Gas Wars in Europe
Gas Wars in Europe
Russia Shuts off Gas
To Europe & Ukraine
We're now into the heart of winter and Europe is feeling an especially deep chill that is spreading across Europe, thanks to a feud between Russia and The Ukraine over the price of natural gas. Russia cut gas pipeline deliveries to Ukraine as a result. That means natural gas that flows through Ukraine to the rest of Europe isn't flowing now. Suddenly, there's a shortage of natural gas across much of Europe.
The EU has responded saying that the situation was 'completely unacceptable.' Thousands of businesses are being urged to switch to alternative fuels. Meanwhile homes struggle to stay warm in sub-zero temperatures. Even so, there's no sign of an end to the standoff between Russia's energy monopoly and Ukraine, which has been onging since New Year's day. Yesterday, Russia stopped the flow of natural gas through the key pipeline that transverses through the Ukraine to the rest of Europe.
The vital pipeline supplies gas to the nations of Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, and Macedonia. Other nations hard hit include, Slovakia, Austria, Italy, and France. More details on the situation, LINK HERE.
No Deal Yet
As Europe experiences frightful temperatures plunging to minus 56 degrees farhenheit, attempts to reach a compromise on natural gas supplies flowing from Russia through Ukraine to Europe continues to falter.
The problem is a price dispute between Russia and the Ukraine. The Russian natural gas pipeline into Europe goes through the Ukraine and because of the dispute, the natural gas has been turned off until there is some sort of resolution. Meanwhile, much of Europe continues to shivver with many homes no longer able to remain heated with natural gas.
For more details on the situation, LINK HERE.