Bilderberg Conference Meeting June 9-12 - A-O Special Coverage

Special A-O Report Coverage
Bilderberg Conference 2011
Bilderberg Group Concludes Annual Meeting
Held at Posh Resort in Switzerland
June 9-12
The annual meeting of the Bilderberg group concluded on Sunday, June 12 at a posh resort in Switzerland. As usual, the meeting garners almost zero attention from mainstream media outlets with the recent exception of brief blurbs, like this one from Associated Press. LINK HERE.
Opposition Against Bilderberg Growing
Swiss Lawmaker Tries To "Crash" the Event
Italy Complains Over Bilderberg Incident
Italy's embassy in Switzerland has requested an investigation into the expulsion of an Italian EU Parliamentarian who tried to get into the secretive Bilderberg conference held in Switzerland June 9-12.
On the first day of the Bilderberg conference, Mario Borghezio and another Italian citizen were stopped by private security guards surrounding the conference area. Borghezio showed his credentials as an EU member of Parliament but was denied entry because he did not have an official invitation. The EU lawmaker was taken into custody and held at a local police station for a time, then released with the warning to not return to the area until after the Bilderberg conference had concluded. There were reports that either Borghezio and his associated suffered a nose bleed during a scuffle with security forces.
According to an Italiana news report, the Italian foreign ministry has asked the government of Switzerland to name those responsible. Borghezio later announced he would bring legal charges in connection with the experience.
On Saturday afternoon (June 11) a small of about 50 people demonstrated outside the resort hotel in protest against the Bilderberg conference. For more details, LINK HERE.
Bilderberg Plans Falling Apart?
Bilderberg 2011 Agenda
St. Moritz, Switzerland June 9-12
The agenda for the Bilderberg 2011 Conference included a variety of topics.
According to leaks from at least one attendee, the topic of primary concern involves the "Arab Spring" revolts and efforts to widen the revolt into a regional war to produce regime-change and trigger a wider, world war. Party of the plan was for NATO to engage Libya's dictator in a military conflict that would trigger a regional war. To accomplish this, U.S. participation is required, but the U.S. Congress is upset that Obama has violated the Constitution and War Power's Act by not garnering Congressional approval before committing U.S. forces to military action. A new move is underway in Congress to now halt U.S. participation in the Libyan conflict. This move triggered great concern and dismay within the Bilderberg Conference this year as it could put a halt to springing a wider Mideast war.
The Bilderberg group's justification for war is based on the growing overpopulation of the world with limited resources to support such expanding population. Wars reduce the population levels and a great world war could massively de-populate Earth and bring human population levels within manageable limits to match natural resources. On this matter, the Bilderberg attendees were united in agreement for the need of war. The topic dominated the entire first day of the conference and was a backdrop for other issues discussed during the next two days of meetings.
The second most discussed issue involved was growing publicity about the group and its plans for global government and the growing public opposition to not only global government but opposition to Bilderberg and its annual meetings. In conference discussions, there was a consensus that the unregulated internet is the primary factor enabling opposition to grow and possibly bring a halt to Bilderberg and its plans and goals for global government. Conferees discussed new, legal measures being undertaken to regulate, control and eliminate internet websites and emailing messages. In other words, new laws and regulations are being developed to legally censor internet content and make opposition to global government a criminal offense. Look for censorship efforts to step up and take hold in the next six to twelve months.
Along these same lines, the Bilderbergers were highly concerned and angered by the growing opposition in America, taking form through the American Patriot and Tea Party movement. This opposition is being taken as a serious threat to globalization plans. The group singled out media magnate, Rupert Murdoch and his media empire's coverage of globalization and of Bilderberg. Private attempts are being made to convince Murdoch to force his empire to scale back publicity and coverage of attempts to create a global government. The attendees were stunned by the presence of demonstrators at the conference and the presence of alternative media reporters providing coverage through the internet.
The third most important topic for discussion involved efforts to restructure the world's economy by crashing the system in a new crisis that will end with a collapse of the current system, to be replaced by a new global system, with an electronic currency and an all-powerful central banking system. Plans will include a new electronic currency utilizing micro-chip implants to be placed in the hands or wrists of citizens of the world. Such plans are already in place in the USA, thanks to the new Obama Health Care law which mandates micro-chip implants for all Americans by March of 2013. The Obama plan argues that the micro-chip must hold all medical records and personal identification of the person being implanted. Similar measures are reportedly underway in Europe.
In bringing down the world's economy, the globalists publicly wring their hands and engage in futile steps to shore up the Euro currency and stave off national bankruptcies in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, but behind the scenes, this is exactly what the Illuminists desire because everything must collapse to make way for a New World Order and a global dictator. This aspect is little understood among the Bilderberg critics and reporters covering Bilderberg.
As part of the take-down of the world's economy, a new IMF chieftain must be appointed in the wake of the arrest of the IMF chief in New York City last month. The Bilderberg conferees shared opinions back and forth on who should be selected to take over as the IMF leader and be a key player in the coming economic collapse willing to institute the Bilderberg global government concept into a newly structured international monetary system.
Three candidates are being considered to take over at the IMF. These candidates are:
Stanley Fischer, governor of the Bank of Israel and member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission
Augustin Carstens, head of Mexico's Central Bank
Christine Lagarde, the Finance Minister of France
While Fischer is considered a personal favorite by many within the globalist movement, his Jewish banker background may be considered to provocative for conspiracy theorists, whereas Christine Lagarde, a French woman would provide a more positive public relations face for the globalist agenda.
The Bilderberg attendees expressed no choice on the candidacies of the three, but Lagarde seemed to hold the greater regard among attendees.
List of 2011 Attendees