The Illuminati Strategy to Destroy Christianity
The Illuminati Strategy
Destroy Christianity
An A-O Report News Feature
R.A. Coombes
2nd Peter 1:19a “We have a more sure world of prophecy...”
2nd Peter 3: 3 “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days, scoffers…”
The Los Angeles Times is reporting in Friday's edition (6-23-6) that...
"For thousands of years, prophets have predicted the end of the world. Today, various religious groups, using the latest technology, are trying to hasten it."
With that introductory statement it would seem that we are seeing the start of the Illuminati strategy for dealing with Biblical prophecy. Such a strategy is to paint the public persona of Christians as a threat to the existence of humanity. By portraying Christians as Bible Prophecy nuts who are bent on creating the end of the world, the strategy is designed to destroy the witness of Prophecy iteself by denigrating those of us who merely point out and present the information.
If you will recall, the same charges are being leveled against President Bush by those claiming that he is surrounded by neo-cons who along with the President are trying to engineer prophetic fulfillments to bring about Armageddon and the Return of Jesus Christ.
The L.A. Times article compares Christian Prophetic fundamentalists with Iranian President Ahmadinejad and other Islamic fundamentalists who are working to bring about the arrival of the Islamic “messiah,” the Mahdi. The article also links the Jewish Messianic movement with Christians and Muslims who think the “end” is near.
The article goes on to cite a UCLA historian and book author, Eugen Webber who says:
"And it's always been an ultimately bloody hope, a slaughterhouse hope. What we have now in this global age is a vaster and bloodier-than-ever Wagnerian version. But, then, we are a very imaginative race."
With the major, mainstream media under the control of the Illuminati, we cannot merely dismiss this article and other similar articles as just random reports in the media, but rather as part of an Illuminated effort, that at present is a low-keyed strategic effort to set up Christianity as an undesirable religion. Most likely, Christians will be portrayed as terrorists. This will claim will be underscored by those Christians who think that it is their Christian duty to take up arms against the Antichrist and defeat Satan with bullets and bombs. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The idea of fighting back with violence against the Antichrist forces is ludicrous and is counterproductive to the mission of the believers which is to "grow in grace" and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Neither is done by the point of a barrel. In fact, we are told explicitly in Ephesians 6:12 that ...
" For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Nowhere in the prophecies are believers commanded to physically take up arms and or militarily confront the forces of the Antichrist in the last days. Not only is there no command to do so, but there is no insinuation, nor hint of any such thing in the prophetic texts. Instead, we do find extensive evidence of Christian martyrdom. We are also advised that those who take up the sword shall die by the sword. (see Rev 13:10
"He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints."
As time progresses, we would anticipate that such stories as the L.A. Times will become a drumbeat clarion call to “outlaw” Christianity around the world as a religion that is not safe for humanity. We suspect that a similar call will be issued against Islam, thanks in large measure to Islamic extremists and terrorists. Meanwhile, the fledgling Jewish Messianic movement will then be “easily snuffed out” as almost an afterthought, or so it would seem to be the Illuminating strategy. We know that this will not be the case, but eradication will be their goal.
It’s really a very insidious stratagem to eliminate Christianity in order to make way for the one-world religion and one-world government about to be imposed on the Planet.
We would advise you to keep this information in mind from here on out and expect to see more such articles and attitudes develop. For those who’ve doubted that genuine Christianity would become a hated religion in America, we submit this evidence and advise reconsideration.
In the coming weeks, The Alpha-Omega Report is going to present articles that will deal in more detail with this issue and related issues of the Great Apostasy and more details on how to spot false prophets and false teachers or false ‘preachers’ and more importantly their methodologies.
We strongly recommend and encourage you to take two minutes to read the full article from the Los Angeles Times, click here.
LA Times Reports...
"End Times" Religious Groups Want Apocalypse Soon