Middle East News Update 9-21-12
Middle East News Update
Iran Admits Elite Troops Are in Syria
Iran has admitted to sending "advisors" to Syria but has not decided yet to send reinforcements to support Syria's regime. This tends to corroborate intelligence report claims published by Debka that Iran is pouring troops into Syria via commercial airlines. More details, LINK HERE.
US Lists 117 Iranian Planes Flying to Syria
Iran Behind Cyber-Attacks on US Banks
Iran Issues Same Old Threat
Iran Can Wipe Israel Off Map
Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi warns that Tehran is capable of wiping the Israeli regime off the earth. LINK HERE.
West Warns Iran:
Time Is Running Out for Diplomacy
The U.S., Britain and France warned Iran on Thursday (9/20) that time is running out for negotiations on Iran's nuclear program.
America's ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice told a UN Security Council meeting that "Time is wasting" in regards to Iran's nuclear program.
The warning comes amid buzz and speculation around diplomatic circles that Israel is preparing to take military action against Iran. For more, LINK HERE.
Iranian Navy Practices Laying Mines
Team Obama Now Suggests
Iran Was Behind Libyan Ambassador Attack
The Obama Administration has quietly begun to suggest that Iran may have been behind the recent assassination of America's ambassador to Libya. Also, in testimony before a Senate committe hearing, counter-terrorism experts warned that Iran may soon begin launching terror attacks within the continental the United States. LINK HERE for more.
Pakistan Explodes in Protests
17 Killed as Theaters Attacked