A-O Weekly News Round Up 12-20-9
The Alpha-Omega Report's
Weekly News Round Up
For 12-20-9
A-O readers in America now need to understand that persecution of genuine Christians is now ready to begin in earnest in America.
The passage of a new "Hate Crimes" law and its signing into law by President Obama means that genuine Christians can now be legally persecuted by the U.S. government under the "hate crimes" legislation. From here on out, any of us who are Christians could find ourselves jailed for communicating our faith to others.
Pastors will no longer be able to even read certain verses from the Bible from the pulpit. It's hard to say just how long The Alpha-Omega Report website and similar sites will be allowed to remain online and published. Look for a lot of Christians to be falsely accused of criminal conduct, both those in ministry and lay persons. You may find yourself locked up behind bars in the not too distant future, perhaps for merely sending an email, or making a public comment about your faith.
Initially, we should expect believers to be charged for hate crimes on subjects such as homosexuality, but it will likely spread quickly to comments related to other religions. Sooner or later, it will boil down to the Gospel itself and the concept of proclaiming that salvation is only by grace through faith in the cross-work of Jesus Christ will be considered a hate crime.
With this new law, I predict, you will see many churches, especially the mega-churches abandoning their "statements of faith." In fact, most churches will simply no longer publish a "statement of faith" in their by-laws or on their websites. In fact, this has already been occuring with many mega-churches as part of an effort to offend no one and draw more bodies into church attendance. So many churches are becoming "psycho-babble" churches, spewing forth anti-biblical concepts such as "Christian psychology" that is popularly presented by Dr. James Dobson and his "Focus on the Family."
Of course, there's also the Purpose-Driven church approach, which incorporates this "Christian pop-psychology" - turning churches into glorified social and service clubs. More than one "mega-church" in my region has abandoned bible study classes. One mega church has replace Bible Studies with "counseling classes" on such things as "how to be a better" -- "father" or "mother" or husband or wife. Of course, there are classes on how to "tithe" and manage a budget so you have money to give to the church's new buildings program or childhood services, etc. One mega-church has more ongoing activities than a dozen public schools combined and it functions much like a community center. I'm waiting to see when they propose a new indoor swim pool and exercise center. They already have counseling for obese Christians.
So many of these mega-churches have everything BUT the one thing mandated by the Epistles - Teaching God's Word. Even the general Sunday services are "worship" oriented with songs and counseling-type, 'feel-good' sermons. In at least one specific church I am thinking of, until two or three years ago, they had various Bible study classes almost every night of the week as well as on Sundays, but now, not a single such class. They certainly won't have to worry about the new "hate crimes" law in America because their modus operandi now is "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" nor teach the Word of God, either.
WorldNetDaily has posted a new article warning that a "witch hunt" against Christians will soon begin, no doubt starting next year. This has already begun in European nations and in Canada. We can look to Canada as a model of what to expect in the coming year, as noted in the WND article, which cites some examples. You can read the WND article - LINK HERE.
The United Nations climate change conference ended in recrimination yesterday without reaching a clear deal on emissions targets.
After a stormy session in Copenhagen, in which a vociferous anti-American minority brought the talks close to collapse, most countries agreed simply to “take note” of a watered-down agreement brokered by President Barack Obama and supported by Britain.
We're still attempting to find out if there was any agreements reached that would establish a global bureaucracy, which would be the skeletal framework for a global government. From all that I've been able to pick up out of mainstream media's lackluster reporting, there appears to be no such bureaucracy in the making and committments made were non-binding promises.
About the only thing we do know is that the Summit diplomats argued and wrangled for nearly two weeks trying to come up with something concrete without any success. In fact, until the last day, when President Obama showed up, the talks were about to end with nothing to show for it. Obama managed to talk other nations into a compromise such as a "try it, you may like it" or "let's just take things for a test ride."
For more on the Summit LINK HERE.
As Riots Break Out
The global summit on climate control and global warming has deadlocked after attempts at compromise proposals failed to rally unanimity. More details, .
From Global Gov't?
A London newspaper laments the future predictions of a coming 'global government.' See article - LINK HERE.
Again ...
Just as the Global Warming Summit was wrapping up in Copenhagen after being hit by a blizzard, President Obama and Air Force One beat feet back to Washington to land just before a record-breaking blizzard slammed into the nation's capital. Washington saw as much as 20 inches or more of snow in some area. New York City picked up 10 inches but outlying areas had double that amount or more. Other parts of the Northeastern USA received as much as 26 inches of snowfall - all just days before the official arrival of winter on December 21. For more details on the paralyzing storm, LINK HERE.
With Global Government
To Control Global Warming
More Dangerous Than Previously Thought
The most detailed seismic images yet published of the plumbing that feeds the Yellowstone supervolcano shows a plume of hot and molten rock rising at an angle from the northwest at a depth of at least 410 miles, contradicting claims that there is no deep plume, only shallow hot rock moving like slowly boiling soup.
A related University of Utah study used gravity measurements to indicate the banana-shaped magma chamber of hot and molten rock a few miles beneath Yellowstone is 20 percent larger than previously believed, so a future cataclysmic eruption could be even larger than thought. More details, LINK HERE.
Launching Pan-Arab Currency
An internet censorship plan has been approved for Australia, according to "theage.com" website. We've not picked up additional reports on this yet, but you can read this original story, LINK HERE.
We should note that we have quite a few A-O readers living in Australia and to our Australian readers, we urge your further investigation on this. Additional input to us would be helpful as we realize that once censorship starts, who knows where it will end.