who will be involved in the destruction of Babylon. These 3 tribal names are: Ararat, Minni and Ashchenaz.
Some commentators erroneously claims these three names are references to Turkey (Ararat), the Balkan regions of Europe or Armenia or the old Yugoslavia (Minni) and finally the term Ashchenaz is attributed to being Germany. All three such designations are wrong.
The three names are references to tribes located in the northern regions of what is today known as Iran. They are not separate nations. They were three territories that made up a major portion of the Median (Medes) Empire in the 5th and 6th centuries B.C. So, verse 27 describes the northern portion of modern-day Iran. If there's any doubt, Verse 28 reaffirms this identification as it goes ahead and identifies the Median empire (Medes).
Verse 27 describes the Medes as “bristling caterpillars” carrying the idea of eating or consuming.
Verse 28 in the KJV mentions the term “nations” but that Hebrew term does not necessarily mean nations. It can refer to a group of gentiles without a reference to various nations. It can simply mean a group of intelligent beings. The group can be organized, as in a “troop” or simply as an unorganized group. In verse 28, the term is tied into the identity of the Kings of the Medes (i.e. Tribal leaders. In the Median Empire, the Tribal chieftans shared power with the religious leaders of the Median Empire – Zoroastrianism. In today's terminology, the phrase most likely refers to the religious leadership aspects of the Medes, or in this case – Iranian Ayatollahs.
vss 29 - 33 General description of God's judgment to come. There is nothing specific that relates to actions by the Medes or other human beings.
Verse 29 - “the land will tremble” = “ra-ash” (# 7493) means to quake or to shake. So the land will shake or quake. The next word in the KJV is “sorrow” = “chuwl” (# 2342). The Hebrew definition is not so much sorrow as it is activity related to the previous word(s). In this case the “ra-ash” or quaking/shaking. “Chuwl” is in the Qal stem so the meaning can range from: “dancing” to “twisting, writhing, whirl.” Considering the context is of the land experiencing an earthquake the word “chuwl” is giving us an extra understanding for the extent of the shaking of the earth. So the land will quake/shake and twist/writhe. How extensive or how intensive will the shaking/quaking and twisting become? There's no way to put a magnitude number to this, but it will apparently be significant but whether it will be a simply moderate earthquake or a major quake with serious damage is not specified although the verse states the land will become desolate and uninhabited.
How much of the desolation of the land is due to the earthquake is not clear.
Verse 33 – The daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor, the time to thresh her, yet a little while, and the time of her harvest shall come. This verse strongly suggests a linkage back to verse 2 and the “fanners.”
vss 34-36 - Remembering Babylons sin against the Jews
vss 37-41 Results of destruction
vs 42 -- Divine Supernatural judgment - Judgment #2 Sea has come up upon Bbylon..covered with the multitude of the waves.
vss 43 - 44 More results of destruction
vs 45 Jews commanded to flee
vss 46 - conditions just prior to judgment -- rumor - rumors, violence in the land, ruler against ruler
vss 47 - 48 further description of results of Babylon's judgment
vs 49 reason for judgment - Babylon's treachery against Israel
vs 50 - 51survivers told to flee - to Jerusalem
vss 52 God focuses on Babylon's Idols
vs 53 - 54 Babylon has outer-space defenses - but of no use
vs 55 - Babylon's water judgment
vs 56 - spoiler - singular - spoiler -( violent devastator) the spoiler has come upon her ... effects on Babylon
vss 57- Babylon's leaders will be made drunk and to sleep in death
vs 58 - Babylon's defenses destroyed
vs 59 - 64 - Jeremiah's message of authentication in written form.
vs 64 - Babylon will sink just like the book thrown into the Euphrates River and will never rise again
The purpose of this article was to analyze the Jeremiah prophecies to better understand the role of the “fanners” mentioned in Jeremiah 51, verse 2 as well as the role played by the Medes or Iranians.
In our deeper search for clues as to these two focal points we have very little new light to shed on these two issues.
It seems that the “fanner” activity precedes the fire judgment. This is also probably true of the Iranian/Medes involvement. The Iranian/Medes involvement may or may not involve the Babylonian homeland or the continental United States. We have no clear cut description that can be conclusively assigned to activity by the Iranians within the continental USA. The involvement of the fanners, however, definitely involves the homeland of Babylon-America or “conus.”
There is a hint within the text that “plagues” are inflicted within Babylon-America. This is shown by the use of the term in Jeremiah 50:13.
“Because of the wrath of the LORD it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate: every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues.”
The Hebrew term for “plagues” is the word “makkah” (# 4347). It does NOT necessarily mean a disease or diseases. It can also mean: “A blow, a stripe, beating, scourging, wound, slaughter, defeat or conquest as well as plague.”
The term “makkah” is found 48 times in the KJV Old Testament in 46 verses. It is not always translated as “plagues.”
The actual KJV term “plagues” is found only 22 times in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament the KJV uses it 10 times. It is found 12 times in the New Testament of which 10 are used in the Book of Revelation and of those 10, 2 are found in Revelation 18, verse 4 and 8.
Verse 4. “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
Verse 8. “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong [is] the Lord God who judgeth her.”
The Greek term is “plege” - pronounced as “play-gay” (#4127). The definition is a blow, a strike, a wound, heavy affliction, plague. It does NOT necessarily mean a disease although that is a possibility.
So we have only a hint of disease being a part of Babylon's judgment. We have no distinct understanding of any specific actions taken by the “fanners” in Jeremiah 51:2.
It is theoretically possible that the fanner's activities involve the spread of biological weapons but there is nothing definitive in the original text for us to arrive at a conclusion that the fanners are spreading disease.
The identity of the fanners also remains murky. There is a distinct possibility that the fanners are connected to the Iranians or Medes but there is nothing that gives us any certainty of such a conclusion.
We can conclude that the fanners are most likely foreign born terrorists temporarily residing within the borders of Babylon-America.
Knowing what we know about the Iranian biological weapons program and Iran's terrorist network there is a realistic possibility of a biological attack within the contiguous 48 states of America. Some experts believe this would be the easiest way for Iran to attack and do the most damage and do so without necessarily leaving any “fingerprints” with which to blame that nation. However, the prophetic texts cannot confirm with any certainty any such activity.
As we concluded in “America, The Babylon” we are still left to conclude that the “Medes” or Iranians most likely attack Babylon-America's military bases scattered around the Middle East, although the possibility remains that Iranian or Hezbollah terrorists conduct terror operations within the continental USA. Such operations could be bombings or the use of guns in a sort of guerrilla campaign.
Should military activity break out in the Mideast between Israel and Iran, we would not be surprised to Iranian terror activity in the American homeland. Such activity would likely occur just after the Rapture of the Church and just before God's angelic forces inflict a one-hour fire judgment of total destruction upon America. However, we cannot be positive that such terror activity would follow after the Rapture. It is a distinct possibility that an Iranian-led terror campaign might unfold just before the Rapture and the subsequent angelic attack on the 50 states of America.
What we conclude for advice for all believers is to be on a heightened state of alert in service to Him, making the most of the time left to witness for Him to unbelievers.
It is especially important for believers in America to realize that just before the Rapture, believers in America could be subjected to a tremendous outburst of terrorism, much of which may be directed by Muslim terrorists against Christians and Churches in America.
As we look forward into 2013, 2014 and 2015, we note that many Mideast experts expect some sort of military activity between Iran and western nations including Israel in the near future. Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu has laid down a red line for Iran's nuclear program that many expect to be crossed by the spring or summer of 2013. Thus some expect military action and a possible regional war or even a world war in 2013. It may well include terrorist activity within America's homeland as America is vulnerable to terrorism thanks to a porous southern border with Mexico.
Whether such activity takes place in 2013 through 2015 remains to be seen, but we do note that there are significant solar and lunar eclipses on Jewish feast days beginning in 2014 through the spring of 2015, which suggests major prophetic developments could unfold, including war(s) as early as 2013.
With all of this in mind, we encourage Christian believers to become well educated and grounded in the knowledge of Biblical Prophecy. Church pastors, particularly in America should be focusing their Biblical studies programs with Biblical Prophecy in mind. If your church is not providing in-depth Biblical Prophecy studies and information, I strongly suggest you consider changing churches and finding a “teaching church” that provides for classes on Biblical Prophecy. After all, our Lord commanded all believers to know Prophecy and be awake (not asleep) and ready for His Return.
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