The Peace Treaty by William Frederick


The Peace Treaty—When?




By William Frederick



Author of




The Coming Epiphany

A Guide to Understanding the End Times




Editor's Note: The following article provides a timing hypthesis for the unfolding of certain prophetic events. Readers should be aware that this is only a hypothetical opinion held by the author and may or may not necesssarily reflect the opinion or the position of The Alpha-Omega Report. As with all timing theories, The Alpha-Omega Report does not believe it is appropriate to be absolutely dogmatic on most timing theories of Biblical Prophecies. It is however, appropriate to examine various timing theories for strenths and weaknesses in such theories. For this reason The A-O Report does publish alternate theories so that readers can evaluate for themselves such strengths and weaknesses, such as the following article. Readers should note that the author of the following article does not hold to a Pre-trib rapture position, but instead holds to an alternate position.




Is there anything in scripture that would lead us to know when the peace treaty will be signed? Yes I believe that there is, and if my reasoning is correct and if the peace treaty is signed this year, I believe it will most likely be signed on November 2nd, 2007. Here is the reasoning behind this hypothesis.


Just as the Spring feasts were fulfilled and aligned with major events at Christ’s first coming so I believe that the Fall feasts will be fulfilled and align with events at Christ’s second coming. A quick summary of the fall feasts and their prophetic significance is as follows:


The Feast of Trumpets is practiced as a two-day feast and in part alludes to the return of Christ at Armageddon where he will vanquish his foes and take His throne in Jerusalem.


The Day of Atonement speaks of the shed blood of Christ and the substitutionary work it accomplishes in covering our sins and restoring us to fellowship with God. This feast will be fulfilled after Christ has returned and Israel and Gentiles who lived through the 70th Week repent and recognize Christ as Messiah and are saved on the Day of Atonement.


The Feast of Tabernacles is a seven-day celebration in which the Israelites dwell in “booths” or shacks. On its final day, Israel invokes God’s blessing for the coming year. This alludes to the Millennial Kingdom when Jesus and the saints will live together and we will experience His blessings to the fullest. This seven-day feast will be fulfilled at the start of the Millennium when the saints partake of the marriage supper of the Lamb.[1]


As noted above I believe that the Feast of Trumpets will align with the return of Christ to the earth at Armageddon, which we know occurs at the end of the 70th week. So assuming that is true and knowing that the 70th week and peace treaty are 7 years long we can conjecture that the peace treaty will be signed 7 years (2520 days) before that feast. Here is a table that lists the dates of future Feasts of Trumpets and their respective possible dates for the peace treaty in the next few years:

Date of Feast of Trumpets Date of Peace Treaty
(in year of Second Coming) (2520 days before)
Sept. 25, 2014 Nov. 2, 2007
Sept. 14, 2015

Oct. 21, 2008

Oct. 3, 2016 Nov. 10, 2009
Sept. 21, 2017 Oct. 29, 2010
Sept. 10, 2018 Oct. 18, 2011
Sept. 30, 2019 Nov. 6, 2012
Sept. 19, 2020 Oct. 27, 2013

Thus if the end of the 70th week aligns with the return of Christ at Armageddon at the feast of trumpets in 2014 then we should expect to see the peace treaty signed 2520 days before that date which would put it at November 2, 2007 (plus or minus a day due to Hebrew time reckoning). It is possible that the end of the 70th week may align with another feast. If the end of the 70th week aligns with the Day of Atonement then we would see the peace treaty 10 days later, with the feast of tabernacles then it would be 15 days later.


Just recently it has been brought to light that every 30 years in November something monumental occurs in relation to Israel.[2] This cycle started in November of 1917 with the Balfour Declaration and a guarantee to give Jews a home in Israel, 30 years later in November of 1947 the U.N. approves a plan for the establishment of Israel, then in November of 1977 the president of Egypt visited Israel with tidings of peace. That brings us to November 2007.






Will something happen this November?




Will the peace treaty that divides the land of Israel be signed on November 2, 2007?  Or will it just be a conference that will establish the parameters of a yet future peace treaty to be signed sometime in the future? We will have to wait and see.



