Final Middle East News Spotlight for 2010
Final Middle East News Spotlight
For 2010
Editor's Note: The news for the week prior to Christmas was so uneventful from a significant prophetic fulfillment nature that we did not have enough news to make a posting worthwhile. Between Christmas and the New Year, we did get a spurt of news to warrant this final Spotlight report for the year ending in 2010. This will replace our normal Sunday/Monday posting. Our next Spotlight posting will be due on 1/9/11. Our Year End Special Features Articles will post over the New Year's Weekend.
Rumors: Iran May Test Nuke in N. Korea
On December 24, a research report from the South Korean Foreign Ministry Institute indicated that North Korea would carry out another nuclear bomb test after the beginning of the year. -- South Korean media reported earlier this month that the North was digging a tunnel in preparation for such a nuclear test.
At the same time, reports from inside Iran indicate that a team of Iranian nuclear scientists have been sent to North Korea and that the two governments have agreed on a joint nuclear test in North Korea with a substantial financial reward for the Kim Jong-Il government.
Read the full story from FOX NEWS -- LINK HERE.
Iran Nuke Effort Faces Sabotage
U.S. Britain & Israel Waging Covert War
Against Iran's Nuke Program Says Report
It's the Reason Why Israel Has Not Attacked Iran Militarily
Iran Accuses Israel of Kidnapping
Iran's Former Deputy Defense Minister
Iran Calls for International Investigation
Iran Claims "Imperialist Powers" Have Spent
$7.7 Billion Dollars to Undermine Iran
Israel Confirms Another Major Nat Gas Find
This Time off the North Coastline
A newly found natural gas field called "Leviathan" has been confirmed by the Israeli government as one of the largest of its kind in the past decade. Could this be the "spoil" described by the prophet Elijah?
Ezekiel predicted that the world's nations would ask the invading Magog coalition: "Have you come to take a spoil?" as Magog forces begin an invasion of northern Israel only to be halted by Divine Intervention and Judgment on the invaders which destroy's 5/6th of the invading force and devastates the Magog homeland.
For more on the natural gas field, Leviathan - LINK HERE.
Gas Discovery Changes Israel's
Relationship with the World
Hamas Threatens To Exterminate Israel
To the Jews: Leave or Die
Lebanon Faces 2011 With Continued Crisis
Saudi King Leaves NY Hospital
Remains in NYC for Rehab
Israel FM Nixes Reconciliation With Turkey
Relations Between the 2 Nations Continue to Deteriorate