Mideast Could Explode w/ Koran Burning Protests 9-11-10


A-O Special Report




Book Burning Could Ignite a War

U.S. "Pastor" Threatens

To Burn Koran, Triggering a Crisis

Rev. Terry Jones of Dove World Outreach Centre in Gainesville, Florida had announced plans to burn 200 Korans on the anniversary of 9/11 to protest plans for a Muslim Mosque to be built just 2 blocks from the 9/11 Twin-Towers target site.

In response to the Florida's pastor's plans, a groundswell of world opinon rose up in protest against the Koran burning protest. Leaders around the Muslim world denounced the book burning protest and there were threats of Muslim rioting to protest the pastor's protest. There were also insinuations that Muslim civilians would attack US troops and facilities around the world should the pastor follow through with his plans.

In America, President Obama publicly appealed to the pastor to halt his plans. Secretary of Defense Gates even called the Pastor urging him to cancel the book burning protest. America's top general in the Middle East, General Petraeus warned that such an event could put the lives of American troops at risk. Leaders of various religions around the world called upon the Florida minister to stop his plans. The Pope pleaded for cancellation of the protest. Christian Protestant leaders, particularly in America also joined in urging the Pastor to cancel his plans.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned that the burning of the Koran would "accelerate Israel's annihilation." He also remarked that plans for burning the Korans was part of a "Zionist plot."

In Afghanistan, thousands of Muslims rioted in the streets of Kabul to protest the planned book burning and burned American flags as a counter protest.

Late Friday night, (9/10) mainstream news outlets reported that the Pastor's son informed news organizations that his father had called off plans for the burning ceremony. LINK HERE for Pastor Jones last minute cancellation of protest burning. LINK HERE for details on international responses. Additional LINK HERE. Afghanistan riots break out over burning plans - LINK  HERE. .




Iran:s President Warns

Koran Burning Will Bring

Israel's Annihilation




Other Koran Burnings Planned in USA


In the wake of the Florida Pastor's call for burning the Koran, a Springfield, Tennessee pastor Bob Old announced plasn to conduct his own Koran burning ceremony on 9/11. He is not alone.

The very controversial Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas also announced a similar Koran burning ceremony This small church is no stranger to political controversy. For years it has engaged in anti-homosexual protests conducted at military funeral and burial ceremonies for fallen soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is the churche's way to protest against a "permissive" policy towards homosexuals in the military. The church announced it would burn Korans even if Rev. Terry Jones cancelled his burning plans.

At the time of this posting, it remains to be seen whether or not the Tennessee and Kansas churches would follow through on their threats. For more details on the Tennessee pastor's plans, LINK HERE. For details about the Topeka church announcement, LINK HERE. Additional plans for Koran burning on steps of Wyoming's Capitol building. Details LINK HERE.

















