Mideast News Update 6-11-13

Mideast News Update
June 11, 2013
US Uses Bunker-Buster to Destroy Replica
Of Iranian Underground Nuke Facility at Fordo
The Pentagon program to develop the largest "bunker-buster" bomb in the world has reached fulfillment with its biggest test being scored as a success.
The bunker-buster bomb program built an exact replica of the Iranian underground nuclear facility known as Fordo built inside a mountain outside the holy city of Qom.
After completion of the replicated facility, a GBU-57B bomb was attached to a B-2 bomber and the bomber then made a bombing run on the replicated target. The 13 ton bomb was dropped onto the target at twice the speed of sound, destroying the target.
The Pentagon is now ready to deploy the bomb for use as ordered by the President against the Iranian Fordo plant or any other target. The announcement to American allies including Israel is intended to demonstrate America's capability to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities, despite Iran's claims to the contrary. It also demonstrates to Israel that the United States is fully prepared to take the necessary military action to halt Iran's nuclear program.
For more on this story, see LINK HERE.
Iran Nuke Program Gears Up
To Produce 30 Nukes A Year
Austria's UN Peacekeepers Withdrawn
From UN Border Duties on Golan Heights
Syrian rebels clashed with Syrian Army forces along the Golan Heights putting in harms way, UN Peacekeeping troops from Austria. As a result of the fighting, Austria announced it was no longer safe for Austrian troops and ordered a total pullout from duties as UN observers for the region. More details, LINK HERE.
Russia Offers Troops to Replace
Austrians in Golan
UN Rejects Russian Offer For Golan
Russia To Send Peace-Keeper Troops
To Syria's Sector of the Golan Heights
Putin Calls Netanyahu For Phone Chat
Concerning Syrian - Golan Situation
Pentagon Suspects Russian Warships
May Be Carrying Weapons to Syria
Including the S-300 Air Defense Systems
US Marines Land in Jordan
For Extended Training Drills
With Jordanian Troops
Deployment Along Syrian Border
Protests Continue in Turkey
Crackdown May Bring Down Gov't
Syrian Rockets & Artillery Hit Lebanon
Syrian Regime Prepares To Re-Take Aleppo
Israel Prepares To Receive New
US F-35 Advanced Jet Fighters
and KC-135 Aerial Re-Fueling Tankers
Iranian Presidential Elections Wind Up
June 14 is Election Day