Book Review: The Silence Is Broken


A-O Book Reviews


The Silence Is Broken!

God Hook’s Ezekiel’s Gog & Magog

Douglas Berner
Published by Douglas Berner
© 2006


While there have been many books written in the past on the Biblical prophecies concerning the Magog invasion of Israel, none to my knowledge has provided a broad analysis of all the various theories floating around in prophetic circles concerning the identity of Magog and Gog. Douglas Berner’s new book is the only one that I know of, which provides that broad sweep of pro and con arguments for each identity theory for Magog.

It should be noted that Berner has no formal, theological training, but the reader should not necessarily hold this against him. Douglas Berner is a distinguished, retired police officer, with a background in criminal investigations. His use of investigative principles learned as a detective help him as a writer in bringing forth all of the various theories involved in the Magog invasion subject.

Douglas Berner’s lack of formal education in Biblical studies should not be held against him, but at the same time, the reader must remain aware of his lack of abilities in regards to handling the original texts of scripture. It should be noted that in these days, and for the past 20-25 years, the Seminaries have become cesspools of disinformation, misdirection and proponents of New World Order Psycho-babble. Such “falling away” from Biblical standards of hermeneutics by most (but not all) seminaries actually makes Berner’s approach, a breath of fresh air.

The only problem that I found with the book is that Berner has a major bias for his particular view – that Russia is Magog, and he tends to skew the anthropological evidence that favors the view that Turkey is Magog and glosses over arguments made by some “Russia is Magog” proponents that are in error. So, the book is not without faults regarding the identity of Magog. Despite these short comings the fact that it covers various views and gives a fairly good list of evidences for each identity theory remains worthy of consideration for purchase. Why? There’s much more to the book than merely the identity of Magog.

“The Silence Is Brokent” not only tackles the identity theories for Magog, but also for Gog as well as the other nations mentioned in the alliance and invasion attempt against Israel. In and of itself, that alone would make the book valuable for new students of Bible prophecy as well as for intermediate level prophecy students. Berner works with the original Hebrew texts to better explain and define what the text is trying to prophesy concerning this coming conflict.

The book also goes on to explain what will happen, based upon the texts and theoretically how it may unfold. Berner does challenge the views of many scholars on various aspects of the prophecies of Ezekiel as well as how the Ezekiel passages intertwine the book of Revelation and the Day of the Lord judgments.

“The Silence Is Broken” is of particular value in regards to the timing of the invasion. The book deals in detail with all the various timing theories which has been confusing for many Bible students. He shows the pros and cons again for each view in a very helpful manner for understanding. His conclusions for which theory is the more likely may surprise the reader. This reviewer was not surprised and has long thought along similar lines, although with far less dogmatism than the author. Still, by presenting all of the various theories on timing,  Berner’s work may clear up a lot of confusion on this issue, especially for rookie or intermediate level students of Biblical Prophecy.

Berner gives merit to some identity theories for Magog but he indicates his opinion is that Russia is the Magog nation that Ezekiel prophecy references. He also thinks that the Magog invasion does not occur during or at the start of the Tribulation period but before the Tribulation period starts.  This view butts heads with many conservative, mainstream prophecy commentators who think the Magog invasion is more likely to happen in the middle of the Tribulation period.

“The Silence Is Broken” provides a broad overview of the prophecies and does so from many different angles making it a very interesting, if not provocative read for many who have little knowledge of background on these various. It is a book worth acquiring, reading and using for repeated reference in further studies by the reader.

The book is heavily footnoted for follow-up referencing at the end of each chapter which makes it easier to follow up to check out the references than at the end of a book. The book is a soft-cover in trade-back size with 367 pages. It includes a lengthy bibliography, and two indexes, one on subjects, the other on scripture. The book is self-published by the author which means it has limited distribution to bookstores, even large Christian bookstores will not likely carry it, nor would a bookstore necessarily know how to find the author to order the book. This happens a lot to self-published, Christian authors. However, the book does have a website and you can find it here at – 




