
Pascal's Wager by Dr Stephen Yulish
Pascal’s Wager
Stephen Yulish PhD
As I have pointed out time and again, I have been interested in UFOs and the possibility of alien life for nearly fifty years. I was an early member of NICAP and APRO and read avidly about Project Blue Book and the Condon Report. As a young man, I loved Major Donald Keyhole’s books on Flying Saucers are Real and The Flying Saucer Conspiracy, Allen Hynek’s UFO Report, Astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s Noetics, as well as books by Jacques Vallee, Whitley Strieber, Immanuel Velikovsky, Erich Von Daniken and Charles Fort among many others. I was weaned on the Science fiction writers Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein, Philip K. Dick, Philip Jose Farmer, Fredrick Pohl and Harlan Ellison. I saw every sci-fi movie from War of the Worlds to Forbidden Planet (my favorite movie) , The Day The Earth Stood Still, When Worlds Collide, It Came From Outer Space, This Island Earth, Earth vs. Flying Saucers, The Day the World Ended, Not of This Earth, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and many more.
I entered Case Institute of Technology in 1965 to study astronomy and transferred my junior year to nearby Western Reserve University to study exobiology (life on other planets). Eight years later when I became a Professor of History (don’t ask) at the University of Arizona in Tucson, I became affiliated with Allen Hynek’s spin off group studying UFOs. I taught a grad class on Alternate Conceptions of Reality and wrote a Gnostic novel, “The Other World”. Later, I corresponded with psychic Ruth Montgomery who introduced me to psychic Ann Puryear of Logos in Phoenix whose life reading of me revealed that I was an avatar, an old soul. Her husband Herb asked me to teach Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah, in their metaphysical university. My astrologist Nina kept telling me that my chart was one in a billion.
I am not a novice to the field of UFOs and the paranormal. I have been involved in it for half a century. I do not believe that people who see UFOs are crazy or hallucinating. I do not believe that all abduction accounts are examples of sleep paralysis. I agree with you that something definitely is out there. I too once sought truth in the paranormal, Gnostic world.
As I have stated many times before, my explanation for these phenomena changed radically after I had a personal revelation of Jesus Christ in a series of visions and dreams. I finally had found the truth that I had been searching for all of those years and in all of those diverse places. Twelve years ago, I came to recognize that so called aliens were indeed fallen angels. This is when I wrote the spec treatment, “The Catching Away”, for the X-Files TV show. My novel, The Great Harpazo Deception: the real story of UFOs followed six years later.
Genesis 6:2-4 speaks of the sons of God (fallen angels) going after the daughters of men (humans) and producing the fallen offspring hybrids, the nephilim. This going after strange (human) flesh is exactly what many modern day UFO/alien accounts talk about. This is nothing new. It is 4000 years old. God became so angry at these rebellious angels that He cast them into the pits of darkness forever (2Peter 2:4 and Jude 6-7) and wiped out their entire corrupt DNA in the Great Flood.
More of these rebellious fallen angels are back again disguised as ETs or aliens. They are here in mass ever since 1947 Roswell to deceive the people as to the upcoming rapture of the church to be with Jesus in the air to escape the coming time of Tribulation culminating in the battle of Armageddon. Those left behind will falsely believe that those that are gone were abducted by UFOs not taken into the air with Jesus.
I have delineated this in several previous articles so let me move on to something that is going on that is even more insidious. It is a sign and affirmation of the times that we live in but is also not new either. The Apostle Paul wrote that this struggle was not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places in his Epistle to the Church at Ephesus (Ephesians 6:12). This battle between the forces of good and those of evil goes back to the Garden of Eden. It is déjà vu all over again. This time it is not the snake telling Eve that if she ate of the apple she would be like God (Genesis 3:5), but instead Satan trying to convince sincere, inquiring people of today that by Gnostic (hidden) secret knowledge they too can become like God.
The ten months or so that I have been involved with UFO Digest, I have seen a great many articles on UFO sightings, encounters and cover-ups. That is exactly what I would have expected. While I have not always agreed with the conclusions drawn from the evidence, I nevertheless have usually enjoyed the material. Of late, however, I have noticed an increasing number of articles that seem to have their sole purpose in denigrating the Bible, the Special Creation of Man, Mary the mother of Jesus, the Virgin birth, the Star of Bethlehem, the Divinity of Jesus, His crucifixion, and His resurrection. Articles about the Bible and the paranormal, witchcraft, Father Mother God, Mary as a Trickster, Jesus coming from another planet, Messiah’s spaceships, Jesus not dying on the cross but marrying Mary Magdelene and having children to populate the bloodlines of Europe, all abound.
On the face of it, these articles seem to have nothing at all to do with UFOs but upon further analysis they actually do. They are all attempts to discredit the Bible and the Deity of Christ to further the wiles of Satan and his fallen angel cohorts to deceive people and keep them from salvation and forgiveness of their sins. If Jesus was not crucified and resurrected and did marry Mary Magdelene, than people are still in their sins with no hope for redemption. Several articles speak of these aliens as Saviors who will help mankind with world peace and global warming. Do not be deceived, these extraterrestrial fallen angels are not friends but are mankind’s greatest nemesis. They will lead unsuspecting people smiling into the fires of hell. Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Messiah, Jesus the Savior is the only Redeemer that there is. All else are counterfeits.
I know that this must sound like a clanging cymbal to many of you, but it is the Truth. God so loved the world that He sent His only Begotten Son that whosoever believed in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3: 16). If Jesus was indeed an alien or a husband of Mary, then mankind cannot ever stand before God in Heaven because of their sins and will spend eternity with Satan and his demons in hell. There is a great price to be paid for believing in this deception. Do not be deceived. Consider what I am saying. It is said from a posture of love not one of judgment. God wants no man to perish but all to come to repentance and so do I (2Peter 3:9). We are all sinners the Bible says and are need of a Savior to wash away our sins and make us righteous. An alien cannot do this nor can just a man. Only the shed blood of Jesus the Christ, God incarnate, can accomplish this seemingly impossible task.
The Son of the Living God came to Earth from Heaven (John 6:41), not from another planet or galaxy, to die for all of mankind regardless of its sins. No one else has ever claimed to do that! Salvation is a free gift but one needs to ask for it and believe through faith. It takes more faith in my assessment to believe that Jesus came from another planet or that He did not die but married Mary Magdelene and had children that fed the bloodlines of Europe than to believe that He came from God the Father in Heaven to Earth to die for mankind’s sins and make all righteous before a Holy God. It takes more blind faith to believe that millions of people who will suddenly disappear were abducted by UFOs than to believe that they were caught away (raptured) to be with Jesus in the clouds.
Paul’s Epistles of 2000 years ago point out that this battle is ongoing.
“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception according to the traditions of men according to the elementary principles of the world rather than according to Christ…Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self abasement and the worship of angels taking his stand on visions. he has seen inflated without cause by his fleshly mind” (Colossians 2:8, 18).
“ For even if there are so called gods whether in heaven or on earth (extraterrestrial fallen angels) as indeed there are many gods and many lords yet for us there is but in God the Father from whom are all things and we exist through Him” (1Corinthians 8:5-6).
“Guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding worldly and empty chatter and the opposing argument of what is falsely called gnosis or knowledge which some have professed and then gone astray from the faith” (1Timothy 6:20-21).
“The love of Christ surpasses Gnosis” (Ephesians 3: 19).
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but wanting to have their ears tickled they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths” (2Timothy 4:3-4).
“Evil men and imposters will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2Timothy 3:13).
The Apostle Paul was concerned that the established doctrine of the early church was being challenged by Gnostics, who through philosophies of men and empty deceptions were telling the people what they wanted to hear (tickling their ears). As for example, they taught that flesh was evil but the spirit was good. Thus sexual license and debauchery had nothing to do with the spirit and thus were all right. They taught about the worship of angels and self abasement. Paul was concerned that this would lead people to turn away from the truth to myths. The result would be that they would be defrauded of their prize which is eternal life with the Father in Heaven.
Paul was correct that evil men and imposters will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. Today, Gnostic heresies are more prevalent than ever including the so called DaVinci Code, deifying of Mary Magdelene, Gospel of Judas, Lost Tomb of Jesus, and in the aforementioned UFO spiritual heresies.
I wrote my Masters Thesis 35 years ago praising the Gnostic philosopher Rudolf Steiner. It was entitled, Rudolf Steiner: A Seeker in Pursuit of Truth and Self Knowledge. I had enthusiastically read The Nag Hammadi Library, a book containing Gnostic gospels. I also perused the writings of Prof. Elaine Pagels who also wrote of the Gnostic Gospels. I even wrote an article myself for the feminist Gnostic journal Anima entitled Adam: Male, Female or Both? Once again, I’ve been there and done that. I am speaking from a position of knowledge and experience in this regard. I too thought I could become a god. I am not just spewing judgment from a position of ignorance.
These false teachers are trying to defraud people of their prize which is salvation and eternal life by telling them that they too can become a god. They try and do that, as I stated early on, by trying to denigrate the Bible, Jesus, Mary, the crucifixion and resurrection. They tell people that they can have the Christ consciousness in themselves and thus they do not need to repent from their sins and seek forgiveness. Sin is never mentioned by these false teachers. Why not? Because one does not need a Savior if there is no sin. They are also preparing unsuspecting people to believe the great deception that those millions of Christians who are suddenly gone have been abducted by UFOs not taken into the clouds by Jesus to hide them from the coming time of hell on earth known as the tribulation.
If it turns out that people are all basically good and are in no need of a Savior for their sins, then all that I believe is a lie. If people can become gods by just learning some hidden, secret knowledge and there is no coming Rapture of Believers, than I am just an old fool who will die one day and that will be the end of it. There will be no consequences nor any rewards for my actions.
But if I am correct and the Bible is true, than non-believers have a lot more to lose than I do. I would just be wrong, dead wrong, but no harm no foul. They, however, would suffer for eternity because of their beliefs. If wrong, the consequences of their decision would be never ending torment.
This is what is often referred to as Pascal’s Wager. The 17th century French Mathematician and Philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote in his famous treatise, Pensees, “that it is a better "bet" to believe that God exists than not to believe.” As I explained above, who has more to lose, the person who believes in God and is wrong or the person that does not believe in God and is wrong? The answer is obvious.
John Von Neumann, one of the founders of Game Theory and a world renowned mathematician who worked with Edward Teller on the Manhattan Project turned his life over to Christ on his deathbed. Born a Jew and a midlife convert to Catholicism to please his wife, Von Neumann had remained an atheist all of his life. He said from his deathbed:
“I encourage you to try believing in the Christian God…I myself had been an atheist for most of my life ever since I was four years old and I decided that religion was silly... I later argued against the existence of God… Then I began to think about Pascal’s Wager. I looked for ways to defuse the wager but I was unable to convince myself. Finally I decided to give in and I’m now very glad that I did.”
Beware of people who want to tickle your ears with meaningless myths and tell you what you want to hear to inflate your ego and try and get you to pay no attention to your sins. Rather, would you please at least consider, Pascal’s Wager?