Pentagon Outlaws Christian Witnessing

Beyond Belief!
Witnessing is Now A Crime
Pentagon May Court-Martial
Christian Soldiers Who Witness Their Faith
This is yet, one more of Babylon-America's sins that are
rising up to heaven. (Rev 18:5)
The Pentagon has issued a statement confirming a new policy which prohibits American soldiers from sharing their faith or witnessing the Gospel to anyone within the Department of Defense.
The statement was released to FOX News. It comes after Breitbart News reported on Obama Administration officials meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein to develop court-martial procedures to punish Christians in the military who express or share their faith in Jesus Christ. Weinstein is the head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.
Weinstein asserts that Christians, including chaplains, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the military are guilty of "treason" and committing an act of "spiritual" rape. He asserts that this is as serious as "sexual assault."
A court-martial conviction would result in either imprisonment or dishonorable discharge or both.
Even more shocking, Weinstein claims that Christians in the military who share their faith are "enemies of the Constitution."
The new Obama Administration policy will likely result in the elimination of chaplains in the military. You can read much more about this developing story at this Breitbart website article - LINK HERE. More coverage - LINK HERE. Here's a FOX News Video Report - LINK HERE.