Mideast War Talk Updates 9-5-10



Mideast War Talk News




For September 5, 2010




Syrian Newspapers Warn

Israel Preparing To Attack

Editor's Note: At the moment, there has been no outbreak in military fighting between Israel and her neighbors. The situation is much like a cat-and-mouse game between Israel and Iran - who is the instigator behind the war pressures and terrorism. There is a lot going on behind the scenes and we'll share more of that in our upcoming A-O Intelligence Digest which will be posted later today on Sunday.


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Syrian newspapers are reporting that Israeli military forces are preparing to launch attacks on Hezbollah's supply depots located in Syria.
The Syrian media reports come on the heels of President Obama's opening round of peace talks in Washington. The Syrian reports also come amid a flurry of intelligence reports indicating Hezbollah is about to unleash a massive sneak attack against Israel including amphibious commando strikes.

Even as Syrian newspapers reported Israeli preparations to attack, western intelligence monitors noted that Syrian armored units were mobilizing in the Golan Heights border area with Israel. Syria also reports Israeli drone reconnaisance aircraft have violated Syrian and Lebanese air space.

We should note that Israel has in the past, repeatedly warned Syrian President Assad that it will strike any Hezbollah missile storage sites located in Syrian territory. Syria was advised to halt its support for Hezbollah or it would be considered an act of war by Israel and Syria would face the consequences.

Arab media source confirmation - LINK HERE. Iranian media confirmation - LINK HERE.  Israeli media confirmation - LINK HERE.




D.C. Cocktail Circuit Abuzz

With Mideast War Talk Speculations




Mideast Peace Talks Round 2

To Be Held on Sept 14-15 In Egypt

New Meetings Every 2 Weeks




Hamas Threatens More Terror on Israel




Hamas Vows To Sink Peace Talks




Netanyahu Tells His Cabinet

He is Ready for Historic

Compromises For Peace

"Arab World Mature For Peace"




Iranians Rally on al Qods Day

Iran Prez: Mideast Talks Doomed

Thousands of Iranians marched on the International al Qods Day to promote the cause of re-taking Jerusalem from Israeli Jews. LINK HERE.




Iran Issues Nuke Warning To Israel

Iran's top military commander, Chief of Staff Hasan Firouzabadi has warned Israel that Iran would retaliate against any Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities by destroying Israel's nuclear reactor at Dimona in Israel's Negev Desert region.

The Iranian general stated during Iran's "Internartional al Qods Day" celebrations that he hoped that there would not "be a need to target the nuclear facility of the Zionist regime" but he added that if the need arose, Israel would receive "dreadful retribution." The general's remarks came as Mideast war tensions are at a fever pitch further fueled by demonstrations for "International al Qods Day" also known in English as "Jerusalem Day."

"Jerusalem Day" was invented by the founder of modern-day Iran as a day to anticipate the restoration of all of Jerusalem and Palestine to Islamic control and the death of Israel. The day is annually marked with demonstrations and protests not just in Iran but around the Middle East. It falls every year on the final day of the Islamic holy period known as Ramadan and is marked by the Ramadan feast celebrations which commence in the evening.

Al Qods Day events involve protest rallies and street demonstrations, especially in Iran where leaders traditionally denounce the existence of Israel and call for the liberation of Jerusalem and Palestin from the "zionist Jewe."

Iran's top general also gave an interview to an Iranian news agency, Mehr News as part of the Jerusalem Day protests. The general stated that:

"There is no Israeli location that is not within reach of our modern equipment. We hope that there would be no need [for us] to hit Israel's nuclear plant....A nuclear war is not in the interest of any country; we will respond to them through different methods."

The Jerusalem Day event, ironically or not, coincided with the conclusion of the opening round of Mideasst Peace Talks held in Washington on Thursday. The talks began what is hoped will be a one year effort of face-to-face negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, with the United States, Egyptian and Jordanian governments providing support and guidance to keep the talks moving forward. The Iranian general's remarks also underscored intelligence reports inidcating that Iran's proxy army, Hezbollah had now positioned most of its primary combat units directly on the Lebanese border with Israel in violation of UN agreements reached 4 years ago after the Summer War of 2006. Israel has reportedly responded by moving an armored tank division to the border and has begun stockpiling massive amounts of aviation fuel along with gasoline and diesel fuel for its ground forces in anticipation of hostilities.

For confirmation of the Iranian general's remarks - LINK HERE to Iranian news coverage. LINK HERE for Associated Press news coverage.




Secrety of State Clinton Warns:

Renewed Peace Talks Are

"Last Chance For Peace"

In remarks made during television interviews with both Palestinian and Israeli televsion programs, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that the renewed peace process is the "last chance" for peace in the Middle East for a very long time. Obama's top diplomat implied that unless the talks conclude with success, the region would likely be plunged into another war that would prevent any kind of peaceful resolution any time soon. For more on her remarks, LINK HERE.




U.S. Asks Turkey To Help Stop Iran

Admiral Mike Mullen, the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is visiting Turkey this weekend for consulations with Turkish leaders concerning the dire situation now developing around Iran's nuclear porgram. The Admiral reportedly is asking Turkish leaders to help prevent Iran from making nuclear weapons. Admiral Mullen is also reportedly proposing that Turkey provide hosting facilities to install defensive anti-missile weapons that would intercept future Iranian nuclear missiles that might be launched against Israel, Turkey or Europe. For more details, LINK HERE.




PA To Iran:

Mind Your Own Business









