Mideast News Spotlight 10-24-10
The Alpha-Omega Report's
Mideast News Spotlight
October 24, 2010
Mortar Shelling of Southern Israel on Sunday
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip conducted a short mortar shelling into southern Israel on Sunday evening leaving us to wonder if this is a prelude to a new wave of Hamas violence against Israel. Details, LINK HERE.
US Warns Iran of
Meddling in Afghanistan
Israel Draws Up New Options
For a Nuclear Armed Iran
There are new indications that the Netanyahu government is considering the possibility of living with a nuclear-armed Iran instead of using the military option to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. This move however, does not mean that the military option is "off the table." Details from the Jerusalem Post - LINK HERE.
Hezbollah Leaders Prepare
To Be Indicted by UN Tribunal
For 2005 Lebanese Assassination
Of Prime Minister Hariri
Expectations of an impending UN Tribunal indictment of key Hezbollah leaders for the assassination of Lebanon's PM Hariri in 2005 have triggered speculation as to how Hezbollah and its Iranian sponsors will handle the international legal charges. There are grave concerns that Hezbollah will respond militarily with a takeover of Lebanon or trigger a civil war in such an attempt. For more on this story, LINK HERE.
Hezbollah Won't Cooperate
With UN Tribunal Investigations
Hezbollah continues to refuse to handover key witnesses in the investigation of a conspiracy to assassinate the late Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri. Details, LINK HERE.
U.S. Expresses Concern Over
Mounting Tensions in Lebanon
Israeli War Planner Says:
Hezbollah's Destruction Coming
A Lebanese newspaper cites an Israeli Hebrew newspaper report that the Israeli commander of the Galilee unit in the IDF, Yossi Bachar stated last week that the Israeli army plans to invade south Lebanon and "destroy Hezbollah." Bachar told an Israeli Hebrew newspaper that Israeli leadership is now convinced that defeating Hezbollah recquires that Hezbollah be destroyed once and for all. Report confirmation -LINK HERE.
Iran Prez Gaining More Power
Iranian Clerical Power Diminishing
Iranian President Ahmadinejad's ability to control policy and decision making continues to expand at the expense of the religious clerics in Iran, according to a Jerusalem Post article. Read the article - LINK HERE.
Palestinians Renew Campaign
For UN Nationhood Sponsorship
Concerned that there may never be a Palestinian nation, Palestinian Authority leaders are lobbying hard at the UN for the UN tos mandate nationhood for the Palestinians in the wake of yet another wave of failed peace initiatives. Palestinian leaders are hoping that UN diplomats will be able to assist in convincing the International Court and the Geneva Convention to join with the UN to carve out a land that be recognized as the nation of Palestine. For more details on this effort, LINK HERE.
Syria To Host New
Reconciliation Talks Between
Hamas and Palestinian Authority's Fatah
Iran Lawmakers Reject
Nuke Compromise Proposal
Saudi Royals Blast Obama
Iran Doubles Nuke Stockpile
Is a New Intifada Brewing?
Jerusalem To Be Targeted
China Sidesteps Iran Sanctions
US Concerned