Is Gasoline Rationing in Your Future?
Is Gasoline Rationing in Your Future?
Peak Oil: Is It Happening?
(AO-Newswire) -- The US Federal Government has developed standby a gasoline rationing plans that calls for gasoline purchases to be accompanied by the issuance of government-printed rationing coupons that would be used much like money. without which one would not be able to purchase gasoline. This plan is now 28 years old and was designed back at the time of the last serious gasoline shortage during the Iranian Hostage Takeover of the US Embassy in Iran.
The plans were developed in 1980 by the US Department of Energy. These plans are referred to as "Standby Rationing Plan 80-1Docket No. ERA-R-79-54-A" At this time, the plans remain valid though, the President must initiate the plans during an energy shortfall of 20%. Congress will be given 30 days to review and modify or reject the plan. If no action is taken, the plans will then go into effect to insitute a gsoline coupon rationing program.
An enterprising Texas company has been formed in anticipation that the Federal government will institute gasoline rationing in the perhaps not so distant future. We highly doubt that the Congress will approve such plans should the need for rationing develop. More than likely, with the advent of electronic currency capabilities, it would likely be just as easy to issue a plastic rationing card with a magnetic strip, just like credit or debit bank cards. Such a system would prove to be far more flexible than a printed coupon format. Such technology was not readily available in 1980 when the original plans were drawn up at then President Carter's directive.
The US came near to this type of situation back in 2005 when Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma (all category 5 storms) made landfall into the United States. Had the storms hit just a little differently Most, if not all of the USA's Gulf Coast oil production and refining assets would have been either severely damage with extended time recovery or wiped out requiring years of rebuilding back to 2005 levels. Such an event would have triggered a rationing program.
In 2008, the United States is facing a similar energy crisis but for perhaps different reasons. At this time, oil prices are climbing through the roof due in part to increased global demand due to new growth demand primarily from China and India. Simultaneously, reports have surfaced within the oil industry that the world is now experiencing "Peak Oil" in which oil production has reached 'maximum' capacity in maturing oil fields, primarily in Saudi Arabia.
There are reports and rumors sweeping the oil trading markets and the oil industry that within the past two to three years but especially the past several months, Saudi Arabian oil production has been forced to inject much larger amounts of water into their wells to force oil up into the pumps at the old pumping rates. This injection of larger and larger amounts of water into a given well is a critical indicator that the oil well's inventory of oil supply has peaked, meaning the well will now produce less and less oil. It means that Saudi Arabia is running out of oil at a far faster pace than anyone had realized, much like the United States in the late 1960s. The same is expected to soon develop with Saudi neighbosr, such as Iran, Kuwait and the other oil sheikdoms in the region, with Iraq being the exception because production of oil has been substantial curtailed by 25 years of war.
Additional oil price support in the markets is due to oil trader fears of another outbreak of military hostilities in the Persian Gulf region, between the United States and Israel on one side and Iran, Syria and Lebanon on the other. Such prospects could lead to as much as a 40 to 50% drop in oil supplies to the world for an unknown period of time, depending on the extent of such a potential conflict. The Jerusalem Post recently reported that during President Bush's trip to Israel to celebrate Israel's 60th anniversary of Independence, a senior member of the White House entourage told Israeli leaders that the president has concluded that military action against Iran was necessary before he leaves office. The source stated that the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State still had reservations on the idea and had not yet signed off on the idea. After the Jerusalem Post story published, the White House immediately issued an unsually terse denial of the story. The Post's source however, was an Israeli Army Radio interview with an Israeli official who was present for the briefing and who relayed the information during the radio interview. Whether or not this story is valid, remains to be seen, but it no doubt has contributed to the subsequent run up in oil prices for ten days thereafter.
Should the latter prospect actually become reality, the United States would be forced to implement a radical, rationing program. Should that be the case, we would foresee the likelihood of either coupon-type of rationing or the development of an electronic debit card rationing system which most likely would be the pre-cursor to an electronic identification program and an electronic currency system. Once that develops, it would be a short step then to implementing an electronic currency and identification system using computer chip implant technology - where the implant is injected by syringe into a person's hand or forehead and set the stage for the Biblical prophetic fulfillment of the 6-6-6, "Mark of the Beast" prediction as given in Revelation chapter 13, verses 16-18.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
For this reason, The Alpha-Omega Report will be carefully monitoring developments in the Middle East and the oil markets.
LINK to Texas Company - Federal Gas Coupon, Inc. anticipating rationing and plans to develop a legal secondary coupon market should rationing be ordered.
Here is a link to the "US Rationing Plans, 1980" in PDF File Format-
Also: from US DOE Website -- photos of Printed Coupons