YELLOW ALERT - Publisher's Note









The A-O Report is moving to a Yellow Alert situation for coverage of 2 Crises now emerging which are:

#1.  Israel’s military action against Hamas and the Gaza Strip.

#2.  The India-Pakistan Military Border Buildup

Either of these two flashpoints could set off a regional war, or worse a World War or a combination of the two could set off a World War.

What is the big concern?

We’re monitoring intelligence and any news media reports for indications that Iran may intervene on behalf of Hamas and the Gaza Palestinians.
There are some intelligence reports as well as intelligence analysts who believe that Hezbollah in Lebanon might be given the Green Light by Iran to counter-attack Israel’s northern region. It is also possible that Syria may also join in the fray. Iran may even directly join in the war against Israel and if this happens, - LOOK OUT. 

If Iran and Israel come to direct blows it could lead to a nuclear exchange and or other nations joining in the fray in ways that we cannot really foresee. It is hard to conceive a scenario in which Turkey would side with Iran and mobilize troops for a march southward into Israel. In fact, it would seem inconceivable – unless this is the Magog War and Turkey alone is Magog.

There is even the possibility that Russia might join Iran in a war against Israel and that too could constitute the Magog War.

For these reasons, The A-O Report will carefully monitor and report what we’re learning on both the Public website side as well as further insights on The A-O Insider Report – section reserved for private donors.

We’re also concerned about the India-Pakistan crisis that continues to fester. The deadline India set for Pakistan to comply with its demands to round up the responsible terrorists for the Mumbai attack and extradite them to India has now expired. Both sides are beefing up their military deployments on their border and both sides have placed their Air and Missile forces on the highest state of alert.

The India-Pakistan situation is on a hair-trigger flashpoint. The slightest, little spark could set much of Asia ablaze in war, and potentially obscured in mushroom clouds of nuclear aftermath. In a nuclear weapons exchange. So again, this is another reason why The A-O Report has gone to a YELLOW ALERT.

Should either situation escalate into a dangerous level threatening to spread into conflict threatening to engulf the whole world and or fulfill major prophecies – we will move to RED ALERT – and begin continuous updated coverage as we are able.


The A-O Report's Future Is In Danger


I do not know how long the A-O Report will be able to remain online and published. This website functions as the result of private donations to help defray publication costs and its intelligence news resources. Donations have diminished greatly, no doubt as a result of the economy. This puts The A-O Report website in jeopardy of disappearing from the internet.

If you are financially able to donate and wish to do so to keep this website from vanishing from the internet – visit our donations page for directions on donating by mail or via online Paypal.  – LINK HERE.


In a Yellow Alert status – our A-O Report News Alerts will not be issued upon each and every additional posting because we may be updating as needed several times in a day. To avoid being labeled a spammer, we’ll keep our email alerts down to being issued only for really major posting developments and or a daily round up of postings. This means, it would be wise to check the website often and or refresh your browser during your visit to catch a breaking news posting.





