World News Round Up 6-2-13

World News Round Up
Russian Nuke Subs To Deploy
Regular Patrols To Southern Hemisphere
After 20 Year Hiatus
After the fall of the Soviet Union, the remnants of the Soviet Navy inherited by Russia simply were unable to maintain constant patrols of its nuclear submarines in the oceans of the southern hemisphere. In fact, regular submarine patrols anywhere by the Russian Navy came to a screeching halt by the mid 1990s.
Now, as the Russian Navy gears up for expansion, plans are underway to begin regular submarine patrols by its nuclear-missile carrying submarines in the southern hemisphere. The primary emphasis will be focused around the Mideast and India. Such efforts are still a future intention, as the Russian Navy's submarine building program is only now ramping up. It will take several years before Russia can fully implement its plans for a global naval presence. For more details, LINK HERE.
Sex Scandal Rocks UK PM
British Prime Minister is faced with revelations of engaging in an extra-marital affair. Could it bring down his government? More details, LINK HERE.
Bilderberg Set To Meet This Week
Already Triggering Controversy
Over Advanced Security Measures
California Wildfire Explodes
Engulfs 41 Square Miles