New Study Articles Coming to AO In July

New Study Articles Coming
To The A-O Report in July
I just wanted to let you know what to expect for July in terms of new scripture textual studies articles.
Birth-pangs of the Messiah
This is an article that is completed on paper but needs to be digitized and formatted here into the website. Most prophecy students are familiar with the term "Birth-pangs of the Messiah" but have little understanding of this colorful Hebrew term and its Jewish roots. Our coming article delves into the background of the term as understood by the Jewish rabbis from 300B.C. til now. Of course, we show its relevancy to today's prophetic timelines and the "Parable of the Fig Tree." I think most of you will find this article to be quite insightful and revealing perhaps new perspectives on where we are now on God's prophetic timeline.
Analysis of Revelation 19
In the past few weeks, without internet access, I've spent some time looking at the transition from the Babylon chapters of Revelation 17 and 18 and the transition to Chapter 19.There are some very interesting discoveries that I've found that underscore and tie the Babylon prophecies to a Pre-Trib Rapture. I suspect it will cause some "Post" and "Mid-Trib" and "Pre-wrath" Rapturists re-evaluate their own conclusions.
Spiritual Growth articles
I am still working, albeit slowly on new articles dealing with trials and testings in Tribulation for Christians. Including an answer to the question: "What is the Normal Christian Life?"
Another subject that the Holy Spirit is leading me to address is:
It's rampant in the Churches
Legalism is a perennial problem in the Christian life and certainly rears its head in many if not most churches, often-times unrealized. I want to share the basics of Grace and the deadly consequences of Legalism and how the two are totally incompatible.
There are some music videos out there that can function as witnessing tools for evangelism. They are "awesome" and I'll share those in an article with links for readers to see for themselves. Frankly, I repeatedly weep when I see some of these videos as they really bring home visually the immense suffering of our Lord during his trials and crucifixion and the joy of His Resurrection. These are not the same as the Moody Worship Vids that I wrote about earlier this year.
All of this is slated for publishing in July. Of course, this assumes that donations for the month cover the rest of our operating costs. At the moment we're still in need of about $400 to cover our month. If you can help with a gift donation this month, visit our donations page for details on donating via credit/debit card using Paypal's secure server system and or details on how to donate via personal check using U.S. Postal Service.
Donations Page LINK
A special Thank-you once again to those of you who have already donated this month or this summer.
Sincerely in Christ,
Richard Coombes
Publisher- The Alpha-Omega Report