We're Back in Operation: Praise the Lord!

We're Back in Operation
Praise the Lord
A Short Explanation
On June 22, the Lord opened up a door miraculously allowing me to physically move publishing operations (as well as living) to a much more conducive location/atmosphere with superior internet access and reliability and better phone service connections. Additionally, this move enables much lower overhead cost reductions, as much as nearly 50% reduction in overhead costs beginning in the next couple of months and continuing into next year. It is a WIN-WIN situation that the Lord opened up.
However, apparently Satan had to throw in a shot. During the move, our lone computer tower was unable to return to operation. We had to await help from a donor(s) to supply another computer or money for a new one. We finally received a used computer from a wonderful reader in Washington state, but it took a week to arrive thanks to the July 4 holiday slowdown. This donated computer will help fill the gap until we can get enough in special donations for a computer tower and or a laptop. We really need both now. One for publishing, one for backup and also using it to make presentations to local church pastors hoping they will promote our website to their congregation and invite me to speak to their church about prophecy developments and the fact that America is Babylon.
So, for now, we need extra funds for the tech side upgrade to keep us operating properly as well as for normal monthly operating costs.
I expect us to get back up to speed on publishing in the next two days. We've got a back load of articles to finish and post plus getting you caught up on news in the Mideast. So give us a bit of time to get re-set and then check back often in July as we're going to be very busy with new materials being posted along with a flood of developments in the Mideast.
For those able to help with a gift-donation to cover expenses and computer equipment upgrade, please visit our Donations Page for details on donating by credit/debit card via PayPal's secure server system. Also details on how to donate via personal check by US mail.
To ALL of you who've helped with recent donations, thank you, thank you thank you so much for your support and encouragement.
Sincerely in Christ,
Richard Coombes
Publisher - The Alpha-Omega Report