AO News Round Up 12-01-08


The A-O News Round Up








Special A-O Announcment Coming

Editor's Note:  A special announcement from the publisher will post within the next couple of hours and a new A-O Intelligence Digest will also be posting soon. Epect additional articles to be posted during this week.



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Obama Announces Nat'l Security Team


Hillary as Secretary of State


Gates Remains as Secretary of Defense




It's Official: A Recession!


It's official. The U.S. is in a recession and has been since December of 2007. So says the "official" arbiters of such economic events, the  National Bureau of Economic Research. The Bureau continually revises government quarterly reports and today's revisions show that the US economy went into recession a year ago. More details, LINK HERE.


Stock Market Reacts:

Drops 679 Points



Get the Swastikas Ready

Pentagon to Post 20,000 Troops

Inside USA Against Terrorism

The New World Order's key men are now in a position to develop a 4th Reich only instead of this occuring in Germany it will be the United States. The Pentagon has announced it will deploy 20,000 US soldiers inside Ameica to assist Homeland Security against terror attacks and the repercussions from such attacks.

Of course, to keep this maneuver from violating existing laws, such as the Posse Comitatus Act, the troops will also assist in other 'disaster assitance' such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornaodoes and flooding. It' primary function will be to guard and respond to terror attacks within the United States.

The announcement comes after weeks of veiled warnings from the Obama camp and the policy-wonk shills of the NWO crowd suggesting that a terror strike within the US was likely at some point in 2009, the first year of a new Presidential Administration.

This concept of troop use as enforcers of civilian law within the United States itself has been intended since the late 1980s with the Bush Presidency.

For more details on the Pentagon announcement. LINK HERE.


Britain Bankrupt?

Heading Towards Hyper-inflation?



UK Gov't Bails Out

Royal Bank of Scotland


Terror Strike Subdued in India



Terrorists Strike India

It's WAR"  Declares Indian Media



300+ Feared Dead in Multiple Strikes



India Terrorists Planned To Kill 5,000



India Security Level Raised

To "At War Level"

Tensions rise between India and its long-time nemesis, Pakistan after revelations that the terror attacks last week in India were carried out by a terror group trained in Pakistan by Pakistan's spy agency. More Details, LINK HERE.


Indian Fury At Pakistan

The terrorists who conducted multiple strikes in the Indian city of Mumbai were reported to be radical, Islamic fundamentalists from Pakistan. Some suspect Al Qaeda was involved, at least in masterminding the program reportedly a year in the making.

There is outrage among Indians against the nation of Pakistan and what many perceive to be an indirect attack by Pakistan. Such a view is not being publicly expressed by the Indian government and there has been some Pakistani government aid and support given to India for investigating the attacks. There is real concern among foreign policy experts in the West that the attacks could lead to a flare up or war between India and Pakistan with the ultimate fear that such a war could go nuclear. More details, LINK HERE.


Pakistan Leader Warns India

To Not Over-react



Was Indian Terror Strike

A "False Flag" Operation?



Pirate Wars Re-Surface

Somali pirates hijacked a chemical tanker with dozens of Indian crew members Friday and a helicopter rescued three British security guards who had jumped into the sea, officials said.

A warship on patrol nearby sent helicopters to intervene in the attack, but they arrived after pirates had taken control of the Liberian-flagged ship, according to Noel Choong, head of the International Maritime Bureau's piracy reporting center in Malaysia. Read full story details, LINK HERE.


List of Hijiacked Ships



Germany Adds Warship To

War on Piracy

May add 1,400 Troops

Germany is responding to the escalating Pirate War in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean by dispatching a naval frigate to an upcoming NATO squadron of warships preparing to set sail for protective duty in mid-December. The German government is also considering assigning 1,400 troops to individual, German-flagged ships to repel pirates attempting to board ships for seizure. More details on these developments, LINK HERE.


Small Airkansas Quake

Precursors To A BIG One?

A series of small earthquakes that rattled central Arkansas in recent weeks could be a sign of something much bigger to come.

By this weekend, seismologists hope to install three measurement devices to gather data about future temblors in the area. That information could show whether the rumbles come from heat-related geological changes or from an undiscovered fault — which could mean a risk of substantial earthquakes in the future.

"The potential for generating a high-magnitude earthquake is real," said Haydar Al-Shukri, director of the Arkansas Earthquake Center at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Five earthquakes ranging in magnitude from 2.2 to 2.7 have hit central Arkansas this month. Quakes with a magnitude of 2.5 to 3 are typically the smallest felt by people.

While hundreds of earthquakes occur each year, including several in Arkansas, the location of the recent ones give Al-Shukri pause. Arkansas quakes generally occur in the state's northeast corner, part of the New Madrid Seismic Zone, where three temblors with magnitudes of around 8 struck during the winter of 1812 and smaller ones continue today.

But central Arkansas does not have any seismic history, Al-Shukri said.

"It is abnormal. It is significant," he said. "We need to carefully watch this activity."

The area does not have any permanent seismograph, so researchers asked the University of Memphis in Tennessee if they could use its portable equipment. The nearest seismographs aren't close enough to provide the detailed readings scientists need to determine what could be causing the tremors or properly locate their origin, said Scott Ausbrooks, the geohazard supervisor for the Arkansas Geological Survey.

"I don't know if you've looked at a map of where these events are located, but they've got a scatter on them," he said. "We're thinking this is probably the inherited error built in when you try to locate events of this small a magnitude from that far away."  More details, LINK HERE.


Russia, Venezuela Conduct

Joint Naval Exercises


WND Editor Notes That

The USA Election Was "Fixed"



Obama Was a CIA Spook?



Bush Wants Legacy to be "Liberator"

President Bush is now hoping that historians will look back on his presidency and characterize him as a "Liberater."  Until the collapse of Mideast peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians, Bush had hoped his legacy would that of a "Peacemaker" but the collapse of all peace talks in the region has scotched that legacy concept for good. More details, see LINK HERE.


Alzheimer's A World Pandemic Coming?




Cell Phones Breal Up Cell DNA




French President Sarkozy Voodoo Dolls

Being Sold After Court Ruling

An attempt to halt the sale of voodoo dolls in the likeness of France's President Sarkozy gained new life after a Paris court agreed to allow teh sale of such dolls as long as an accompanying warning is provided. More details, LINK HERE








