Editor's Note on Year End Reports & Year Ahead Preview
Editor's Note for Year End Report
Year Ahead Preview for 2011
The A-O Intelligence Digest
For 1-3-11
Also Comments Concerning our News Alerts
Posted 1-1-11
We've just posted our regular weekly news features and a special page concerning the wild worldwide weather news. We've posted these at the end of the year instead of on Sunday. Thus our next regular weekly news postings will follow next weekend as usual on Sunday night or early Monday morning (January 9 or 10) depending on your global location.
Our annual special report - "The Year in Review: 2010" is now in preparation for publishing and posting to the website, probably late in the day on New Year's Day. The companion special article - "Trend Projections: Looking Ahead into 2011" will probably be posted on Sunday evening. Our regular edition of "The A-O Intelligence Digest" for donors only - will likely not post until Monday.
In addition, I'm also working on a special related Biblical Prophecy Studies report dealing with the Prophet Daniel's "70 Year's Prophecy" as it may relate to the new year of 2011.
I have a strong suspicion that the new year of 2011 may well be the most significant prophetic fulfillment year since - the year 1948 and or since - 70 A.D. when Rome destroyed Jerusalem and exiled the Jews from Israel.
Yes, I know that is a pretty strong statement, but when you understand the material we'll be presenting in the coming article on Daniel's 70 years prophecy, you may begin to agree with me.
One thing I am firmly convinced about the new year is that it is shaping up to be a year in which genuine believers in Christ will face greater persecution, particularly in the United States. You should begin getting mentally and spiritually prepared for persecution because that is the coming agenda for the New World Order and they're now ratcheting up their agenda for the implementation of a global government by their 2012 target date, which is just around the corner.
Concerning our News Alerts
We continue to have great technical difficulty with our new subscriber emailing system. The new system is far different than before and now relies on a different email support that hooks into my own ISP service and the inter-relationship between the two is at the moment incompatible, but perhaps resolvable. The problem is due to new anti-spam protocols on the internet that until now didn't affect our mailing service. Look for an announcement for either success and implemenation or we may have to scrap our subscriber list and go to a more time consuming subscription set up in which everyone will have to "re-subscribe."
There is an outside possibility that if we cannot resolve this as I think and hope, the only way will be to pay a company to provide the appropriate email support. That would mean additional monthly costs at a time when we're seriously struggling for donations to meet our expenses. It could mean that the news alerts and the occasional newsletter comments would have to be on a paid subscriber basis instead of free. I do not want to go to a payer system, but it might be the only way to do the email alerts, even if the cost might only be $1 dollar a month or even less, but it also might be even more. I just don't know. Hopefully, we can resolve this without any extra costs to our monthly operating expenses.
Our Global Outreach:
In the meantime, our email subscription news-alerts system is not functioning. Once we get this resolved we'll post a major announcement on the front page of our website, so everyone will know. Please understand we're operating on a shoe string budget that relies upon donations from readers to keep the website functioning with news and studies. Usually we're in the "red" almost every month this past year or so, with donations barely able to match our operating costs with a limited base of donor support despite having anywhere from 25,000 to 50,000 visits every month to the website from around the world including:
Red China, Japan, Russia, and many Muslim nations as well as of course Canada, Australia, Britain, France, Finland, Italy, Israel, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Germany, Spain, Greece, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, Romania, South Africa, Sweden, Singapore, Malaysia, Mexico, Ukraine, Egypt, South Korea, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Hong Kong, Czech Republic, Hungary, Peru, Argentina, Turkey, Qatar, Costa Rica, Kenya, Papau New Guinea, Portugal, United Arab Emirates, Chile, Columbia, Bahrain, Croatia, Ghana, Jordan,
AND -- (drumroll please)
EVEN -- Iraq, Syria and ---- IRAN !!!!!
and about 40 more countries also just in December
So, The Alpha-Omega Report is definitely reaching individuals around the world with Biblical perspectives on current events and Biblical Prophecy as well as The Gospel of Jesus Christ. In case you didn't know it, we have 2 free E-books available for FREE downloads on Salvation and also on "What is the Gospel?" We're clearly a witness and educational resource for the Gospel and Salvation by Grace through Faith alone.
If you have never donated to The A-O Report but would like to help with any size donation - please visit our Donations Page LINK for details on how to donate online using Paypal or by mail for U.S. readers.
New donors will be provided donor registration with special access to our Donor's Section where you'll find our regular A-O Intelligence Digest reports which provide extra insights as to what's going behind the scenes in the geo-political world - such as the latest developments in a secret cold war between the U.S., Israel and Britain against Iran and secret efforts by the Big 3 to destroy Iran's nuclear program from within instead of by military strikes.
Other types of Digest coverage include developments behind the scenes on peace negotiations, developments behind the scenes in Washington and the White House. We even provide inside scoops into the world of politics and of course, insights into what the New World Order types or up to. The A-O Intelligence Digest reports gives you special insights into what's going on with developments you won't find in the mainstream news media. The A-O Intelligence Digest is simply a special feature I provide to donors as a way of saying thank you for your help and support.
We need all the help we can get, from very small donations on up. To those who've donated in the past, particularly the past year, I want to again extend my grateful thanks for your help and support as well as a big thank you to those who keep our efforts in your prayers even if you're unable to provide any financial support.
2011 - I think will be a momentous year for prophetic fulfillment. I only hope we can keep The Alpha-Omega Report financially able to keep you informed and educated on the latest prophetic developments and how to understand them in light of prophetic scriptures.
R.A. Coombes
The Alpha-Omega Report