Free Subscription to our News Alerts

FREE E-Mail News Alerts
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We're trying once again to re-establish our Free, E-mail news alerts to let you know when we've posted new materials to this website. I'm not sure this new effort will be sustainable for the long-term but we'll try. I'm using a Yahoo E-mail account and will send out alerts via a BCC system (blind, carbon-copy). If I understand correctly, as long as I do not include any website links in a message, the spam filters will not consider it spam even though I'm mailing out a bulk BCC as long as its not too big. How big is too big? I don't know, but we'll find out. If needed, I'll open a second account for overflow and those new subscribers will have to sign up via that account. Hopefully, we'll be able to once again establish a way to let you, the reader know when we've posted new material to this website, without any advertisers and without giving out your email address to anyone else. Your email addy will remain a secret with me.
To subscribe to this Free News Alert service, just send me an email with the word Subscribe in the subject box and then put subject in the message box along with the email address you wish to receive The A-O Report News Alerts. Just type in the following into your email "To" box. The addy below has been altered to keep spider robots from recognizing the address and spamming the mail box. Be sure to add the @ sign and remove the dot for an actual dot.
yahoo dot com
Once you've sent your subscriber request you will be added to our mailing list and begin receiving news alerts with our next alert broadcast.