Guest Editorial: Bush's Cross



Bush's Cross

Steven Garren

June 5, 2006



In 1995 senior pastor, Erwin Lutzer, of the Moody Church in Chicago published a book detailing the link between the churches of Germany and the rise of Hitler to power. Hitler's Cross reveals how the cross of Christ was used a symbol of Nazi agenda. Are we witnessing a repeat of history today in America? Only the completely blind could fail to see the many similarities between Adolph Hitler and that of George W. Bush.

Reichstag Fire/911--Enabling Act/Patriot Act--Fatherland Security/Homeland Security, etc.

Both Hitler and Bush:

1.Were not elected by a majority.
2.Curtailed civil liberty in response to a highly publilized disaster.
3.Blaimed the highly suspicious disaster on an external enemy and gained popularity as a result.
4.Pursued a reckless foreign policy.
5.Promoted militarism during difficult economic times.
6.Emphasized their nation's historic destiny.
7.Were habitual liars.
8.Disregarded international treaties.
9.Emphasized the ruthlessness of their enemies to justify their own.
10.Took pride in being a war president.
11.Launched invasions on other countries on a supposed preemtive basis.
12.Launched brutal war campaigns: blitzkrieg and shock and awe.
13.Were willing to inflict high levels of bloodshed with no regard to the number of civilians involved.
14.Used detention camps for their "enemies" with torture and death.
15.Used a highly efficient propaganda network to deceive their citizens.
16.Reduced their circle of aides to include only those they could trust.
17.Were obsessed with spying on and controlling citizens.
18.Were members of a secret occult society: Thule/Skull & Bones.
19.Used the churches as a means to achieve popularity.
20.Claimed to be on a divine mission from God with Jesus as their saviour.

This is not a complete list but it shows just how similar these men are.

Like Germany in that historic era most American churches have abandoned the fundamental Biblical doctrines for liberal ones that have stripped Christianity of it's ability to change lives into ones of loving, selfless service for God and others. Such people that should know better are more easily prone to being deceived by a popular figure. Hitler knew he needed the churches support to achieve his role as dictator. And Bush knew he could not get close enough to achieving power, even with vote fraud, without the help of evangelical Christians who comprise a large voting segment of the population. Just as Hitler used leading clergy to promote himself Bush propelled his popularity with Billy Graham's endorsement.

Bush also got his faith based initiative from Hitler. What better way to get church support than to buy it? It works like a charm for Bush, together with Billy Graham's testimony of Bush's supposed salvation experience. But where is his spiritual "fruit" from such an experience. Is it in the hundreds of thousands of innocent victims of his militaristic policies in Afghanistan and Iraq? Or is it in the untold deaths from depleted uranium ammunition that will be killing people for generations to come? Or maybe it's in the filthy language that allegedly pours from his mouth when he's not in public?  Bush has indeed shown his spiritual fruit ad nauseam but it comes from his allegience to the Skull and Bones occult society that his Christian idolizers refuse to acknowledge is a real and dangerous threat to our freedom.

In his book Lutzer says God let Satan loose to shake the whole German church to separate the wheat from the chaff. Maybe that is about to happen here in America. If so it is long overdue. America is not the Christian nation others may claim it is. Perhaps it used to be but no more. There was a remnant of genuine Christians that did not go along with Hitler's tyranny and the more vocal ones ended up imprisoned or dead, along with his other opponents. Will it happen in America? Government documents prove this treasonous government has made provision for the establishment and military operation of detention and civilian inmate labor camps. The New Orleans gun confiscation and forced relocation may have been a trial run for the time when Bush has his excuse to declare martial law and subdue his perceived enemies. Even now FEMA is reportedly recruiting and training pastors to assist in a further clampdown on freedom in the event of a new "disaster." And most pastors offered the "job" seem to be going happily along while being forbidden to speak the name of Jesus when their services are needed.

If "Christians" don't wake up now and stand against evil it will soon be too late and America may suffer the same fate as Nazi Germany. God gave America a great and unique Constitution and even if our wicked rulers refuse to abide by it that document is still the law of the land. Romans 13 on obeying governing authorities is not an excuse to obey and worship evil leaders. It is a treatise on what government is supposed to be like, a government that is good and not to be feared. Ministers that preach slavery to government have taken these verses completely out of context with the rest of scripture. Furthermore they do not believe what they preach unless they would bow down and worship the state over God at any command. The scriptures are clear in that when government leaders are evil we are to obey God rather than man. This once great nation would never have been birthed without the courage and fortitude of ministers willing to stand against evil in government.

Is it really patriotic for Americans to go overseas at the bidding of evil leaders on a mission of allegedly establishing "democracy" while remaining completely pacifistic as enemies destroy our country from within? The Nazi's were only being "patriotic" too. In our unique system which once was a healthy REPUBLIC we the people are the government and our leaders that betray the trust bestowed upon them and do not uphold their oath of office should be held accountable for their crimes. We the people have had enough of their monopolistic republicrat oligarchy that is destroying America!

In concluding the book Lutzer remarks "We must support our government, but we must be ready to critize it or even defy it when necessary...However, if the the German church has taught us the dangers of blind obedience to government, we must eschew the mindless philosophy 'My country, right or wrong.' Lutzer's remarks on government echo those of our founding fathers, most of whom strongly held genuinely Christian principles. Perhaps theologian John Calvin summed it up best when he said, "For earthly princes lay aside their power when they rise up against God, and are unworthy to be reckoned among the number of mankind. We ought, rather, utterly to defy them."

Hitler, like Bush claimed to believe in Jesus but as the Bible says, even the demons believe. Some of the worst tyrants ever to walk this earth have misused Christianity, in a perverted form. When will people ever learn to distinguish between the genuine Christian and the hypocrite? Have we learned nothing from Hitler's sins? Some old Germans that lived through the Nazi nightmare see the handwriting on the wall in America and have been leaving this country before all hell breaks loose. If Americans continue to ignore the warnings they will have no excuse for what follows.

"There ought to be limits to freedom."
George W. Bush, 43rd President, remark made during a press conference, May 21, 1999

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."
George W. Bush, December 18, 2000,

For a thorough account on the relationship of Hitler to the church the reader is advised to see these websites in addition to the book, which should be required reading for every real Christian.

Hitler's Cross by Erwin W. Lutzer, Moody Press, 1995

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