China The Babylon???



China, the Babylon???


But China's Still Not The Dominant Economic Power

And Won't Be For Some Years To Come

According to Fortune Magazine


(A-O Newswire) -- Fortune Magazine's annual survey of the top 500 companies in the world notes that Red China is quickly rising in the number of Fortune 500 companies. Despite the catchy article headline, China only had 37 companies make the top 500 list, which is fifth ranked, behind the USA, Japan, France, and Germany.

The magazine also noted a report from the US National Intelligence Council called Global Trends 2025 noted that China would have the world's second largest economy by 2025, still behind the U.S. economy.

Now the Council's report is very important to note from a prophetic standpoint concerning the issue of Babylon. Some prophecy researchers and commentators who deride the theory that America is Babylon have tried to claim that the U.S. is no longer the world's economic leader and thus doesn't match up to the description of Revelation 18:11-13. Those critics are incorrect.

China's economy is still considered far behind that of the United States. As the world's economy implodes, its important to understand that while the U.S. economy is suffering, the economies of European, Asian, African and Latin American nations are suffering equally if not more so.

Yes, there are predictions that the U.S. economy will match that of Third world nations. If we are correct, that America is Babylon, America will still retain the description of Revelation 17 and 18 in regards to being the world's marketplace for commodities. It will remain so, right up until the hour it is destroyed by fire, in what is the first of two different judgments.

It would appear that the doom-n-gloom regarding America's future economic status are a bit overblown.

Some critics claim that America will merge with Canada and Mexico creating the North American Union (NAU) with a new currency called, "the Amero." They claim this is only a matter of months away. We believe that such talk is extremely premature based on our own "insider" information. From what we're picking up from the "key" NWO crowd, the NAU concept was a trial balloon that was a likely smokescreen for a much quicker establishment of a global government.

The NWO crowd has discovered that organizing nations into regional groups such as the EU has not worked well so far. The idea of regionalizing nations along the lines of an EU will not result in the establishment of a global government quickly enough to meet occult time tables. Therefore, the idea of a North American Union and a South American Union, as well as an Asian Union and an African Union just simply can't be developed to match the occult window of 2012, which the NWO is so fixated upon.

Consequently, the only entity that matches the prerequisite parameters of the Babylon prophecies in the Bible is the United States.

Remember too, one of the non-economic character traits for this future Babylon entity is that it is a military power that has military defense capabilities in outer space. (Jeremiah 51:53)

        "Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the LORD"

For these reasons, remember that when you come across critics who propose that America could not possibly be Babylon because of economic decline, remind them that America's position as the world's marketplace remains at the top and is forecasted to remain at the top for at least the next 15 years or more.

To read about the Fortune Magazine rankings of large corporations and the world's economic status, LINK HERE.






