The Extraterrestrial Is Not My Brother
The Extraterrestrial
is not my Brother
No Matter what the Vatican says
by Stephen Yulish PhD
The Vatican's chief astronomer, Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Director of the Vatican's Observatory, stated in a recent press release that "extraterrestrials are our brothers." He continued that "believing that the universe may contain alien life does not contradict a faith in God because aliens would still be God's creations." He concluded that "ruling out aliens would put limits on God's creative freedom."
I addressed the error of this viewpoint in my earlier article "The Upcoming Great Deception", UFO Digest, December 15, 2006 where I wrote that the Bible says that man is the highest form of creation created in the image of God Himself (Genesis 1:26-27). There cannot be any more advanced or evolved creatures out there. If such entities are ever found, I will discard my Bible but I'll bet on Pascal's Wager that it is better to believe that God exists than not to believe, "Pascal's Wager", UFO Digest, October 16, 2007. The entities out there are fallen angels, demonic creations bent upon our destruction. With all due respect to Rev. Funes, these fallen angels masquerading as extraterrestrials are not my brothers but are instead henchman of Satan himself bent upon deceiving us as to the upcoming plans of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As I have written many times before, the upcoming catching away (Rapture) of the true followers of Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) to escape the coming Tribulation and apocalypse will be explained to those left behind as an abduction by UFOs/aliens. Since the Vatican does not believe in the concept of the rapture it has become a participant in the upcoming deception. To call extraterrestrials our brothers only adds insult to injury.
"[This is] in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders. And with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. And for this reason, God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false in order that they might be judged who did not believe the truth and took pleasure in wickedness" (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).
I discussed this relationship between the Vatican and the upcoming deception beginning seven years ago in my first novel The Great Harpazo Deception: the real story of UFOs.
While the main protagonist in my novel, Israeli and recent West Point graduate Col.Judah Meier, gets involved with a group doing remote viewing which makes contact with an extraterrestrial fallen angel, Azazel, there is also a strong religious component to the story. There is a Harvard Divinity School professor as well as a psychic and a remote viewer involved. I wanted to show the influence of the Vatican and the Pope on this delusion, so I researched this extensively and everything presented in the novel was based on actual events. The fact that the Vatican welcomed aliens even back then was not surprising since it also had welcomed other deceitful spirits.
"Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have come into the world" (1John 4:1).
Pope John Paul II had a gathering in Assisi, Italy in 1986 where 130 leaders of the world's 12 major religions met to pray for peace. There were snake worshipers and fire worshipers and spiritists and animists in attendance along with witch doctors. This move towards what the Bible describes as the one world end times religion (Revelation 17) concerned me and I had to work it into my novel. When a Vatican theologian by the name of Balducci at about the same time, came out with a book describing aliens as more evolved creatures than humans and maybe angels but nevertheless all under God, I knew that I was on to something.
Pope John Paul II stated at Assisi that "we are all praying to the same God." He let the Dalai Lama replace the cross on the altar of St.Peter's Church in Assisi with a statue of the Buddha. Pope John Paul II later received the traditional Shiva mark on his forehead by a Hindu Shiva Priestess (as seen in the photo right).
Pope John Paul II was not the first Pope to go down this road of ecumenical suicide. In 1974, at the Second World Conference on Religion and Peace held in Louvain, Belgium, Pope Paul VI issued the now infamous Louvain Declaration:
"Buddhists, Christians, Confucianists, Hindus, Jains, Jews, Muslims, Shintoists, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, and still others have sought here to listen to the spirit within our varied and venerable religious traditions and we have grappled with the towering issues that our societies must resolve in order to bring about peace. We rejoice that the long era of defensiveness and even prejudicial isolation of the religions of humanity is over and gone forever.
"In later times, some will fall away from the faith paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons" (1Timothy 4:1).
Interconnected amidst all of this talk of tolerance and acceptance of the notion of many paths to God or to the notion of the existence of many gods, is the inescapable belief that born again, Bible Believing so called fundamentalist Christians are not accepting of this unity amidst diversity and thus had to be removed from the earth so an evolution to a higher plane of consciousness could occur. The rapture of these people to be with Jesus in the clouds would be explained thusly as the removal of undesirables by aliens in UFOs for re education. The Vatican does not believe in the concept of the rapture and likewise many unknowing Catholic so called Christians will not be raptured either. Thus the Vatican has become part of the problem instead of the solution.
"Holding on to a form of Godliness although they have denied its power" (2 Timothy 3:5).
"I [God} never knew you. Depart from Me you who practice lawlessness" (Matthew 7:23).
In 2001 there was a Millennial Unity Conference held sponsored by the Vatican, the World Council of Churches and other liberal so called "non judgmental" religious groups.
At a Conference on Religious Unity sponsored by the United Nations Global Committee there was sponsorship from the Gaia Consortium. The Temple of Religious Enlightenment, the Vatican and the World Council of Churches. I just had to use these events in my novel to not only lend it historical validity but also to show how the Vatican and liberal churches were quick to write off born again, Christians like me.
"Truly I say to you that unless one is born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God" (John 3:3).
All religions also speak to the end of times and to one coming to bring world peace. The Buddhists speak of Maitrya, the bearer of true peace. The Hindus speak of the age of Kalki, the final incarnation of Vishnu who will bring enlightenment to the world. Buddha was the 9th incarnation of Vishnu 2500 years ago. Confucianism speaks of the True man and Zoroastrianism speaks of Saoshyant. Islam speaks of the Mahdi and Judaism speaks of the Moshiach. Native people speak of the coming of the white buffalo.
"For many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and will mislead many" (Matthew 24:5).
Christians speak of the coming of the antichrist that will bring a false peace and destruction upon this world (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
All the religions of the world will be deceived as to the identity of this deceiver. He will not bring true peace nor enlightenment but rather only deception and death. He will be foreshadowed by fallen angels masquerading as alien brothers who will try and explain the sudden disappearance of millions of Christians as an abduction by UFO, extraterrestrial brothers for re education in sensitivity and tolerance training. This deception has been enabled by the Vatican and liberal Protestant entities who teach that all paths to God are equal.
Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life and nobody comes to the Father but through me" John 14:6)
Peter said, "There is salvation in no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12).
This statement by the Vatican astronomer is significant not only in that it reflects the concept of the end time church bathed in apostasy but it also enables Satan's deception to proceed unimpeded.
"There is one God and one mediator between God and men and that is the man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 2:5).
Put your hope and trust in Him not some so called extraterrestrial brother.