2012: The Year in Review
2012: The Year in Review
The year just ended was supposed to be the end of the world, according to the Mayan Calendar. Had any of those believing such claims bothered to read the Book of Revelation and understand Biblical Prophecy, they would have known that 2012 would not be the end of the world. Instead, there is still much more to come in God's program.
2012 was also the date the "New World Order" crowd had targeted for the implementation of a total, global government. Yet, a funny thing happened on the way to a One-World government. Those plans didn't quite get fulfilled in 2012, although they seem to be pretty close. The problem is that they didn't figure was, that the Creator-God of the Universe would cast down further obstacles to delay their plans. Oh yes, those plans of mice and men sometimes go awry.
2012: A Year of Chaos
In reviewing all that happened during the year, perhaps the one word that would sum up the year would be the word "chaos." 2012 was a year filled with chaos. Of course, chaos is the modus operandii of the Illuminati so it should come as no surprise to see their handiwork reach new heights.
Top Story of the Year
Perhaps the top story of the year is the one that didn't happen. We're referring to the fact that Iran continued to develop its nuclear weapons program without any military intervention from Israel or the United States. As 2012 began, most foreign policy analysts and experts expected at least Israel to take military action against Iran's nuclear facilities before the end of the year, if Iran continued its program unabated, which it did. As we enter 2013 that same expectation remains but the forces which prevented military action against Iran remain in full force so the question arises as to whether or not there will be military action against Iran in 2013.
Other Top Stories in 2012
UN Recognizes The Palestinian Authority
In late November, the UN General Assembly approved a motion to grant recognition to the Palestinian Authority as a prelude to an official recognition of statehood. This new status will enable the Palestinians the right to bring legal accusations of war crimes against the leaders of the Israeli government. It will also allow the PA to ask for full recognition as a nation at a future point in time.
The Syrian Civil War
The Syrian Civil War continued for a second year during 2012 despite expectations from the White House that Syrian President Assad would be removed from power during the year. Such expectations proved unfounded. President Assad has managed to cling to power in large measure because of support from Russia and Iran. Russian support has been absolutely crucial for Assad's survival in the last two months as Assad's forces were running out of weapons, ammunition, fuel as well as food. Russia re-supplied Syria with massive shipments of military necessities in December to keep the regime from total collapse.
Russia's interest in support Assad is of a strategic, geo-political nature. The Russians want a "warm-water" naval base and outlet to the Mediterranean Sea. Since Peter, the Great, Russia has always wanted a "warm-water" naval base for its fleet to operate year-round including winter time. Russian naval bases have always had to contend with winter conditions which limit the capabilities for the Russian Navy to operate from home naval bases from December to March. Syrian President Assad had granted two such port facilities to the Russians and the Russians are determined not to lose those facilities in the event of Assad's departure. Consequently, the Russians are determined to help Assad remain in power for the time being.
The Russians are also concerned that the fall of Syria will only lead to the collapse of other Muslim nations like a spreading virus. They believe that the domino effect of other Arab Spring revolutions will eventually reach to Russia's Muslim neighbors such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgystan. Russian strategists fear that the Arab Spring revolutions would spread to their neighbors and then eventually infect vast territories within Russia, such as Chechnya, prompting the break up of Russia itself. They believe these revolutions are being fomented by the USA and the West as part of an effort to destroy Russia as well as China. Therefore, Russian leaders are drawing a line in the sand with Syria in an effort to stem a growing tidal wave of Islamic radicalism. It is for this reason that Russia is also, tentatively backing Iran against the West, believing that the Syrian-Iran axis is can be a firewall of protection against the potential for a future break up of Russia, itself.
So we have the Syrian revolution devolve into a Civil War which in reality is also a civil war within Islam itself. The Sunni sect Muslims in Syria are the dominant force while the Shia sect is very much in the minority. Christianity is also a minority sect within Syria and Syrian Christians are doing everything they can to stay out of the way. The Sunni sect is being backed by the Muslim Brotherhood with the support of nations such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, the UAE, and Kuwait. The Syrian conflict is simply a part of a larger fight between the two Islamic sects. The Russians realize that this fight will continue to spread if left unabated. The New World Order crowd wants this fight as a preliminary set-up for war between Islam and Christianity with Judaism caught in the middle as a casualty, resulting in the eventual destruction of all three religions enabling a true one-world government with a one-world religion to take control of the world.
With such high stakes, the Syrian conflict has become a key battleground in the quest for world domination. As such, the Syrian government's inventory of WMD weapons has become a focal point in the war in the last two months. It promises to remain a key focal point in 2013 as the rebels press towards victory. The Russians have reportedly taken steps to gain control over the Syrian stockpiles that were under threat of seizure by Syrian rebels and Al Qaeda. Some of that inventory however was not under threat and remains under total control by the Assad regime.
As we enter 2013, the fighting in Syria has extended to its borders with both Turkey and Jordana. Such fighting is intended to control the borders and affect the movement of rebel supplies and rebel soldiers using Turkey and Jordan as protective enclaves. The Syrian regime is reportedly preparing to use SCUD missiles with WMDs against those enclaves but it needs observation posts on the border for targeting support in such missile attacks. Western analysts strongly suspect that Assad intends to launch WMD missile attacks into Jordan in the very near future, followed by attacks into Turkish enclaves and eventually into Israel. Expectations are for such events to unfold as early as January of 2013 or as late as March depending upon circumstances.
Therefore, unfolding events in December of 2012 are setting the stage for shocking developments to unfold in 2013.
Obama Wins 2nd Term
Our 4th ranked story of 2012 is the re-election of President Obama. President Obama defied historical odds to win re-election. The economy was not favorable for the re-election of a president. Never before had a sitting president won re-election with unemployment raging at nearly all-time highs. Inflation began rearing its public head and federal budget deficits were soaring under Obama's reign. Then also, for the first time in American financial history, America's credit rating took a hit. No longer is the bond rating for the United States at a triple A level (AAA). Furthermore, there was an emerging scandal in foreign policy as terrorists killed the American ambassador to Libya on September 11. The Obama campaign team faced enormous negative factors in the final days leading up to the election but on election night, the President was handed a comfortable victory. His opponent, Mitt Romney, thoroughly bungled a challenge that should have been victorious.
Not only did the President win, but the Democrat Party retained control of the Senate. The GOP retained control of the House and thus setting the stage for at least two more years of divided government.
European Union's Slide Into Chaos
Our fifth-ranked story of 2012 involves the European Union's descent into chaos and what seems to be a slow-motion collision with bankruptcy. It is no longer Greece that is dragging the EU into bankruptcy. Greece now has company with nations such as Italy, Spain, and Portugal with France and Britain not far behind. The EU's credit rating has repeatedly taken a nose-dive with the bond-rating agencies and many consider EU oriented bonds to be "junk" bonds. Even so, the EU central bank along with the IMF and World Bank have been successful in propping up the EU economically but the EU remains a house of cards waiting for a wind to blow it down. Many financial analysts thought the EU would collapse in 2012, but the NWO is apparently not quite ready to see the EU's demise. The demise is probably being delayed by NWO difficulties in putting new infrastructure in place for a One-World government connected into the UN. It was all supposed to have happened by December 21, 2012 but too many obstacles remained for the NWO to implement its plans in 2012. Yet again, we see God's sovereignty in action. Perhaps we will see a new 10 nation group form in 2013 that will bring the Antichrist to power at some future point in time.
Egypt Slides Into Islamic Radicalism
Our sixth top rated story involves Egypt's descent into radical Islamic control. In the summer of 2012, a new president was elected with the backing of the Muslim Brotherhood. In less than six months the new President had taken substantial measures to plunge his nation into radical Islam including the attempt to implement Islamic "Sharia Law" into the fabric of a new Egyptian government. As 2012 drew to a close, the new Egyptian leader attempted to usurp the Egyptian constitution by issuing presidential decrees that would give him authoritarian control. This has led to a renewal of citizen uprisings that threaten to bring down the government in 2013. The public outcry of opposition groups forced the president into withdrawing most of his decrees, but the nation seems to be firmly under Muslim Brotherhood control. Their control will lead to future opposition to Israel and alignments with Israel's enemies.
Israel Faces New Elections
Our seventh-ranked story of 2012...
As Prime Minister Netanyahu jockeyed for political power to take military action against Iran, the Prime Minister encountered enough political opposition to force the conservative Israeli leader into calling for early elections. January 22, 2013 was designated as the date for new elections. Within weeks of the announcement, the Prime Minister found his party in the driver's seat for victory. Netanyahu's Likud Party and his coalition with other political parties has given the Prime Minister the opportunity to form a new, stronger coalition with the political power necessary to order military action against Iran in 2013 should it become necessary. As we end 2012, opinion polls show Netanyahu and his Likud Party dominating the contest for power. Most analysts believe the Prime Minister will easily win re-election in January.
UN Expansion of Powers
Our eighth top-ranked story involves efforts by the NWO crowd to grab more power for the UN. This included efforts to give total control of the internet to the United Nations. Another effort involved attempts to establish UN taxation of the environment through member nations. Another move involved the implementation of global gun control. All such efforts ended in frustration with the Obama Administration stifled in its efforts to submit to such UN controls. This was no doubt due in part to the 2012 election campaign and Obama's need to appeal to the centrist-leaning independent voters in America. With the election now over and Obama's second term on the horizon, many commentators believe that Obama will have a free hand to take draconian and totalitarian measures into his hands to bring about American submission to the UN's global government agenda.
New Health-Care For the US = Totalitarianism
The passage of health care reform two years ago by a Congress under control of the Democrats put America on a course for totalitarianism in 2013 and 2014. Of course the new law was subjected to Supreme Court review. The initial wave of court hearings was concluded in June of 2012 with a controversial ruling giving credence to the new law, now known as "Obamacare." The new law will become active in stages starting in 2013 with a totalitarian conclusion taking effect in 2017. The new healthcare system is designed to give the U.S. government a "big-brother" totalitarian capability. The government will effectively be able to determine who lives and who dies based on who gets medical care and who doesn't. Until the Supreme Court ruling which upheld the essential basis for the law, its implementation remained in serious doubt. Even so, new challenges are arising on other grounds which the Supreme Court will likely address in 2013 and beyond, but as 2012 drew to a close, the Federal government was ramping up ways to implement the new system that will profoundly change the composition of Babylon-America and its culture.
North Korea Missile Tests
As 2012 drew to a close, North Korea again thumbed its nose at the world and launched a satellite into space aboard a home-made missile. The launch was successful and it raised the chilling prospects for a future fleet of North Korean nuclear missiles capable of reaching the United States and the rest of the world.
Other Top Stories for 2012
9-11 Terror Attack on USA in Libya Kills US Ambassador
Global Wild Weather Costs in 2012 - $100 Billion
Epic Wildfires Rage Across Much of USA
Severe Drought & Heat Impacts 2/3rds of USA & World
Wild Storm, Hurricane Sandy
Record Ice Melt in Greenland
Mild Winter for USA in 2012
EF4 Tornado Hits Indiana
Global Water Supplies Shrink
Isaac Hits New Orleans drenching N/O in floods
Phoenix - Massive Dust Storms in Southwest
Hurricane Sandy - Super-Storm Hits New England